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Integration API reference for on-premises management consoles - Microsoft Defender for IoT
Learn about the APIs supported for integrating Microsoft Defender for IoT with partner services, such as ServiceNow.

Integration API reference for on-premises management consoles (Public preview)

This article lists the APIs supported for integrating Microsoft Defender for IoT with partner services.

For example, this API is currently implemented with Tutorial: Integrate ServiceNow with Microsoft Defender for IoT, via the ServiceNow Service Graph Connector for Defender for IoT.


Integration APIs are meant to run continuously and create a constantly running data stream, such as to query for new data from the last five minutes. Integration APIs return data with a timestamp.

To simply query data, use the regular, non-integration APIs instead, for either an on-premises management console to query all devices, or for a specific sensor to query devices from that sensor only. For more information, see Defender for IoT API reference.

URI: /external/v3/integration/

devices (Create and update devices)

This API returns data about all devices that were updated after the given timestamp.

URI: /external/v3/integration/devices/<timestamp>

URI parameters:

Name Description Example Required / Optional
timestamp The start time from which results are returned, in milliseconds from Epoch time and in UTC timezone. /external/v3/integration/devices/1664781014000 Required


Query parameters:

Name Description Example Required / Optional
sensorId Return only devices seen by a specific sensor. Use the ID value from the results of the sensors (Get sensors) API. 1 Optional
notificationType Determines the types of devices to return. Supported values include:
- 0: Both updated and new devices (default).
- 1: Only new devices.
- 2: Only updated devices.
2 Optional
page Defines the number where the result page numbering begins. For example, 0= first page is 0.
Default = 0
0 Optional
size Defines the page sizing. Default = 50 75 Optional

Type: JSON

Response fields:

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_count Integer Not nullable The number of objects in the full result set, including all pages.
u_devices JSON array of device objects Not nullable An array of device objects, as defined by the device (Get details for a device) API.

Response example

    "u_devices": [{
        "u_operating_system": "",
        "u_ip_address_objects": [{
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_guessed_mac_addresses": [{
                "u_mac_address": "00:02:a2:1f:1c:59"
        "u_zone": "asd",
        "u_name": "",
        "u_mac_address_objects": [{
            "u_mac_address": "00:02:a2:1f:1c:59"
        "u_last_update": 1664782919000,
        "u_vendor": "HILSCHER GMBH",
        "u_cm_device_url": "https://<IP address>/#/sites/1/zones/1/devices-maps?devices=1",
        "u_sensor_ids": [{
            "u_sensor_id": 1
        "u_appliance": "Management console (CM)",
        "u_site": "asd",
        "u_device_type": {
            "u_category": "ICS",
            "u_purdue_layer": "Process Control",
            "u_name": "PLC"
        "u_firmwares": [],
        "u_last_activity": 1664782791000,
        "u_purdue_layer": "N/A",
        "u_device_urls": [{
            "u_device_url": "https://<IP address>9/#/assets/highlight/1"
        "u_vlans": [{
            "u_vlan": "1"
        "u_groups": ["asd"],
        "u_first_discovered": 1664781051000,
        "u_id": 1,
        "u_protocol_objects": [{
            "u_protocol": "MODBUS"
    }, {
        "u_operating_system": "",
        "u_ip_address_objects": [{
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_guessed_mac_addresses": [{
                "u_mac_address": "00:02:a2:1f:02:ba"
        "u_zone": "asd",
        "u_name": "",
        "u_mac_address_objects": [{
            "u_mac_address": "00:02:a2:1f:02:ba"
        "u_last_update": 1664782859000,
        "u_vendor": "HILSCHER GMBH",
        "u_cm_device_url": "https://<IP address>/#/sites/1/zones/1/devices-maps?devices=50",
        "u_sensor_ids": [{
            "u_sensor_id": 1
        "u_appliance": "Management console (CM)",
        "u_site": "asd",
        "u_device_type": {
            "u_category": "ICS",
            "u_purdue_layer": "Process Control",
            "u_name": "PLC"
        "u_firmwares": [],
        "u_last_activity": 1664782786000,
        "u_purdue_layer": "N/A",
        "u_device_urls": [{
            "u_device_url": "https://<IP address>9/#/assets/highlight/50"
        "u_vlans": [{
            "u_vlan": "1"
        "u_groups": ["asd"],
        "u_first_discovered": 1664781052000,
        "u_id": 50,
        "u_protocol_objects": [{
            "u_protocol": "MODBUS"
    "u_count": 204

