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Migrate .NET function apps from the in-process model to the isolated worker model
This article shows you how to migrate your existing .NET function apps running on the in-process model to the isolated worker model.

Migrate .NET apps from the in-process model to the isolated worker model


Support will end for the in-process model on November 10, 2026. We highly recommend that you migrate your apps to the isolated worker model by following the instructions in this article.

This article walks you through the process of safely migrating your .NET function app from the in-process model to the isolated worker model. To learn about the high-level differences between these models, see the execution mode comparison.

This guide assumes that your app is running on version 4.x of the Functions runtime. If not, you should instead follow the guides for upgrading your host version:

These host version migration guides will also help you migrate to the isolated worker model as you work through them.

Identify function apps to migrate

Use the following Azure PowerShell script to generate a list of function apps in your subscription that currently use the in-process model.

The script uses subscription that Azure PowerShell is currently configured to use. You can change the subscription by first running Set-AzContext -Subscription '<YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID>' and replacing <YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID> with the ID of the subscription you would like to evaluate.

$FunctionApps = Get-AzFunctionApp

$AppInfo = @{}

foreach ($App in $FunctionApps)
     if ($App.Runtime -eq 'dotnet')
          $AppInfo.Add($App.Name, $App.Runtime)


Choose your target .NET version

On version 4.x of the Functions runtime, your .NET function app targets .NET 6 when using the in-process model.

[!INCLUDE functions-dotnet-migrate-v4-versions]


We recommend upgrading to .NET 8 on the isolated worker model. This provides a quick migration path to the fully released version with the longest support window from .NET.

This guide doesn't present specific examples for .NET 7 or .NET 6. If you need to target these versions, you can adapt the .NET 8 examples.

Prepare for migration

If you haven't already, identify the list of apps that need to be migrated in your current Azure Subscription by using the Azure PowerShell.

Before you migrate an app to the isolated worker model, you should thoroughly review the contents of this guide and familiarize yourself with the features of the isolated worker model and the differences between the two models.

To migrate the application, you will:

  1. Complete the steps in Migrate your local project to migrate your local project to the isolated worker model.
  2. After migrating your project, fully test the app locally using version 4.x of the Azure Functions Core Tools.
  3. Update your function app in Azure to the isolated model.

Migrate your local project

The section outlines the various changes that you need to make to your local project to move it to the isolated worker model. Some of the steps change based on your target version of .NET. Use the tabs to select the instructions which match your desired version. These steps assume a local C# project, and if your app is instead using C# script (.csx files), you should convert to the project model before continuing.


If you are moving to an LTS or STS version of .NET, the .NET Upgrade Assistant can be used to automatically make many of the changes mentioned in the following sections.

First, you'll convert the project file and update your dependencies. As you do, you will see build errors for the project. In subsequent steps, you'll make the corresponding changes to remove these errors.

Project file

The following example is a .csproj project file that uses .NET 6 on version 4.x:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" Version="4.1.1" />
    <None Update="host.json">
    <None Update="local.settings.json">

Use one of the following procedures to update this XML file to run in the isolated worker model:

[!INCLUDE functions-dotnet-migrate-project-v4-isolated-net8]

[!INCLUDE functions-dotnet-migrate-project-v4-isolated-net-framework]

Package references

When migrating to the isolated worker model, you need to change the packages your application references.

[!INCLUDE functions-dotnet-migrate-packages-v4-isolated]

Program.cs file

When migrating to run in an isolated worker process, you must add a Program.cs file to your project with the following contents:

using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureServices(services => {


This example includes ASP.NET Core integration to improve performance and provide a familiar programming model when your app uses HTTP triggers. If you do not intend to use HTTP triggers, you can replace the call to ConfigureFunctionsWebApplication with a call to ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults. If you do so, you can remove the reference to Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Http.AspNetCore from your project file. However, for the best performance, even for functions with other trigger types, you should keep the FrameworkReference to ASP.NET Core.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker;

namespace Company.FunctionApp
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var host = new HostBuilder()
                .ConfigureServices(services => {

[!INCLUDE functions-dotnet-migrate-isolated-program-cs]

Function signature changes

Some key types change between the in-process model and the isolated worker model. Many of these relate to the attributes, parameters, and return types that make up the function signature. For each of your functions, you must make changes to:

  • The function attribute (which also sets the function's name)
  • How the function obtains an ILogger/ILogger<T>
  • Trigger and binding attributes and parameters

The rest of this section will walk you through each of these steps.

Function attributes

The FunctionName attribute is replaced by the Function attribute in the isolated worker model. The new attribute has the same signature, and the only difference is in the name. You can therefore just perform a string replacement across your project.


In the in-process model, you could include an additional ILogger parameter to your function, or you could use dependency injection to get an ILogger<T>. If you were already using dependency injection, the same mechanisms work in the isolated worker model.

However, for any Functions that relied on the ILogger method parameter, you will need to make a change. It is recommended that you use dependency injection to obtain an ILogger<T>. Use the following steps to migrate the function's logging mechanism:

  1. In your function class, add a private readonly ILogger<MyFunction> _logger; property, replacing MyFunction with the name of your function class.

