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Deploy WebLogic Server on Azure Kubernetes Service using the Azure portal
Shows how to quickly stand up WebLogic Server on Azure Kubernetes Service.
devx-track-java, devx-track-javaee, devx-track-javaee-wls, devx-track-javaee-wls-aks, devx-track-extended-java

Deploy a Java application with WebLogic Server on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

This article demonstrates how to:

  • Run your Java, Java EE, or Jakarta EE on Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS).
  • Stand up a WebLogic Server cluster using the Azure Marketplace offer.
  • Build the application Docker image to serve as auxiliary image to provide WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) models and applications.
  • Deploy the containerized application to the existing WebLogic Server cluster on AKS with connection to Microsoft Azure SQL.

This article uses the Azure Marketplace offer for WebLogic Server to accelerate your journey to AKS. The offer automatically provisions several Azure resources, including the following resources:

  • An Azure Container Registry instance
  • An AKS cluster
  • An Azure App Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) instance
  • The WebLogic Operator
  • A container image including the WebLogic runtime
  • A WebLogic Server cluster without an application

Then, this article introduces building an auxiliary image step by step to update an existing WebLogic Server cluster. The auxiliary image provides application and WDT models.

For full automation, you can select your application and configure datasource connection from Azure portal before the offer deployment. To see the offer, visit the Azure portal.

For step-by-step guidance in setting up WebLogic Server on Azure Kubernetes Service, see the official documentation from Oracle at Azure Kubernetes Service.

If you're interested in providing feedback or working closely on your migration scenarios with the engineering team developing WebLogic on AKS solutions, fill out this short survey on WebLogic migration and include your contact information. The team of program managers, architects, and engineers will promptly get in touch with you to initiate close collaboration.


  • [!INCLUDE quickstarts-free-trial-note]
  • Ensure the Azure identity you use to sign in and complete this article has either the Owner role in the current subscription or the Contributor and User Access Administrator roles in the current subscription. For an overview of Azure roles, see What is Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)? For details on the specific roles required by WLS on AKS, see Azure built-in roles.

    [!NOTE] These roles must be granted at the subscription level, not the resource group level.

  • Have the credentials for an Oracle single sign-on (SSO) account. To create one, see Create Your Oracle Account.
  • Accept the license terms for WebLogic Server.
    • Visit the Oracle Container Registry and sign in.
    • If you have a support entitlement, select Middleware, then search for and select weblogic_cpu.
    • If you don't have a support entitlement from Oracle, select Middleware, then search for and select weblogic.

      [!NOTE] Get a support entitlement from Oracle before going to production. Failure to do so results in running insecure images that are not patched for critical security flaws. For more information on Oracle's critical patch updates, see Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins from Oracle.

    • Accept the license agreement.
  • Prepare a local machine with Unix-like operating system installed (for example, Ubuntu, Azure Linux, macOS, Windows Subsystem for Linux).
    • Azure CLI. Use az --version to test whether az works. This document was tested with version 2.55.1.
    • Docker. This document was tested with Docker version 20.10.7. Use docker info to test whether Docker Daemon is running.
    • kubectl. Use kubectl version to test whether kubectl works. This document was tested with version v1.21.2.
    • A Java JDK compatible with the version of WebLogic Server you intend to run. The article directs you to install a version of WebLogic Server that uses JDK 11. Azure recommends Microsoft Build of OpenJDK. Ensure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly in the shells in which you run the commands.
    • Maven 3.5.0 or higher.
    • Ensure that you have the zip/unzip utility installed. Use zip/unzip -v to test whether zip/unzip works.
  • All of the steps in this article, except for those involving Docker, can also be executed in the Azure Cloud Shell. To learn more about Azure Cloud Shell, see What is Azure Cloud Shell?

Deploy WebLogic Server on AKS

The steps in this section direct you to deploy WebLogic Server on AKS in the simplest possible way. WebLogic Server on AKS offers a broad and deep selection of Azure integrations. For more information, see What are solutions for running Oracle WebLogic Server on the Azure Kubernetes Service?

The following steps show you how to find the WebLogic Server on AKS offer and fill out the Basics pane.

  1. In the search bar at the top of the Azure portal, enter weblogic. In the auto-suggested search results, in the Marketplace section, select WebLogic Server on AKS.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/marketplace-search-results.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows WebLogic Server in the search results." lightbox="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/marketplace-search-results.png":::

    You can also go directly to the WebLogic Server on AKS offer.