Type: GET


curl -k -H "Authorization: <Authorization token>" "https://<IP address>/external/v3/integration/devices/<Timestamp>"


curl -k -H "Authorization: 1234b734a9244d54ab8d40aedddcabcd" "<Timestamp>"

connections (Get device connections)

This API returns data about all device connections that were updated after the given timestamp.

URI: /external/v3/integration/connections/<timestamp>

URI parameters:

Name Description Example Required / Optional
timestamp The start time from which results are returned, in milliseconds from Epoch time and in UTC timezone. /external/v3/integration/devices/1664781014000 Required


Query parameters:

Name Description Example Required / Optional
page Defines the number where the result page numbering begins. For example, 0= first page is 0.
Default = 0
0 Optional
size Defines the page sizing. Default = 50 75 Optional

Type: JSON

Response fields:

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_count Integer Not nullable The number of objects in the full result set, including all pages.
u_connections JSON array of connection objects Not nullable An array of connection objects

connections fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_appliance String Not nullable The name of the sensor that discovered the connection.
u_src_device_id Integer Not nullable The ID of the connection's source device.
u_src_device_name String Not nullable The name of the connection's source device.
u_dest_device_id Integer Not nullable The ID of the connection's destination device.
u_dest_device_name String Not nullable The name of the connection's destination device.
u_connection_type String Not nullable One of the following: One Way, Two Way, Multicast

Response example

    "u_count": 106,
    "u_connections": [{
        "u_src_device_id": 103,
        "u_dest_device_name": "",
        "u_src_device_name": "",
        "u_appliance": "Management console (CM)",
        "u_connection_type": "Two Way",
        "u_dest_device_id": 95
    }, {
        "u_src_device_id": 115,
        "u_dest_device_name": "",
        "u_src_device_name": "",
        "u_appliance": "Management console (CM)",
        "u_connection_type": "Two Way",
        "u_dest_device_id": 19
    }, {
        "u_src_device_id": 176,
        "u_dest_device_name": "",
        "u_src_device_name": "",
        "u_appliance": "Management console (CM)",
        "u_connection_type": "Two Way",
        "u_dest_device_id": 134

Type: GET


curl -k -H "Authorization: <Authorization token>" "https://<IP address>/external/v3/integration/connections/1664781014000"


curl -k -H "Authorization: 1234b734a9244d54ab8d40aedddcabcd" ""

device (Get details for a device)

This API returns data about a specific device per a given device ID.

URI: /external/v3/integration/device/{deviceId}


Query parameters:

Name Description Example Required / Optional
deviceId The ID of the requested device on the on-premises management console 1 Required

Type: JSON

Response fields:

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_id Long integer Not nullable The device's ID on the on-premises management console.
u_vendor String Nullable The device's vendor name.
u_appliance String Not nullable The name of the sensor that detected the device.
u_mac_address_objects JSON array of strings Not nullable An array of u_mac_address values, listing the device's MAC addresses.
u_groups JSON array of strings Not nullable An array of the groups that contains the device.
u_site String Not nullable The name of the device's site.
u_zone String Not nullable The name of the device's site.
u_last_activity DateTime Not nullable The timestamp of the last time the device was active.
u_first_discovered DateTime Not nullable The timestamp of the device's discovery time.
u_device_type String Not nullable The device type
u_name String Not nullable Defines the device name.
u_ip_address_objects JSON array of IP addresses Not nullable Array of IP address objects
u_mac_address_objects JSON array of MAC addresses Not nullable Array of MAC address objects
u_protocol_objects JSON array of protocols Not nullable An array of protocol objects
u_vlans JSON array of VLAN objects Not nullable An array of VLAN objects
u_purdue_layer String Not nullable Defines the default Purdue layer for this device type.
u_sensor_ids JSON array of sensor ID objects Not nullable An array of sensor ID objects
u_cm_device_url String Not nullable The URL used to access the device on the on-premises management console.
u_device_urls JSON array of URL objects Not nullable An array of device URL objects
u_last_update Long integer Not nullable Defines the timestamp of the device's last update time.
u_firmwares JSON array of firmware objects Not nullable An array of firmware objects

ip_address_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_ip_address String Not nullable One of the device's IP addresses
u_guessed_mac_address String Not nullable The guessed MAC addresses associated with the IP address

mac_address_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_mac_address String Not nullable One of the device's MAC addresses.

