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REST APIs for the Workflow Orchestration Manager integration runtime
This article documents the REST APIs for the Workflow Orchestration Manager integration runtime.

REST APIs for the Workflow Orchestration Manager integration runtime



Workflow Orchestration Manager is powered by Apache Airflow.

This article documents the REST APIs for the Azure Data Factory Workflow Orchestration Manager integration runtime.


Workflow Orchestration Manager for Azure Data Factory relies on the open-source Apache Airflow application. You can find documentation and more tutorials for Airflow on the Apache Airflow Documentation or Community webpages.

Create a new environment

  • Method: PUT

  • URL:<subscriptionid>/resourcegroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/<datafactoryName>/integrationruntimes/<airflowEnvName>?api-version=2018-06-01

  • URI parameters:

    Name In Required Type Description
    Subscription Id path True string Subscription identifier
    ResourceGroup Name path True string Resource group name (Regex pattern: ^[-\w\._\(\)]+$)
    dataFactoryName path True string Name of the Azure Data Factory instance (Regex pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*$
    airflowEnvName path True string Name of the Workflow Orchestration Manager environment
    Api-version query True string The API version
  • Request body (Airflow configuration):

    Name Type Description
    name string Name of the Airflow environment
    properties propertyType Configuration properties for the environment
  • Properties type:

    Name Type Description
    Type string The resource type (Airflow in this scenario)
    typeProperties typeProperty Airflow
  • Type property:

    Name Type Description
    computeProperties computeProperty Configuration of the compute type used for the environment
    airflowProperties airflowProperty Configuration of the Airflow properties for the environment
  • Compute property:

    Name Type Description
    location string The Airflow integration runtime location defaults to the data factory region. To create an integration runtime in a different region, create a new data factory in the required region.
    computeSize string The size of the compute node you want your Airflow environment to run on. Examples are Large or Small. Three nodes are allocated initially.
    extraNodes integer Each extra node adds three more workers.
  • Airflow property:

    Name Type Description
    airflowVersion string Current version of Airflow. For example, 2.4.3.
    airflowRequirements Array<string> Python libraries you want to use. For example, ["flask-bcrypy=0.7.1"]. Can be a comma-delimited list.
    airflowEnvironmentVariables Object (Key/Value pair) Environment variables you want to use. For example, { "SAMPLE_ENV_NAME": "test" }.
    gitSyncProperties gitSyncProperty Git configuration properties.
    enableAADIntegration boolean Allows Microsoft Entra ID to log in to Airflow.
    userName string or null Username for Basic Authentication.
    password string or null Password for Basic Authentication.
  • Git sync property:

    Name Type Description
    gitServiceType string The Git service where your desired repository is located. Values are GitHub, ADO, GitLab, or BitBucket.
    gitCredentialType string Type of Git credential. Values are PAT (for personal access token) and None.
    repo string Repository link.
    branch string Branch to use in the repository.
    username string GitHub username.
    Credential string Value of the PAT.
  • Responses:

    Name Status code Type Description
    Accepted 200 Factory OK
    Unauthorized 401 Cloud Error Array with more error details

Import DAGs

  • Method: POST

  • URL:<subscriptionid>/resourcegroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/<dataFactoryName>/airflow/sync?api-version=2018-06-01

  • Request body:

    Name Type Description
    IntegrationRuntimeName string Airflow environment name.
    LinkedServiceName string Azure Blob Storage account name where DAGs to be imported are located.
    StorageFolderPath string Path to the folder in Azure Blob Storage with the DAGs.
    Overwrite boolean Overwrite the existing DAGs (Default=True).
    CopyFolderStructure boolean Controls whether the folder structure is copied or not.
    AddRequirementsFromFile boolean Add requirements from the DAG files
  • Responses:

    Name Status code Type Description
    Accepted 200 Factory OK
    Unauthorized 401 Cloud Error Array with more error details


Review the following examples.

Create a new environment by using REST APIs

Sample request:


Sample body:

   "name": "sample-2",
   "properties": {
      "type": "Airflow",
      "typeProperties": {
         "computeProperties": {
            "location": "East US",
            "computeSize": "Large",
            "extraNodes": 0
         "airflowProperties": {
            "airflowVersion": "2.4.3",
            "airflowEnvironmentVariables": {
               "AIRFLOW__TEST__TEST": "test"
            "airflowRequirements": [
            "enableAADIntegration": true,
            "userName": null,
            "password": null,
            "airflowEntityReferences": []

Sample response:

Status code: 200 OK

Response body:

   "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/your-rg/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/your-df/integrationruntimes/sample-2",
   "name": "sample-2",
   "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes",
   "properties": {
      "type": "Airflow",
      "typeProperties": {
         "computeProperties": {
            "location": "East US",
            "computeSize": "Large",
            "extraNodes": 0
         "airflowProperties": {
            "airflowVersion": "2.4.3",
            "pythonVersion": "3.8",
            "airflowEnvironmentVariables": {
               "AIRFLOW__TEST__TEST": "test"
            "airflowWebUrl": "",
            "airflowRequirements": [
            "airflowEntityReferences": [],
            "packageProviderPath": "plugins",
            "enableAADIntegration": true,
            "enableTriggerers": false
      "state": "Initial"
   "etag": "3402279e-0000-0100-0000-64ecb1cb0000"

Import DAGs

Sample request:



Sample body:

   "IntegrationRuntimeName": "sample-2",
   "LinkedServiceName": "AzureBlobStorage1",
   "StorageFolderPath": "your-container/airflow",
   "CopyFolderStructure": true,
   "Overwrite": true,
   "AddRequirementsFromFile": true

Sample response:

Status Code: 202