  2. On the offer page, select Create.

  3. On the Basics pane, ensure the value shown in the Subscription field is the same one that you logged into in Azure. Make sure you have the roles listed in the prerequisites section.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/portal-start-experience.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows WebLogic Server on AKS." lightbox="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/portal-start-experience.png":::

  4. You must deploy the offer in an empty resource group. In the Resource group field, select Create new and then fill in a value for the resource group. Because resource groups must be unique within a subscription, pick a unique name. An easy way to have unique names is to use a combination of your initials, today's date, and some identifier - for example, ejb0723wls.

  5. Under Instance details, select the region for the deployment. For a list of Azure regions where AKS is available, see AKS region availability.

  6. Under Credentials for WebLogic, leave the default value for Username for WebLogic Administrator.

  7. Fill in wlsAksCluster2022 for the Password for WebLogic Administrator. Use the same value for the confirmation and Password for WebLogic Model encryption fields.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the Basics pane and notice the helpful links for documentation, community support, and how to report problems.

  9. Select Next.

The following steps show you how to start the deployment process.

  1. Scroll to the section labeled Provide an Oracle Single Sign-On (SSO) account. Fill in your Oracle SSO credentials from the preconditions.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/configure-single-sign-on.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the configured SSO pane." lightbox="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/configure-single-sign-on.png":::

  2. Follow the steps in the info box starting with Before moving forward, you must accept the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions.

  3. Depending on whether or not the Oracle SSO account has an Oracle support entitlement, select the appropriate option for Select the type of WebLogic Server Images.. If the account has a support entitlement, select Patched WebLogic Server Images. Otherwise, select General WebLogic Server Images.

  4. Leave the value in Select desired combination of WebLogic Server... at its default value. You have a broad range of choices for WebLogic Server, JDK, and OS version.

  5. In the Application section, next to Deploy an application?, select No.

The following steps make it so the WebLogic Server admin console and the sample app are exposed to the public Internet with a built-in Application Gateway ingress add-on. For a more information, see What is Application Gateway Ingress Controller?

:::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/configure-load-balancing.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the simplest possible load balancer configuration on the Create Oracle WebLogic Server on Azure Kubernetes Service page." lightbox="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/configure-load-balancing.png":::

  1. Select Next to see the TLS/SSL pane.

  2. Select Next to see the Load balancing pane.

  3. Next to Load Balancing Options, select Application Gateway Ingress Controller.

  4. Under the Application Gateway Ingress Controller, you should see all fields prepopulated with the defaults for Virtual network and Subnet. Leave the default values.

  5. For Create ingress for Administration Console, select Yes.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/configure-appgateway-ingress-admin-console.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the Application Gateway Ingress Controller configuration on the Create Oracle WebLogic Server on Azure Kubernetes Service page." lightbox="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/configure-appgateway-ingress-admin-console.png":::

  6. Leave the default values for other fields.

  7. Select Review + create. Ensure the validation doesn't fail. If it fails, fix any validation problems, then select Review + create again.

  8. Select Create.

  9. Track the progress of the deployment on the Deployment is in progress page.

Depending on network conditions and other activity in your selected region, the deployment might take up to 50 minutes to complete.

You can perform the steps in the section Create an Azure SQL Database while you wait. Return to this section when you finish creating the database.

Examine the deployment output

Use the steps in this section to verify that the deployment was successful.

If you navigated away from the Deployment is in progress page, the following steps show you how to get back to that page. If you're still on the page that shows Your deployment is complete, you can skip to step 5 after the next screenshot.

  1. In the corner of any Azure portal page, select the hamburger menu and select Resource groups.

  2. In the box with the text Filter for any field, enter the first few characters of the resource group you created previously. If you followed the recommended convention, enter your initials, then select the appropriate resource group.

  3. In the navigation pane, in the Settings section, select Deployments. You see an ordered list of the deployments to this resource group, with the most recent one first.

  4. Scroll to the oldest entry in this list. This entry corresponds to the deployment you started in the preceding section. Select the oldest deployment, as shown in the following screenshot.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/resource-group-deployments.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the resource group deployments list." lightbox="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/resource-group-deployments.png":::

  5. In the navigation pane, select Outputs. This list shows the output values from the deployment. Useful information is included in the outputs.