protocol_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_protocol String Not nullable One of the protocols used by the device.

vlan_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_vlan String Not nullable One of the VLANs where the device is found.

sensor_id_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_sensor_id String Not nullable The ID of the sensor that detected the device.

device_url_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_device_url String Not nullable The URLs used to view the device on the on-premises management console.

firmware_object fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_appliance String Not nullable The name of the on-premises management console that manages the device.
u_id Long integer Not nullable The ID of the device on the on-premises management console
u_asset String Not nullable The name of the device
u_address String Not nullable The device's firmware address
u_module_address String Nullable The device's firmware module address
u_serial String Nullable The device's firmware serial number
u_model String Nullable The device's firmware model
u_version String Nullable The device's firmware version
u_additional_data String Nullable The device's firmware vendor-specific additional data

Response example

    "u_operating_system": "",
    "u_ip_address_objects": [{
        "u_ip_address": "",
        "u_guessed_mac_addresses": [{
            "u_mac_address": "00:02:a2:1f:1c:59"
    "u_zone": "asd",
    "u_name": "",
    "u_mac_address_objects": [{
        "u_mac_address": "00:02:a2:1f:1c:59"
    "u_last_update": 1664782919000,
    "u_vendor": "HILSCHER GMBH",
    "u_cm_device_url": "https://<IP address>/#/sites/1/zones/1/devices-maps?devices=1",
    "u_sensor_ids": [{
        "u_sensor_id": 1
    "u_appliance": "Management console (CM)",
    "u_site": "asd",
    "u_device_type": {
        "u_category": "ICS",
        "u_purdue_layer": "Process Control",
        "u_name": "PLC"
    "u_firmwares": [],
    "u_last_activity": 1664782791000,
    "u_purdue_layer": "N/A",
    "u_device_urls": [{
        "u_device_url": "https://<IP address>9/#/assets/highlight/1"
    "u_vlans": [{
        "u_vlan": "1"
    "u_groups": ["asd"],
    "u_first_discovered": 1664781051000,
    "u_id": 1,
    "u_protocol_objects": [{
        "u_protocol": "MODBUS"

Type: GET


curl -k -H "Authorization: <Authorization token>" "https://<IP address>/external/v3/integration/device/<device ID>"


curl -k -H "Authorization: 1234b734a9244d54ab8d40aedddcabcd" ""

deleteddevices (Get deleted devices)

This API returns a list of IDs of recently deleted devices, from the supplied timestamp.

URI: /external/v3/integration/deleteddevices/


URI parameters:

Name Description Example Required / Optional
timestamp The start time from which results are returned, in milliseconds from Epoch time and in UTC timezone. /external/v3/integration/deleteddevices/1664781014000 Required

Type: JSON array of deleted devices

Deleted device fields:

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_id Long integer Not nullable An ID of a deleted device

Response example

    "u_id": 192
}, {
    "u_id": 66
}, {
    "u_id": 4
}, {
    "u_id": 22
}, {
    "u_id": 24

Type: GET


curl -k -H "Authorization: <Authorization token>" "https://<IP address>/external/v3/integration/deleteddevices/<timestamp>"


curl -k -H "Authorization: 1234b734a9244d54ab8d40aedddcabcd" ""

sensors (Get sensors)

This API returns a list of sensor objects for connected OT network sensors.

