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Azure Service Bus bindings for Azure Functions
Learn to send Azure Service Bus triggers and bindings in Azure Functions.
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Azure Service Bus bindings for Azure Functions

Azure Functions integrates with Azure Service Bus via triggers and bindings. Integrating with Service Bus allows you to build functions that react to and send queue or topic messages.

Action Type
Run a function when a Service Bus queue or topic message is created Trigger
Send Azure Service Bus messages Output binding

::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"

Install extension

The extension NuGet package you install depends on the C# mode you're using in your function app:

Functions execute in an isolated C# worker process. To learn more, see Guide for running C# Azure Functions in an isolated worker process.

Add the extension to your project installing this NuGet package.

[!INCLUDE functions-in-process-model-retirement-note]

This section describes using a class library. For C# scripting, you would need to instead install the extension bundle, version 2.x or later.

Functions execute in the same process as the Functions host. To learn more, see Develop C# class library functions using Azure Functions.

Add the extension to your project installing this NuGet package.

The functionality of the extension varies depending on the extension version:

[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-supports-identity-connections-note]

This version allows you to bind to types from Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.

This extension version is available by installing the NuGet package, version 5.x or later.

Working with the trigger and bindings requires that you reference the appropriate NuGet package. Install NuGet package, versions < 5.x.

[!INCLUDE functions-runtime-1x-retirement-note]

Functions 1.x apps automatically have a reference the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs NuGet package, version 2.x.

[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-supports-identity-connections-note]

This version allows you to bind to types from Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.

Add the extension to your project by installing the NuGet package, version 5.x.

Add the extension to your project by installing the NuGet package, version 4.x.

Functions version 1.x doesn't support the isolated worker process.

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Install bundle

The Service Bus binding is part of an extension bundle, which is specified in your host.json project file. You may need to modify this bundle to change the version of the binding, or if bundles aren't already installed. To learn more, see extension bundle.

[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-supports-identity-connections-note]

You can add this version of the extension from the extension bundle v3 by adding or replacing the following code in your host.json file:

[!INCLUDE functions-extension-bundles-json-v3]

To learn more, see Update your extensions.

You can install this version of the extension in your function app by registering the extension bundle, version 2.x.

Functions 1.x apps automatically have a reference to the extension.

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::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"

Binding types

The binding types supported for .NET depend on both the extension version and C# execution mode, which can be one of the following:

An isolated worker process class library compiled C# function runs in a process isolated from the runtime.

An in-process class library is a compiled C# function runs in the same process as the Functions runtime.

Choose a version to see binding type details for the mode and version.

The Service Bus extension supports parameter types according to the table below.

Binding scenario Parameter types
Service Bus trigger (single message) ServiceBusReceivedMessage
JSON serializable types1
Service Bus trigger (message batch) ServiceBusReceivedMessage[]
Service Bus trigger advanced scenarios2 ServiceBusClient
Service Bus output (single message) ServiceBusMessage
JSON serializable types1
Service Bus output (multiple messages) ICollector<T> or IAsyncCollector<T> where T is one of the single message types

1 Messages containing JSON data can be deserialized into known plain-old CLR object (POCO) types.

2 Advanced scenarios include message settlement, sessions, and transactions. These types are available as separate parameters in addition to the normal trigger parameter.

Earlier versions of the extension exposed types from the now deprecated Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus namespace. Newer types from Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus are exclusive to Extension 5.x+.

[!INCLUDE service-bus-track-0-and-1-sdk-support-retirement]

This version of the extension supports parameter types according to the table below.

The Service Bus extension supports parameter types according to the table below.

Binding scenario Parameter types
Service Bus trigger (single message) [Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Message]
JSON serializable types1
Service Bus trigger (message batch) ServiceBusReceivedMessage[]
Service Bus trigger advanced scenarios2 IMessageReceiver
Service Bus output (single message) Message
JSON serializable types1
Service Bus output (multiple messages) ICollector<T> or IAsyncCollector<T> where T is one of the single message types

1 Messages containing JSON data can be deserialized into known plain-old CLR object (POCO) types.

2 Advanced scenarios include message settlement, sessions, and transactions. These types are available as separate parameters in addition to the normal trigger parameter.

Functions 1.x exposed types from the deprecated Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging namespace. Newer types from Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus are exclusive to Extension 5.x+. To use these, you will need to upgrade your application to Functions 4.x.

[!INCLUDE service-bus-track-0-and-1-sdk-support-retirement]

The isolated worker process supports parameter types according to the tables below.

Service Bus trigger

[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-service-bus-trigger-dotnet-isolated-types]

Service Bus output binding

[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-service-bus-output-dotnet-isolated-types]

Earlier versions of extensions in the isolated worker process only support binding to string, byte[], and JSON serializable types. Additional options are available to Extension 5.x+.

Functions version 1.x doesn't support isolated worker process. To use the isolated worker model, upgrade your application to Functions 4.x.


host.json settings

This section describes the configuration settings available for this binding, which depends on the runtime and extension version.

    "version": "2.0",
    "extensions": {
        "serviceBus": {
                "mode": "exponential",
                "tryTimeout": "00:01:00",
                "delay": "00:00:00.80",
                "maxDelay": "00:01:00",
                "maxRetries": 3
            "prefetchCount": 0,
            "transportType": "amqpWebSockets",
            "webProxy": "https://proxyserver:8080",
            "autoCompleteMessages": true,
            "maxAutoLockRenewalDuration": "00:05:00",
            "maxConcurrentCalls": 16,
            "maxConcurrentSessions": 8,
            "maxMessageBatchSize": 1000,
            "minMessageBatchSize": 1,
            "maxBatchWaitTime": "00:00:30",
            "sessionIdleTimeout": "00:01:00",
            "enableCrossEntityTransactions": false

The clientRetryOptions settings only apply to interactions with the Service Bus service. They don't affect retries of function executions. For more information, see Retries.