  6. The adminConsoleExternalUrl value is the fully qualified, public Internet visible link to the WebLogic Server admin console for this AKS cluster. Select the copy icon next to the field value to copy the link to your clipboard. Save this value aside for later.

  7. The clusterExternalUrl value is the fully qualified, public Internet visible link to the sample app deployed in WebLogic Server on this AKS cluster. Select the copy icon next to the field value to copy the link to your clipboard. Save this value aside for later.

  8. The shellCmdtoOutputWlsImageModelYaml value is the base64 string of WDT model that built in the container image. Save this value aside for later.

  9. The shellCmdtoOutputWlsImageProperties value is base64 string of WDT model properties that built in the container image. Save this value aside for later.

  10. The shellCmdtoConnectAks value is the Azure CLI command to connect to this specific AKS cluster. This lets you use kubectl to administer the cluster.

The other values in the outputs are beyond the scope of this article, but are explained in detail in the WebLogic on AKS user guide.

Create an Azure SQL Database

[!INCLUDE create-azure-sql-database]

  1. Create a schema for the sample application. Follow Query the database to open the Query editor pane. Enter and run the following query:


    After a successful run, you should see the message Query succeeded: Affected rows: 0. If you don't see this message, troubleshoot and resolve the problem before proceeding.

The database, tables, AKS cluster, and WebLogic Server cluster are created. If you want, you can explore the admin console by opening a browser and navigating to the address of adminConsoleExternalUrl. Sign in with the values you entered during the WebLogic Server on AKS deployment.

You can proceed to preparing AKS to host your WebLogic application.

Configure and deploy the sample application

The offer provisions the WebLogic Server cluster via model in image. Currently, the WebLogic Server cluster has no application deployed.

This section updates the WebLogic Server cluster by deploying a sample application using auxiliary image.

Check out the application

In this section, you clone the sample code for this guide. The sample is on GitHub in the weblogic-on-azure repository in the javaee/weblogic-cafe/ folder. Here's the file structure of the application.

├── pom.xml
└── src
    └── main
        ├── java
        │   └── cafe
        │       ├── model
        │       │   ├──
        │       │   └── entity
        │       │       └──
        │       └── web
        │           ├── rest
        │           │   └──
        │           └── view
        │               └──
        ├── resources
        │   ├── META-INF
        │   │   └── persistence.xml
        │   └── cafe
        │       └── web
        │           ├──
        │           └──
        └── webapp
            ├── WEB-INF
            │   ├── beans.xml
            │   ├── faces-config.xml
            │   └── web.xml
            ├── index.xhtml
            └── resources
                └── components
                    └── inputPrice.xhtml

Use the following commands to clone the repository:

cd <parent-directory-to-check-out-sample-code>
export BASE_DIR=$PWD
git clone --single-branch --branch 20240201 $BASE_DIR/weblogic-on-azure

If you see a message about being in "detached HEAD" state, this message is safe to ignore. It just means you checked out a tag.

Use the following command to build javaee/weblogic-cafe/:

mvn clean package --file $BASE_DIR/weblogic-on-azure/javaee/weblogic-cafe/pom.xml

The package should be successfully generated and located at $BASE_DIR/weblogic-on-azure/javaee/weblogic-cafe/target/weblogic-cafe.war. If you don't see the package, you must troubleshoot and resolve the issue before you continue.

Use Docker to create an auxiliary image

The steps in this section show you how to build an auxiliary image. This image includes the following components:

  • The Model in Image model files
  • Your application
  • The JDBC driver archive file
  • The WebLogic Deploy Tooling installation

An auxiliary image is a Docker container image containing your app and configuration. The WebLogic Kubernetes Operator combines your auxiliary image with the domain.spec.image in the AKS cluster that contains the WebLogic Server, JDK, and operating system. For more information about auxiliary images, see Auxiliary images in the Oracle documentation.

This section requires a Linux terminal with Azure CLI and kubectl installed.

