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How to configure Microsoft Entra authentication
Azure AI services
Learn how to authenticate using Microsoft Entra authentication
devx-track-azurepowershell, devx-track-extended-java, devx-track-python, devx-track-azurecli

Microsoft Entra authentication with the Speech SDK

When using the Speech SDK to access the Speech service, there are three authentication methods available: service keys, a key-based token, and Microsoft Entra ID. This article describes how to configure a Speech resource and create a Speech SDK configuration object to use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication.

This article shows how to use Microsoft Entra authentication with the Speech SDK. You learn how to:

[!div class="checklist"]

  • Create a Speech resource
  • Configure the Speech resource for Microsoft Entra authentication
  • Get a Microsoft Entra access token
  • Create the appropriate SDK configuration object.

To learn more about Microsoft Entra access tokens, including token lifetime, visit Access tokens in the Microsoft identity platform.

Create a Speech resource

To create a Speech resource in the Azure portal, see Get the keys for your resource

Configure the Speech resource for Microsoft Entra authentication

To configure your Speech resource for Microsoft Entra authentication, create a custom domain name and assign roles.

Create a custom domain name

[!INCLUDE Custom Domain include]

Assign roles

For Microsoft Entra authentication with Speech resources, you need to assign either the Cognitive Services Speech Contributor or Cognitive Services Speech User role.

You can assign roles to the user or application using the Azure portal or PowerShell.

Get a Microsoft Entra access token

::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp" To get a Microsoft Entra access token in C#, use the Azure Identity Client Library.

Here's an example of using Azure Identity to get a Microsoft Entra access token from an interactive browser:

TokenRequestContext context = new Azure.Core.TokenRequestContext(new string[] { "" });
InteractiveBrowserCredential browserCredential = new InteractiveBrowserCredential();
var browserToken = browserCredential.GetToken(context);
string aadToken = browserToken.Token;

The token context must be set to "". ::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-cpp" To get a Microsoft Entra access token in C++, use the Azure Identity Client Library.

Here's an example of using Azure Identity to get a Microsoft Entra access token with your tenant ID, client ID, and client secret credentials:

const std::string tenantId = "Your Tenant ID";
const std::string clientId = "Your Client ID";
const std::string clientSecret = "Your Client Secret";
const std::string tokenContext = "";

Azure::Identity::ClientSecretCredential cred(tenantId,

Azure::Core::Credentials::TokenRequestContext context;

auto token = cred.GetToken(context, Azure::Core::Context());

The token context must be set to "".

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-java" To get a Microsoft Entra access token in Java, use the Azure Identity Client Library.

Here's an example of using Azure Identity to get a Microsoft Entra access token from a browser:

TokenRequestContext context = new TokenRequestContext();

InteractiveBrowserCredentialBuilder builder = new InteractiveBrowserCredentialBuilder();
InteractiveBrowserCredential browserCredential =;

AccessToken browserToken = browserCredential.getToken(context).block();
String token = browserToken.getToken();

The token context must be set to "". ::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-python" To get a Microsoft Entra access token in Python, use the Azure Identity Client Library.

Here's an example of using Azure Identity to get a Microsoft Entra access token from an interactive browser:

from azure.identity import  InteractiveBrowserCredential
ibc = InteractiveBrowserCredential()
aadToken = ibc.get_token("")

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-more" Find samples that get a Microsoft Entra access token in Microsoft identity platform code samples.

For programming languages where a Microsoft identity platform client library isn't available, you can directly request an access token. ::: zone-end

Get the Speech resource ID

You need your Speech resource ID to make SDK calls using Microsoft Entra authentication.


For Intent Recognition use your LUIS Prediction resource ID.

To get the resource ID in the Azure portal:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and sign in to your Azure account.
  2. Select a Speech resource.
  3. In the Resource Management group on the left pane, select Properties.
  4. Copy the Resource ID

To get the resource ID using PowerShell, confirm that you have PowerShell version 7.x or later with the Azure PowerShell module version 5.1.0 or later. To see the versions of these tools, follow these steps:

  1. In a PowerShell window, enter:


    Confirm that the PSVersion value is 7.x or later. To upgrade PowerShell, follow the instructions at Installing various versions of PowerShell.

  2. In a PowerShell window, enter:

    Get-Module -ListAvailable Az

    If nothing appears, or if that version of the Azure PowerShell module is earlier than 5.1.0, follow the instructions at Install the Azure PowerShell module to upgrade.

Now run Connect-AzAccount to create a connection with Azure.