URI: /external/v3/integration/sensors/


URI: /sensors

No query parameters

Type: JSON

Response fields:

An array of the following fields:

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_id Long integer Not nullable Defines the internal sensor ID, to be used in the devices (Create and update devices) API.
u_name String Not nullable Defines the sensor appliance's name.
u_interface_address String Not nullable Defines the sensor appliance's network address.
u_connection_state String Not nullable Defines the device's connection state with an on-premises management console, using one of the following values:

- SYNCED: Connection is successful.
- OUT_OF_SYNC: On-premises management console cannot process data received from the sensor.
- TIME_DIFF_OFFSET: Time drift detected. On-premises management console has been disconnected from the sensor.
DISCONNECTED: Sensor not communicating with management console. Check network connectivity.
u_version String Not nullable A string representation of the sensor's software version.
u_alert_count Long integer Not nullable The current number of alerts triggered by the sensor.
u_device_count Long integer Not nullable The current number of devices detected by the sensor.
u_unhandled_alert_count Long integer Not nullable The current number of currently unhandled alerts on the sensor.
u_is_activated Boolean Not nullable Defines whether the sensor is activated.
u_data_intelligence_version String Not nullable A string representation of the threat intelligence version installed on the sensor.
u_uid String Not nullable Defines the sensor's globally unique identifier.
u_zone_id Long integer Nullable Define's the device's zone.
u_is_in_learning_mode Boolean Not nullable Determines whether the sensor is in learning mode.
u_remote_upgrade_stage String Nullable Defines a current stage in a version update process as one of the following:

Response example

    u_connection_state: "SYNCED",
    u_uid: "fab58081-1fde-4d3f-8eea-9aa723abbd55",
    u_name: "Microsoft Defender for IoT",
    u_is_activated: true,
    u_alert_count: 6,
    u_device_count: 202,
    u_interface_address: "https://<IP address>9",
    u_zone_id: 1,
    u_data_intelligence_version: "May 26, 2022",
    u_is_in_learning_mode: false,
    u_unhandled_alert_count: 6,
    u_remote_upgrade_stage: "",
    u_id: 1,
    u_version: "",

Type: GET


curl -k -H "Authorization: <Authorization token>" "https://<IP Address>/external/v3/integration/sensors"


curl -k -H "Authorization: 1234b734a9244d54ab8d40aedddcabcd" ""

devicecves (Get device CVEs)

This API returns a list of active CVEs for all devices that were updated since the supplied timestamp.

URI: /external/v3/integration/devicecves/


URI: /external/v3/integration/devicecves/<timestamp>

URI parameters

Name Description Example Required / Optional
timestamp The start time from which results are returned, in milliseconds from Epoch time and in UTC timezone. /external/v3/integration/devicecves/1664781014000 Required

Query parameters

Name Description Example Required / Optional
page Defines the number where the result page numbering begins. 0= first page is 0.
Default = 0
size Defines the page sizing. Default = 50 Optional
sensorId Shows results from a specific sensor, as defined by the given sensor ID. 1 Optional
score Determines a minimum CVE score to be retrieved. All results will have a CVE score equal to or greater than the given value. Default = 0. Optional
deviceIds A comma-separated list of device IDs from which you want to show results. For example: 1232,34,2,456 Optional

Type: Count and JSON array of device CVEs

Response fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_count Integer Not nullable The number of objects in the full result set, including all pages.
u_device_cves JSON array of device CVE objects Not nullable An array of device CVE objects

Device CVE fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_id Integer Not nullable The device's ID in the on-premises management console.
u_name String Not nullable The device's name.
u_ip_address_objects JSON array of IP address objects Not nullable Array of u_ip_address values, defining the devices IP addresses.
u_mac_address_objects JSON array of MAC address objects Not nullable An array of u_mac_address values, listing the device's MAC addresses.
u_last_activity Integer Not nullable Timestamp of the last time traffic was seen from or to the device.
u_last_update Integer Not nullable The timestamp of the last time a property was changed on the device, including both user changes and automated system changes.
u_cves JSON array of CVEs Not nullable An array of CVE details objects


If Defender for IoT can confidently identify the MAC address of one of its IP addresses, the MAC address is returned in the u_mac_address_objects field directly.