Use the following steps to build the image:

  1. Use the following commands to create a directory to stage the models and application:

    mkdir -p ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models
    cd ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models
  2. Copy the shellCmdtoOutputWlsImageModelYaml value that you saved from the deployment outputs, paste it into the Bash window, and run the command. The command should look similar to the following example:

    echo -e IyBDb3B5cmlna...Cgo= | base64 -d > model.yaml

    This command produces a ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/model.yaml file with contents similar to the following example:

    # Copyright (c) 2020, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
    # Based on ./kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-weblogic-domain/model-in-image/model-images/model-in-image__WLS-v1/model.10.yaml
    # in
      AdminUserName: "@@SECRET:__weblogic-credentials__:username@@"
      AdminPassword: "@@SECRET:__weblogic-credentials__:password@@"
      ServerStartMode: "prod"
      Name: "@@ENV:CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME@@"
      ProductionModeEnabled: true
      AdminServerName: "admin-server"
            ServerTemplate: "cluster-1-template"
            ServerNamePrefix: "@@ENV:MANAGED_SERVER_PREFIX@@"
            DynamicClusterSize: "@@PROP:CLUSTER_SIZE@@"
            MaxDynamicClusterSize: "@@PROP:CLUSTER_SIZE@@"
            MinDynamicClusterSize: "0"
            CalculatedListenPorts: false
          ListenPort: 7001
          Cluster: "cluster-1"
          ListenPort: 8001
        NodeManagerUsername: "@@SECRET:__weblogic-credentials__:username@@"
        NodeManagerPasswordEncrypted: "@@SECRET:__weblogic-credentials__:password@@"
            Target: "cluster-1"
            Count: 1
            Target: "cluster-1"
            Count: 10
            Target: "cluster-1"
            MinThreadsConstraint: "SampleMinThreads"
            MaxThreadsConstraint: "SampleMaxThreads"
  3. In a similar way, copy the shellCmdtoOutputWlsImageProperties value, paste it into the Bash window, and run the command. The command should look similar to the following example:

    echo -e IyBDb3B5cml...pFPTUK | base64 -d >

    This command produces a ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/ file with contents similar to the following example:

    # Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
    # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
    # Based on ./kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-weblogic-domain/model-in-image/model-images/model-in-image__WLS-v1/
    # in
  4. Use the following steps to create the application model file.

    1. Use the following commands to copy weblogic-cafe.war and save it to wlsdeploy/applications:

      mkdir -p ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/wlsdeploy/applications
      cp $BASE_DIR/weblogic-on-azure/javaee/weblogic-cafe/target/weblogic-cafe.war ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/wlsdeploy/applications/weblogic-cafe.war
    2. Use the following commands to create the application model file with the contents shown. Save the model file to ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/appmodel.yaml.

      cat <<EOF >appmodel.yaml
            SourcePath: 'wlsdeploy/applications/weblogic-cafe.war'
            ModuleType: ear
            Target: 'cluster-1'
  5. Use the following commands to download and install Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver to wlsdeploy/externalJDBCLibraries:

    export DRIVER_VERSION="10.2.1.jre8"
    export MSSQL_DRIVER_URL="${DRIVER_VERSION}/mssql-jdbc-${DRIVER_VERSION}.jar"
    mkdir ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/wlsdeploy/externalJDBCLibraries
    curl -m 120 -fL ${MSSQL_DRIVER_URL} -o ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/wlsdeploy/externalJDBCLibraries/mssql-jdbc-${DRIVER_VERSION}.jar
  6. Next, use the following commands to create the database connection model file with the contents shown. Save the model file to ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models/dbmodel.yaml. The model uses placeholders (secret sqlserver-secret) for database username, password, and URL. Make sure the following fields are set correctly. The following model names the resource with jdbc/WebLogicCafeDB.

    Item Name Field Value
    JNDI name resources.JDBCSystemResource.<resource-name>.JdbcResource.JDBCDataSourceParams.JNDIName jdbc/WebLogicCafeDB
    Driver name resources.JDBCSystemResource.<resource-name>.JDBCDriverParams.DriverName
    Database Url resources.JDBCSystemResource.<resource-name>.JDBCDriverParams.URL @@SECRET:sqlserver-secret:url@@
    Database password resources.JDBCSystemResource.<resource-name>.JDBCDriverParams.PasswordEncrypted @@SECRET:sqlserver-secret:password@@
    Database username resources.JDBCSystemResource.<resource-name>.JDBCDriverParams.Properties.user.Value '@@SECRET:sqlserver-secret:user@@'
    cat <<EOF >dbmodel.yaml
          Target: 'cluster-1'
              JNDIName: [
              GlobalTransactionsProtocol: None
              URL: '@@SECRET:sqlserver-secret:url@@'
              PasswordEncrypted: '@@SECRET:sqlserver-secret:password@@'
                  Value: '@@SECRET:sqlserver-secret:user@@'
              TestTableName: SQL SELECT 1
              TestConnectionsOnReserve: true
  7. Use the following commands to create an application archive file and then remove the wlsdeploy folder, which you don't need anymore:

    cd ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/models
    zip -r wlsdeploy
    rm -f -r wlsdeploy
  8. Use the following commands to download and install WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) in the staging directory and remove its weblogic-deploy/bin/*.cmd files, which aren't used in UNIX environments:

    cd ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging
    curl -m 120 -fL -o
    unzip -d .
    rm ./weblogic-deploy/bin/*.cmd
  9. Use the following command to remove the WDT installer:

  10. Use the following commands to build an auxiliary image using docker:

    cd ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging
    cat <<EOF >Dockerfile
    FROM busybox
    ARG USER=oracle
    ARG USERID=1000
    ARG GROUP=root
    RUN adduser -D -u \${USERID} -G \$GROUP \$USER
    # ARG expansion in COPY command's --chown is available in docker version 19.03.1+.
    # For older docker versions, change the Dockerfile to use separate COPY and 'RUN chown' commands.
  11. Run the docker buildx build command using ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging/Dockerfile, as shown in the following example:

    cd ${BASE_DIR}/mystaging
    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg AUXILIARY_IMAGE_PATH=/auxiliary --tag model-in-image:WLS-v1 .

    When you build the image successfully, the output looks similar to the following example:

    [+] Building 12.0s (8/8) FINISHED                                   docker:default
    => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                          0.8s
    => => transferring dockerfile: 473B                                          0.0s
    => [internal] load .dockerignore                                             1.1s
    => => transferring context: 2B                                               0.0s
    => [internal] load metadata for             5.0s
    => [1/3] FROM  0.0s
    => [internal] load build context                                             0.3s
    => => transferring context: 21.89kB                                          0.0s
    => CACHED [2/3] RUN adduser -D -u 1000 -G root oracle                        0.0s
    => [3/3] COPY --chown=oracle:root ./ /auxiliary/                             1.5s
    => exporting to image                                                        1.3s
    => => exporting layers                                                       1.0s
    => => writing image sha256:2477d502a19dcc0e841630ea567f50d7084782499fe3032a  0.1s
    => => naming to                      0.2s
  12. If you have successfully created the image, then it should now be in your local machine's Docker repository. You can verify the image creation by using the following command:

    docker images model-in-image:WLS-v1

    This command should produce output similar to the following example:

    REPOSITORY       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
    model-in-image   WLS-v1    76abc1afdcc6   2 hours ago   8.61MB

    After the image is created, it should have the WDT executables in /auxiliary/weblogic-deploy, and WDT model, property, and archive files in /auxiliary/models. Use the following command on the Docker image to verify this result:

    docker run -it --rm model-in-image:WLS-v1 find /auxiliary -maxdepth 2 -type f -print

    This command should produce output similar to the following example:

  13. Use the following steps to push the auxiliary image to Azure Container Registry:

    1. Open the Azure portal and go to the resource group that you provisioned in the Deploy WebLogic Server on AKS section.

    2. Select the resource of type Container registry from the resource list.

    3. Hover the mouse over the value next to Login server and select the copy icon next to the text.

    4. Save the value in the ACR_LOGIN_SERVER environment variable by using the following command:

      export ACR_LOGIN_SERVER=<value-from-clipboard>
    5. Run the following commands to tag and push the image. Make sure Docker is running before executing these commands.

      export ACR_NAME=$(echo ${ACR_LOGIN_SERVER} | cut -d '.' -f 1)
      az acr login -n $ACR_NAME
      docker tag model-in-image:WLS-v1 $ACR_LOGIN_SERVER/wlsaks-auxiliary-image:1.0
      docker push $ACR_LOGIN_SERVER/wlsaks-auxiliary-image:1.0
    6. You can run az acr repository show to test whether the image is pushed to the remote repository successfully, as shown in the following example:

      az acr repository show --name ${ACR_NAME} --image wlsaks-auxiliary-image:1.0

      This command should produce output similar to the following example:

        "changeableAttributes": {
          "deleteEnabled": true,
          "listEnabled": true,
          "readEnabled": true,
          "writeEnabled": true
        "createdTime": "2024-01-24T06:14:19.4546321Z",
        "digest": "sha256:a1befbefd0181a06c6fe00848e76f1743c1fecba2b42a975e9504ba2aaae51ea",
        "lastUpdateTime": "2024-01-24T06:14:19.4546321Z",
        "name": "1.0",
        "quarantineState": "Passed",
        "signed": false

Apply the auxiliary image

In the previous steps, you created the auxiliary image including models and WDT. Before you apply the auxiliary image to the WebLogic Server cluster, use the following steps to create the secret for the datasource URL, username, and password. The secret is used as part of the placeholder in the dbmodel.yaml.

  1. Connect to the AKS cluster by copying the shellCmdtoConnectAks value that you saved aside previously, pasting it into the Bash window, then running the command. The command should look similar to the following example:

    az account set --subscription <subscription>; 
    az aks get-credentials \
        --resource-group <resource-group> \
        --name <name>

    You should see output similar to the following example. If you don't see this output, troubleshoot and resolve the problem before continuing.

    Merged "<name>" as current context in /Users/<username>/.kube/config
  2. Use the following steps to get values for the variables shown in the following table. You use these values later to create the secret for the datasource connection.

    Variable Description Example
    DB_CONNECTION_STRING The connection string of SQL server. jdbc:sqlserver://;database=wlsaksquickstart0125
    DB_USER The username to sign in to the SQL server. welogic@sqlserverforwlsaks
    DB_PASSWORD The password to sign in to the sQL server. Secret123456
    1. Visit the SQL database resource in the Azure portal.

    2. In the navigation pane, under Settings, select Connection strings.

    3. Select the JDBC tab.

    4. Select the copy icon to copy the connection string to the clipboard.

    5. For DB_CONNECTION_STRING, use the entire connection string, but replace the placeholder {your_password_here} with your database password.

    6. For DB_USER, use the portion of the connection string from azureuser up to but not including ;password={your_password_here}.

    7. For DB_PASSWORD, use the value you entered when you created the database.

  3. Use the following commands to create the Kubernetes Secret. This article uses the secret name sqlserver-secret for the secret of the datasource connection. If you use a different name, make sure the value is the same as the one in dbmodel.yaml.

    In the following commands, be sure to set the variables DB_CONNECTION_STRING, DB_USER, and DB_PASSWORD correctly by replacing the placeholder examples with the values described in the previous steps. Be sure to enclose the value of the DB_ variables in single quotes to prevent the shell from interfering with the values.

    export DB_CONNECTION_STRING='<example-jdbc:sqlserver://;database=wlsaksquickstart0125>'
    export DB_USER='<example-welogic@sqlserverforwlsaks>'
    export DB_PASSWORD='<example-Secret123456>'
    export WLS_DOMAIN_NS=sample-domain1-ns
    export WLS_DOMAIN_UID=sample-domain1
    export SECRET_NAME=sqlserver-secret
    kubectl -n ${WLS_DOMAIN_NS} create secret generic \
        ${SECRET_NAME} \
        --from-literal=password="${DB_PASSWORD}" \
        --from-literal=url="${DB_CONNECTION_STRING}" \
    kubectl -n ${WLS_DOMAIN_NS} label secret \
        ${SECRET_NAME} \

    You must see the following output before you continue. If you don't see this output, troubleshoot and resolve the problem before you continue.

    secret/sqlserver-secret created
    secret/sqlserver-secret labeled
  4. Apply the auxiliary image by patching the domain custom resource definition (CRD) using the kubectl patch command.

    The auxiliary image is defined in spec.configuration.model.auxiliaryImages, as shown in the following example. For more information, see auxiliary images.

      - name: sample-domain1-cluster-1
          - image:
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            sourceModelHome: /auxiliary/models
            sourceWDTInstallHome: /auxiliary/weblogic-deploy

    Use the following commands to increase the restartVersion value and use kubectl patch to apply the auxiliary image to the domain CRD using the definition shown:

    export VERSION=$(kubectl -n ${WLS_DOMAIN_NS} get domain ${WLS_DOMAIN_UID} -o=jsonpath='{.spec.restartVersion}' | tr -d "\"")
    export VERSION=$((VERSION+1))
    cat <<EOF >patch-file.json
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/spec/restartVersion",
        "value": "${VERSION}"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/spec/configuration/model/auxiliaryImages",
        "value": [{"image": "$ACR_LOGIN_SERVER/wlsaks-auxiliary-image:1.0", "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent", "sourceModelHome": "/auxiliary/models", "sourceWDTInstallHome": "/auxiliary/weblogic-deploy"}]
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/spec/configuration/secrets",
        "value": ["${SECRET_NAME}"]
    kubectl -n ${WLS_DOMAIN_NS} patch domain ${WLS_DOMAIN_UID} \
        --type=json \
        --patch-file patch-file.json
    kubectl get pod -n ${WLS_DOMAIN_NS} -w
  5. Wait until the admin server and managed servers show the values in the following output block before you proceed:

    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sample-domain1-admin-server      1/1     Running   0          20m
    sample-domain1-managed-server1   1/1     Running   0          19m
    sample-domain1-managed-server2   1/1     Running   0          18m

    It might take 5-10 minutes for the system to reach this state. The following list provides an overview of what's happening while you wait:

    • You should see the sample-domain1-introspector running first. This software looks for changes to the domain custom resource so it can take the necessary actions on the Kubernetes cluster.
    • When changes are detected, the domain introspector kills and starts new pods to roll out the changes.
    • Next, you should see the sample-domain1-admin-server pod terminate and restart.
    • Then, you should see the two managed servers terminate and restart.
    • Only when all three pods show the 1/1 Running state, is it ok to proceed.

Verify the functionality of the deployment

Use the following steps to verify the functionality of the deployment by viewing the WebLogic Server admin console and the sample app:

  1. Paste the adminConsoleExternalUrl value into the address bar of an Internet-connected web browser. You should see the familiar WebLogic Server admin console login screen.

  2. Sign in with the username weblogic and the password you entered when deploying WebLogic Server from the Azure portal. Recall that this value is wlsAksCluster2022.

  3. In the Domain Structure box, select Services.

  4. Under the Services, select Data Sources.

  5. In the Summary of JDBC Data Sources panel, select Monitoring. Your screen should look similar to the following example. You find the state of data source is running on managed servers.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/datasource-state.png" alt-text="Screenshot of data source state." border="false":::

  6. In the Domain Structure box, select Deployments.

  7. In the Deployments table, there should be one row. The name should be the same value as the Application value in your appmodel.yaml file. Select the name.

  8. In the Settings panel, select the Testing tab.

  9. Select weblogic-cafe.

  10. In the Settings for weblogic-cafe panel, select the Testing tab.

  11. Expand the + icon next to weblogic-cafe. Your screen should look similar to the following example. In particular, you should see values similar to http://sample-domain1-managed-server1:8001/weblogic-cafe/index.xhtml in the Test Point column.

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/weblogic-cafe-deployment.png" alt-text="Screenshot of weblogic-cafe test points." border="false":::

    [!NOTE] The hyperlinks in the Test Point column are not selectable because we did not configure the admin console with the external URL on which it is running. This article shows the WebLogic Server admin console merely by way of demonstration. Don't use the WebLogic Server admin console for any durable configuration changes when running WebLogic Server on AKS. The cloud-native design of WebLogic Server on AKS requires that any durable configuration must be represented in the initial docker images or applied to the running AKS cluster using CI/CD techniques such as updating the model, as described in the Oracle documentation.

  12. Understand the context-path value of the sample app you deployed. If you deployed the recommended sample app, the context-path is weblogic-cafe.

  13. Construct a fully qualified URL for the sample app by appending the context-path to the clusterExternalUrl value. If you deployed the recommended sample app, the fully qualified URL should be something like

  14. Paste the fully qualified URL in an Internet-connected web browser. If you deployed the recommended sample app, you should see results similar to the following screenshot:

    :::image type="content" source="media/howto-deploy-java-wls-app/weblogic-cafe-app.png" alt-text="Screenshot of test web app." border="false":::

Clean up resources

To avoid Azure charges, you should clean up unnecessary resources. When you no longer need the cluster, use the az group delete command. The following command removes the resource group, container service, container registry, and all related resources:

az group delete --name <resource-group-name> --yes --no-wait
az group delete --name <db-resource-group-name> --yes --no-wait

Next steps

Learn more about running WebLogic Server on AKS or virtual machines by following these links:

For more information about the Oracle WebLogic offers at Azure Marketplace, see Oracle WebLogic Server on Azure. These offers are all Bring-Your-Own-License. They assume that you already have the appropriate licenses with Oracle and are properly licensed to run offers in Azure.