$subscriptionId = "Your Azure subscription Id"
$resourceGroup = "Resource group name where Speech resource is located"
$speechResourceName = "Your Speech resource name"

# Select the Azure subscription that contains the Speech resource.
# You can skip this step if your Azure account has only one active subscription.
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

# Get the Speech resource 
$resource = Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccount -Name $speechResourceName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup

# Get the resource ID:
$resourceId = resource.Id

Create the Speech SDK configuration object

With a Microsoft Entra access token, you can now create a Speech SDK configuration object.

The method of providing the token, and the method to construct the corresponding Speech SDK Config object varies by the object you're using.

SpeechRecognizer, SpeechSynthesizer, IntentRecognizer, ConversationTranscriber

For SpeechRecognizer, SpeechSynthesizer, IntentRecognizer, ConversationTranscriber objects, build the authorization token from the resource ID and the Microsoft Entra access token and then use it to create a SpeechConfig object.

::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"

string resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
string region =  "Your Speech Region";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
var authorizationToken = $"aad#{resourceId}#{aadToken}";
var speechConfig = SpeechConfig.FromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-cpp"

std::string resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
std::string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
std::string region = "Your Speech Region";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
auto authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + aadToken;
auto speechConfig = SpeechConfig::FromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"

String resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
String region = "Your Region";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
String authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + token;
SpeechConfig speechConfig = SpeechConfig.fromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-python"

resourceId = "Your Resource ID"
region = "Your Region"
# You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + aadToken.token
speechConfig = SpeechConfig(auth_token=authorizationToken, region=region)

::: zone-end


For the TranslationRecognizer, build the authorization token from the resource ID and the Microsoft Entra access token and then use it to create a SpeechTranslationConfig object.

::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"

string resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
string region =  "Your Speech Region";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
var authorizationToken = $"aad#{resourceId}#{aadToken}";
var speechConfig = SpeechTranslationConfig.FromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-cpp"

std::string resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
std::string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
std::string region = "Your Speech Region";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
auto authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + aadToken;
auto speechConfig = SpeechTranslationConfig::FromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"

String resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
String region = "Your Region";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
String authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + token;
SpeechTranslationConfig translationConfig = SpeechTranslationConfig.fromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-python"

resourceId = "Your Resource ID"
region = "Your Region"

# You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + aadToken.token
translationConfig = SpeechTranslationConfig(auth_token=authorizationToken, region=region)

::: zone-end


For the DialogServiceConnection object, build the authorization token from the resource ID and the Microsoft Entra access token and then use it to create a CustomCommandsConfig or a BotFrameworkConfig object.

::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"

string resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
string region =  "Your Speech Region";
string appId = "Your app ID";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
var authorizationToken = $"aad#{resourceId}#{aadToken}";
var customCommandsConfig = CustomCommandsConfig.FromAuthorizationToken(appId, authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-cpp"

std::string resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
std::string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
std::string region = "Your Speech Region";
std::string appId = "Your app Id";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
auto authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + aadToken;
auto customCommandsConfig = CustomCommandsConfig::FromAuthorizationToken(appId, authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"

String resourceId = "Your Resource ID";
String region = "Your Region";
String appId = "Your AppId";

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
String authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + token;
CustomCommandsConfig dialogServiceConfig = CustomCommandsConfig.fromAuthorizationToken(appId, authorizationToken, region);

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-python" The DialogServiceConnector is not currently supported in Python ::: zone-end


To use the VoiceProfileClient with Microsoft Entra authentication, use the custom domain name created above.

::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"

string customDomainName = "Your Custom Name";
string hostName = $"https://{customDomainName}";
string token = "Your Azure AD access token";

var config =  SpeechConfig.FromHost(new Uri(hostName));

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
var authorizationToken = $"aad#{resourceId}#{aadToken}";
config.AuthorizationToken = authorizationToken;

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-cpp"

std::string customDomainName = "Your Custom Name";
std::string aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";

auto speechConfig = SpeechConfig::FromHost("https://" + customDomainName + "");

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
auto authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + aadToken;

::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"

String aadToken = "Your Azure AD access token";
String customDomainName = "Your Custom Name";
String hostName = "https://" + customDomainName + "";
SpeechConfig speechConfig = SpeechConfig.fromHost(new URI(hostName));

// You need to include the "aad#" prefix and the "#" (hash) separator between resource ID and AAD access token.
String authorizationToken = "aad#" + resourceId + "#" + token;


::: zone-end

::: zone pivot="programming-language-python" The VoiceProfileClient isn't available with the Speech SDK for Python. ::: zone-end


The ConversationTranslator doesn't support Microsoft Entra authentication.