If Defender for IoT is not entirely confident about a MAC address, such as if the traffic has been routed via a router, the MAC address is returned in the u_guessed_mac_address field instead, as part of the JSON array of IP addresses.

u_ip_address_objects fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_ip_address String Not nullable One of the device's IP addresses
u_guessed_mac_address JSON array of MAC address objects Not nullable JSON array of MAC addresses

u_mac_address_objects fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_mac_address String Not nullable One of the device's MAC addresses

u_cves fields

Name Type Nullable / Not nullable List of values
u_address String Not nullable Address of the specific interface, with the specific firmware where the CVE was detected.
u_cve_id String Not nullable Defines the CVE ID
u_score String Not nullable Defines the CVE risk score
u_attack_vector String Not nullable Defines the attack vector as one of the following: ADJACENT_NETWORK, LOCAL, NETWORK
u_description String Not nullable Defines the CVE description

Response example

    "u_count": 2,
    "u_device_cves": [{
        "u_ip_address_objects": [{
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_guessed_mac_addresses": [{
                "u_mac_address": "00:0f:38:67:4f:1c"
        "u_name": "",
        "u_mac_address_objects": [{
            "u_mac_address": "00:0f:38:67:4f:1c"
        "u_last_update": 1664787209000,
        "u_last_activity": 1664782792000,
        "u_id": 135,
        "u_cves": [{
            "u_cve_id": "CVE-2015-2373",
            "u_score": "10.0",
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_description": "The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server service in Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a series of crafted packets, aka \"Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.\"",
            "u_attack_vector": "NETWORK"
        }, {
            "u_cve_id": "CVE-2015-1635",
            "u_score": "10.0",
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_description": "HTTP.sys in Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted HTTP requests, aka \"HTTP.sys Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.\"",
            "u_attack_vector": "NETWORK"
        }, {
            "u_cve_id": "CVE-2015-0014",
            "u_score": "10.0",
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_description": "Buffer overflow in the Telnet service in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted packets, aka \"Windows Telnet Service Buffer Overflow Vulnerability.\"",
            "u_attack_vector": "NETWORK"
    }, {
        "u_ip_address_objects": [{
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_guessed_mac_addresses": [{
                "u_mac_address": "00:05:f0:00:0f:cd"
        "u_name": "",
        "u_mac_address_objects": [{
            "u_mac_address": "00:05:f0:00:0f:cd"
        "u_last_update": 1664787149000,
        "u_last_activity": 1664782792000,
        "u_id": 181,
        "u_cves": [{
            "u_cve_id": "CVE-2016-7182",
            "u_score": "10.0",
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_description": "The Graphics component in Microsoft Windows Vista SP2; Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1; Windows 7 SP1; Windows 8.1; Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2; Windows RT 8.1; Windows 10 Gold, 1511, and 1607; Office 2007 SP3; Office 2010 SP2; Word Viewer; Skype for Business 2016; Lync 2013 SP1; Lync 2010; Lync 2010 Attendee; and Live Meeting 2007 Console allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted True Type font, aka \"True Type Font Parsing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability.\"",
            "u_attack_vector": "NETWORK"
        }, {
            "u_cve_id": "CVE-2016-3270",
            "u_score": "10.0",
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_description": "The Graphics component in the kernel in Microsoft Windows Vista SP2; Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1; Windows 7 SP1; Windows 8.1; Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2; Windows RT 8.1; and Windows 10 Gold, 1511, and 1607 allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted application, aka \"Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability.\"",
            "u_attack_vector": "NETWORK"
        }, {
            "u_cve_id": "CVE-2016-3266",
            "u_score": "10.0",
            "u_ip_address": "",
            "u_description": "The kernel-mode drivers in Microsoft Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows 10 Gold, 1511, and 1607 allow local users to gain privileges via a crafted application, aka \"Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability,\" a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-3376, CVE-2016-7185, and CVE-2016-7211.",
            "u_attack_vector": "NETWORK"

Type: GET


curl -k -H "Authorization: <Authorization token>" "https://<IP Address>/external/v3/integration/devicecves/<timestamp>"


curl -k -H "Authorization: 1234b734a9244d54ab8d40aedddcabcd" ""

Next steps

For more information, see: