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Monitor Azure app services performance Node.js | Microsoft Docs
Application performance monitoring for Azure app services using Node.js. Chart load and response time, dependency information, and set alerts on performance.

Application Monitoring for Azure App Service and Node.js

Monitoring of your Node.js web applications running on Azure App Services doesn't require any modifications to the code. This article walks you through enabling Azure Monitor Application Insights monitoring and provides preliminary guidance for automating the process for large-scale deployments.

Enable Application Insights

The easiest way to enable application monitoring for Node.js applications running on Azure App Services is through Azure portal. Turning on application monitoring in Azure portal will automatically instrument your application with Application Insights, and doesn't require any code changes.


You can configure the automatically attached agent using the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONFIGURATION_CONTENT environment variable in the App Service Environment variable blade. For details on the configuration options that can be passed via this environment variable, see Node.js Configuration.


If both automatic instrumentation and manual SDK-based instrumentation are detected, only the manual instrumentation settings are honored. This is to prevent duplicate data from being sent. For more information, see the troubleshooting section in this article.

Autoinstrumentation through Azure portal

For a complete list of supported autoinstrumentation scenarios, see Supported environments, languages, and resource providers.

You can turn on monitoring for your Node.js apps running in Azure App Service just with one click, no code change required. Application Insights for Node.js is integrated with Azure App Service on Linux - both code-based and custom containers, and with App Service on Windows for code-based apps. The integration is in public preview. The integration adds Node.js SDK, which is in GA.

  1. Select Application Insights in the Azure control panel for your app service, then select Enable.

    :::image type="content"source="./media/azure-web-apps/enable.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Application Insights tab with enable selected.":::

  2. Choose to create a new resource, or select an existing Application Insights resource for this application.

    [!NOTE] When you select OK to create the new resource you will be prompted to Apply monitoring settings. Selecting Continue will link your new Application Insights resource to your app service, doing so will also trigger a restart of your app service.

    :::image type="content"source="./media/azure-web-apps/change-resource.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Change your resource dropdown.":::

  3. Once you've specified which resource to use, you're all set to go.

    :::image type="content"source="./media/azure-web-apps-nodejs/app-service-node.png" alt-text="Screenshot of instrument your application.":::


The Node.js agent can be configured using JSON. Set the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONFIGURATION_CONTENT environment variable to the JSON string or set the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONFIGURATION_FILE environment variable to the file path containing the JSON.

"samplingPercentage": 80,
"enableAutoCollectExternalLoggers": true,
"enableAutoCollectExceptions": true,
"enableAutoCollectHeartbeat": true,
"enableSendLiveMetrics": true,

The full set of configurations is available, you just need to use a valid json file.

Enable client-side monitoring

To enable client-side monitoring for your Node.js application, you need to manually add the client-side JavaScript SDK to your application.

Automate monitoring

In order to enable telemetry collection with Application Insights, only the following Application settings need to be set:

:::image type="content"source="./media/azure-web-apps-nodejs/application-settings-nodejs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of App Service Application Settings with available Application Insights settings.":::

Application settings definitions

App setting name Definition Value
ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION Main extension, which controls runtime monitoring. ~2 in Windows or ~3 in Linux.
XDT_MicrosoftApplicationInsights_NodeJS Flag to control if Node.js agent is included. 0 or 1 (only applicable in Windows).


Profiler and snapshot debugger are not available for Node.js applications

[!INCLUDE azure-web-apps-arm-automation]


Below is our step-by-step troubleshooting guide for extension/agent based monitoring for Node.js based applications running on Azure App Services.

  1. Check that ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION app setting is set to a value of "~2".

  2. Browse to

    :::image type="content"source="./media/azure-web-apps/app-insights-sdk-status.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the link above results page."border ="false":::

    • Confirm that the Application Insights Extension Status is Pre-Installed Site Extension, version 2.8.x.xxxx, is running.

      If it isn't running, follow the enable Application Insights monitoring instructions.

    • Navigate to D:\local\Temp\status.json and open status.json.

    Confirm that SDKPresent is set to false, AgentInitializedSuccessfully to true and IKey to have a valid iKey.

    Below is an example of the JSON file:


    If SDKPresent is true this indicates that the extension detected that some aspect of the SDK is already present in the Application, and will back-off.

  1. Check that ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION app setting is set to a value of "~3".

  2. Navigate to /var/log/applicationinsights/ and open status.json.

    Confirm that SDKPresent is set to false, AgentInitializedSuccessfully to true and IKey to have a valid iKey.

    Below is an example of the JSON file:


    If SDKPresent is true this indicates that the extension detected that some aspect of the SDK is already present in the Application, and will back-off.

[!INCLUDE azure-web-apps-troubleshoot]

[!INCLUDE azure-monitor-app-insights-test-connectivity]

Release notes

For the latest updates and bug fixes, consult the release notes.

Next steps