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Monitor Azure Container Instances
Start here to learn how to monitor Azure Container Instances.

Monitor Azure Container Instances

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-intro]

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-resource-types] For more information about the resource types for Azure Container Instances, see Container Instances monitoring data reference.

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-data-storage]

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-platform-metrics]

For a list of available metrics for Container Instances, see Container Instances monitoring data reference. These metrics are available for a container group and individual containers. By default, the metrics are aggregated as averages.

All metrics for Container Instances are in the namespace Container group standard metrics. In a container group with multiple containers, you can filter on the containerName dimension to acquire metrics from a specific container within the group. Containers generate similar data as other Azure resources, but they require a containerized agent to collect required data.

Get metrics

You can gather Azure Monitor metrics for container instances using either the Azure portal or Azure CLI.


Azure Monitor metrics in Azure Container Instances are currently in preview. At this time, Azure Monitor metrics are only available for Linux containers. Previews are made available to you on the condition that you agree to the supplemental terms of use. Some aspects of this feature may change prior to general availability (GA).

Use the Azure portal

When a container group is created, Azure Monitor data is available in the Azure portal. To see metrics for a container group, go to the Overview page for the container group. Here you can see pre-created charts for each of the available metrics.

:::image type="content" source="media/container-instances-monitor/metrics.png" alt-text="Screenshot of pre-created charts for available metrics.":::

In a container group that contains multiple containers, use a dimension to display metrics by container. To create a chart with individual container metrics, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Overview page, select one of the metric charts, such as CPU.
  2. Select the Apply splitting button, and select Container Name.

:::image type="content" source="media/container-instances-monitor/dimension.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the metrics for a container instance with Apply splitting selected and Container Name selected.":::

Use Azure CLI

Metrics for container instances can also be gathered using the Azure CLI. First, get the ID of the container group using the following command. Replace <resource-group> with your resource group name and <container-group> with the name of your container group.

CONTAINER_GROUP=$(az container show --resource-group <resource-group> --name <container-group> --query id --output tsv)

Use the following command to get CPU usage metrics.

az monitor metrics list --resource $CONTAINER_GROUP --metric CPUUsage --output table
Timestamp            Name       Average
-------------------  ---------  ---------
2020-12-17 23:34:00  CPU Usage
. . .
2020-12-18 00:25:00  CPU Usage
2020-12-18 00:26:00  CPU Usage  0.4
2020-12-18 00:27:00  CPU Usage  0.0

Change the value of the --metric parameter in the command to get other supported metrics. For example, use the following command to get memory usage metrics.

az monitor metrics list --resource $CONTAINER_GROUP --metric MemoryUsage --output table
Timestamp            Name          Average
-------------------  ------------  ----------
2019-04-23 22:59:00  Memory Usage
2019-04-23 23:00:00  Memory Usage
2019-04-23 23:01:00  Memory Usage  0.0
2019-04-23 23:02:00  Memory Usage  8859648.0
2019-04-23 23:03:00  Memory Usage  9181184.0
2019-04-23 23:04:00  Memory Usage  9580544.0
2019-04-23 23:05:00  Memory Usage  10280960.0
2019-04-23 23:06:00  Memory Usage  7815168.0
2019-04-23 23:07:00  Memory Usage  7739392.0
2019-04-23 23:08:00  Memory Usage  8212480.0
2019-04-23 23:09:00  Memory Usage  8159232.0
2019-04-23 23:10:00  Memory Usage  8093696.0

For a multi-container group, the containerName dimension can be added to return metrics per container.

az monitor metrics list --resource $CONTAINER_GROUP --metric MemoryUsage --dimension containerName --output table
Timestamp            Name          Containername             Average
-------------------  ------------  --------------------  -----------
2019-04-23 22:59:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app
2019-04-23 23:00:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app
2019-04-23 23:01:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      0.0
2019-04-23 23:02:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      16834560.0
2019-04-23 23:03:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      17534976.0
2019-04-23 23:04:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      18329600.0
2019-04-23 23:05:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      19742720.0
2019-04-23 23:06:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      14786560.0
2019-04-23 23:07:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      14651392.0
2019-04-23 23:08:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      15470592.0
2019-04-23 23:09:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      15450112.0
2019-04-23 23:10:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-app      15339520.0
2019-04-23 22:59:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar
2019-04-23 23:00:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar
2019-04-23 23:01:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  0.0
2019-04-23 23:02:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  884736.0
2019-04-23 23:03:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  827392.0
2019-04-23 23:04:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  831488.0
2019-04-23 23:05:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  819200.0
2019-04-23 23:06:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  843776.0
2019-04-23 23:07:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  827392.0
2019-04-23 23:08:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  954368.0
2019-04-23 23:09:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  868352.0
2019-04-23 23:10:00  Memory Usage  aci-tutorial-sidecar  847872.0

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-resource-logs]

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-activity-log]

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-analyze-data]

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-external-tools]

Analyze Container Instances logs

You can use Log Analytics to analyze and query container instance logs, and you can also enable diagnostic settings as a preview feature in the Azure portal. Log Analytics and diagnostic settings have slightly different table schemas to use for queries. Once you enable diagnostic settings, you can use either or both schemas at the same time.

For detailed information and instructions for querying logs, see Container group and instance logging with Azure Monitor logs. For the Azure Monitor logs table schemas for Container Instances, see Azure Monitor Logs tables.

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-kusto-queries]

The following query examples use the legacy Log Analytics log tables. The basic structure of a query is the source table, ContainerInstanceLog_CL or ContainerEvent_CL, followed by a series of operators separated by the pipe character (|). You can chain several operators to refine the results and perform advanced functions.

In the newer table schema for diagnostic settings, the table names appear without _CL, and some columns are different. If you have diagnostic settings enabled, you can use either or both tables.

To see example query results, paste the following query into the query text box, and select the Run button to execute the query. This query displays all log entries whose "Message" field contains the word "warn":

| where Message contains "warn"

More complex queries are also supported. For example, this query displays only those log entries for the "mycontainergroup001" container group generated within the last hour:

| where (ContainerGroup_s == "mycontainergroup001")
| where (TimeGenerated > ago(1h))

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-alerts]

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-insights-alerts]

Container Instances alert rules

The following table lists common and recommended alert rules for Container Instances.

Alert type Condition Description
Metrics vCPU usage, memory usage, or network input and output utilization exceeding a certain threshold Depending on the function of the container, setting an alert for when the metric exceeds an expected threshold may be useful.
Activity logs Container Instances operations like create, update, and delete See the Container Instances monitoring data reference for a list of activities you can track.
Log alerts stdout and stderr outputs in the logs Use custom log search to set alerts for specific outputs that appear in logs.

[!INCLUDE horz-monitor-advisor-recommendations]

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