Property Default Description
mode Exponential The approach to use for calculating retry delays. The default exponential mode retries attempts with a delay based on a back-off strategy where each attempt increases the wait duration before retrying. The Fixed mode retries attempts at fixed intervals with each delay having a consistent duration.
tryTimeout 00:01:00 The maximum duration to wait for an operation per attempt.
delay 00:00:00.80 The delay or back-off factor to apply between retry attempts.
maxDelay 00:01:00 The maximum delay to allow between retry attempts
maxRetries 3 The maximum number of retry attempts before considering the associated operation to have failed.
prefetchCount 0 Gets or sets the number of messages that the message receiver can simultaneously request.
transportType amqpTcp The protocol and transport that is used for communicating with Service Bus. Available options: amqpTcp, amqpWebSockets
webProxy n/a The proxy to use for communicating with Service Bus over web sockets. A proxy cannot be used with the amqpTcp transport.
autoCompleteMessages true Determines whether or not to automatically complete messages after successful execution of the function.
maxAutoLockRenewalDuration 00:05:00 The maximum duration within which the message lock will be renewed automatically. This setting only applies for functions that receive a single message at a time.
maxConcurrentCalls 16 The maximum number of concurrent calls to the callback that should be initiated per scaled instance. By default, the Functions runtime processes multiple messages concurrently. This setting is used only when the isSessionsEnabled property or attribute on the trigger is set to false. This setting only applies for functions that receive a single message at a time.
maxConcurrentSessions 8 The maximum number of sessions that can be handled concurrently per scaled instance. This setting is used only when the isSessionsEnabled property or attribute on the trigger is set to true. This setting only applies for functions that receive a single message at a time.
maxMessageBatchSize 1000 The maximum number of messages that will be passed to each function call. This setting only applies for functions that receive a batch of messages.
minMessageBatchSize1 1 The minimum number of messages desired in a batch. The minimum applies only when the function is receiving multiple messages and must be less than maxMessageBatchSize.
The minimum size isn't strictly guaranteed. A partial batch is dispatched when a full batch can't be prepared before the maxBatchWaitTime has elapsed.
maxBatchWaitTime1 00:00:30 The maximum interval that the trigger should wait to fill a batch before invoking the function. The wait time is only considered when minMessageBatchSize is larger than 1 and is ignored otherwise. If less than minMessageBatchSize messages were available before the wait time elapses, the function is invoked with a partial batch. The longest allowed wait time is 50% of the entity message lock duration, meaning the maximum allowed is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Otherwise, you may get lock exceptions.

NOTE: This interval is not a strict guarantee for the exact timing on which the function is invoked. There is a small margin of error due to timer precision.
sessionIdleTimeout n/a The maximum amount of time to wait for a message to be received for the currently active session. After this time has elapsed, the session will be closed and the function will attempt to process another session.
enableCrossEntityTransactions false Whether or not to enable transactions that span multiple entities on a Service Bus namespace.

1 Using minMessageBatchSize and maxBatchWaitTime requires v5.10.0 of the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ServiceBus package, or a later version.

    "version": "2.0",
    "extensions": {
        "serviceBus": {
            "prefetchCount": 100,
            "messageHandlerOptions": {
                "autoComplete": true,
                "maxConcurrentCalls": 32,
                "maxAutoRenewDuration": "00:05:00"
            "sessionHandlerOptions": {
                "autoComplete": false,
                "messageWaitTimeout": "00:00:30",
                "maxAutoRenewDuration": "00:55:00",
                "maxConcurrentSessions": 16
            "batchOptions": {
                "maxMessageCount": 1000,
                "operationTimeout": "00:01:00",
                "autoComplete": true

When you set the isSessionsEnabled property or attribute on the trigger to true, the sessionHandlerOptions is honored. When you set the isSessionsEnabled property or attribute on the trigger to false, the messageHandlerOptions is honored.

Property Default Description
prefetchCount 0 Gets or sets the number of messages that the message receiver can simultaneously request.
maxAutoRenewDuration 00:05:00 The maximum duration within which the message lock will be renewed automatically.
autoComplete true Whether the trigger should automatically call complete after processing, or if the function code manually calls complete.

Setting to false is only supported in C#.

When set to true, the trigger completes the message, session, or batch automatically when the function execution completes successfully, and abandons the message otherwise.

When set to false, you are responsible for calling ServiceBusReceiver methods to complete, abandon, or deadletter the message, session, or batch. When an exception is thrown (and none of the ServiceBusReceiver methods are called), then the lock remains. Once the lock expires, the message is re-queued with the DeliveryCount incremented and the lock is automatically renewed.

In non-C# functions, exceptions in the function results in the runtime calls abandonAsync in the background. If no exception occurs, then completeAsync is called in the background.
maxConcurrentCalls 16 The maximum number of concurrent calls to the callback that the message pump should initiate per scaled instance. By default, the Functions runtime processes multiple messages concurrently.
maxConcurrentSessions 2000 The maximum number of sessions that can be handled concurrently per scaled instance.
maxMessageCount 1000 The maximum number of messages sent to the function when triggered.
operationTimeout 00:01:00 A time span value expressed in hh:mm:ss.

For a reference of host.json in Functions 1.x, see host.json reference for Azure Functions 1.x.

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