  2. Create a constructor for your function class that takes in the ILogger<T> as a parameter:

    public MyFunction(ILogger<MyFunction> logger) {
        _logger = logger;

    Replace both instances of MyFunction in the code snippet above with the name of your function class.

  3. For logging operations in your function code, replace references to the ILogger parameter with _logger.

  4. Remove the ILogger parameter from your function signature.

To learn more, see Logging in the isolated worker model.

Trigger and binding changes

When you changed your package references in a previous step, you introduced errors for your triggers and bindings that you will now fix:

  1. Remove any using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs; statements.

  2. Add a using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker; statement.

  3. For each binding attribute, change the attribute's name as specified in its reference documentation, which you can find in the Supported bindings index. In general, the attribute names change as follows:

    • Triggers typically remain named the same way. For example, QueueTrigger is the attribute name for both models.
    • Input bindings typically need "Input" added to their name. For example, if you used the CosmosDB input binding attribute in the in-process model, this would now be CosmosDBInput.
    • Output bindings typically need "Output" added to their name. For example, if you used the Queue output binding attribute in the in-process model, this would now be QueueOutput.
  4. Update the attribute parameters to reflect the isolated worker model version, as specified in the binding's reference documentation.

    For example, in the in-process model, a blob output binding is represented by a [Blob(...)] attribute that includes an Access property. In the isolated worker model, the blob output attribute would be [BlobOutput(...)]. The binding no longer requires the Access property, so that parameter can be removed. So [Blob("sample-images-sm/{fileName}", FileAccess.Write, Connection = "MyStorageConnection")] would become [BlobOutput("sample-images-sm/{fileName}", Connection = "MyStorageConnection")].

  5. Move output bindings out of the function parameter list. If you have just one output binding, you can apply this to the return type of the function. If you have multiple outputs, create a new class with properties for each output, and apply the attributes to those properties. To learn more, see Multiple output bindings.

  6. Consult each binding's reference documentation for the types it allows you to bind to. In some cases, you might need to change the type. For output bindings, if the in-process model version used an IAsyncCollector<T>, you can replace this with binding to an array of the target type: T[]. You can also consider replacing the output binding with a client object for the service it represents, either as the binding type for an input binding if available, or by injecting a client yourself.

  7. If your function includes an IBinder parameter, remove it. Replace the functionality with a client object for the service it represents, either as the binding type for an input binding if available, or by injecting a client yourself.

  8. Update the function code to work with any new types.

local.settings.json file

The local.settings.json file is only used when running locally. For information, see Local settings file.

When migrating from running in-process to running in an isolated worker process, you need to change the FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME value to "dotnet-isolated". Make sure that your local.settings.json file has at least the following elements:

    "IsEncrypted": false,
    "Values": {
        "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
        "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet-isolated"

The value you have configured for `AzureWebJobsStorage`` might be different. You do not need to change its value as part of the migration.

host.json file

No changes are required to your host.json file. However, if your Application Insights configuration in this file from your in-process model project, you might want to make additional changes in your Program.cs file. The host.json file only controls logging from the Functions host runtime, and in the isolated worker model, some of these logs come from your application directly, giving you more control. See Managing log levels in the isolated worker model for details on how to filter these logs.

Other code changes

This section highlights other code changes to consider as you work through the migration. These changes are not needed by all applications, but you should evaluate if any are relevant to your scenarios.

[!INCLUDE functions-dotnet-migrate-isolated-other-code-changes]

Example function migrations

HTTP trigger example

An HTTP trigger for the in-process model might look like the following example:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace Company.Function
    public static class HttpTriggerCSharp
        public static IActionResult Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            return new OkObjectResult($"Welcome to Azure Functions, {req.Query["name"]}!");

An HTTP trigger for the migrated version might like the following example:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace Company.Function
    public class HttpTriggerCSharp
        private readonly ILogger<HttpTriggerCSharp> _logger;

        public HttpTriggerCSharp(ILogger<HttpTriggerCSharp> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public IActionResult Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get")] HttpRequest req)
            _logger.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            return new OkObjectResult($"Welcome to Azure Functions, {req.Query["name"]}!");
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker;
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.Net;

namespace Company.Function
    public class HttpTriggerCSharp
        private readonly ILogger<HttpTriggerCSharp> _logger;

        public HttpTriggerCSharp(ILogger<HttpTriggerCSharp> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public HttpResponseData Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get")] HttpRequestData req)
            _logger.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            response.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");

            response.WriteString($"Welcome to Azure Functions, {req.Query["name"]}!");

            return response;

Update your function app in Azure

Upgrading your function app to the isolated model consists of two steps:

  1. Change the configuration of the function app to use the isolated model by setting the FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME application setting to dotnet-isolated. Make sure that any deployment automation is similarly updated.
  2. Publish your migrated project to the updated function app.

When you use Visual Studio to publish an isolated worker model project to an existing function app that uses the in-process model, you're prompted to let Visual Studio update the function app during deployment. This accomplishes both steps at once.

If you need to minimize downtime, consider using a staging slot to test and verify your migrated code with your updated configuration in Azure. You can then deploy your fully migrated app to the production slot through a swap operation.

Once you've completed these steps, your app has been fully migrated to the isolated model. Congratulations! Repeat the steps from this guide as necessary for any other apps needing migration.

Next steps

[!div class="nextstepaction"] Learn more about the isolated worker model