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Configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for a new storage account
Azure Storage
Learn how to configure Azure Storage encryption with customer-managed keys in an Azure key vault that resides in a different tenant than the tenant where the storage account will be created. Customer-managed keys allow a service provider to encrypt the customer's data using an encryption key that is managed by the service provider's customer and that isn't accessible to the service provider.
devx-track-azurepowershell, devx-track-azurecli

Configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for a new storage account

Azure Storage encrypts all data in a storage account at rest. By default, data is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys. For additional control over encryption keys, you can manage your own keys. Customer-managed keys must be stored in an Azure Key Vault or in an Azure Key Vault Managed Hardware Security Model (HSM).

This article shows how to configure encryption with customer-managed keys at the time that you create a new storage account. In the cross-tenant scenario, the storage account resides in a tenant managed by an ISV, while the key used for encryption of that storage account resides in a key vault in a tenant that is managed by the customer.

To learn how to configure customer-managed keys for an existing storage account, see Configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for an existing storage account.


Azure Key Vault and Azure Key Vault Managed HSM support the same APIs and management interfaces for configuration of customer-managed keys. Any action that is supported for Azure Key Vault is also supported for Azure Key Vault Managed HSM.

[!INCLUDE entra-msi-cross-tenant-cmk-overview]

[!INCLUDE entra-msi-cross-tenant-cmk-create-identities-authorize-key-vault]

Create a new storage account encrypted with a key from a different tenant

Up to this point, you've configured the multi-tenant application on the ISV's tenant, installed the application on the customer's tenant, and configured the key vault and key on the customer's tenant. Next you can create a new storage account on the ISV's tenant and configure customer-managed keys with the key from the customer's tenant.

You must use an existing user-assigned managed identity to authorize access to the key vault when you configure customer-managed keys while creating the storage account. The user-assigned managed identity must have appropriate permissions to access the key vault. For more information, see Authenticate to Azure Key Vault.

When you configure encryption with customer-managed keys for an existing storage account, you can choose to automatically update the key version used for Azure Storage encryption whenever a new version is available in the associated key vault. To do so, omit the key version from the key URI. Alternately, you can explicitly specify a key version to be used for encryption until the key version is manually updated. Including the key version on the key URI configures customer-managed keys for manual updating of the key version.


To rotate a key, create a new version of the key in Azure Key Vault. Azure Storage does not handle key rotation, so you will need to manage rotation of the key in the key vault. You can configure key auto-rotation in Azure Key Vault or rotate your key manually.

Azure Storage checks the key vault for a new key version only once daily. When you rotate a key in Azure Key Vault, be sure to wait 24 hours before disabling the older version.

To configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for a new storage account in the Azure portal, follow these steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Storage accounts page in the ISV's tenant, and select the Create button to create a new account.

  2. Follow the steps outlined in Create a storage account to fill out the fields on the Basics, Advanced, Networking, and Data Protection tabs.

  3. On the Encryption tab, indicate for which services you want to enable support for customer-managed keys in the Enable support for customer-managed keys field.

  4. In the Encryption type field, select Customer-managed keys (CMK).

  5. In the Encryption key field, choose Enter key from key vault, and specify the key URI. Omit the key version from the URI if you want Azure Storage to automatically check for a new key version and update it.

  6. For the User-assigned identity field, search for the user-assigned managed identity that you created previously in the ISV's tenant.

  7. Expand the Advanced section, and select the multi-tenant registered application that you previously created in the ISV's tenant.

    :::image type="content" source="media/customer-managed-keys-configure-cross-tenant-new-account/portal-new-account-configure-cross-tenant-cmk.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing how to configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for a new storage account in Azure portal.":::

  8. Select the Review button to validate and create the account.

To configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for a new storage account in PowerShell, first install the Az.Storage PowerShell module, version 5.1.0 or later. This module is installed with the Az PowerShell module, version 9.1.0 or later.

Next, call New-AzStorageAccount, providing the resource ID for the user-assigned managed identity that you configured previously in the ISV's subscription, and the application (client) ID for the multi-tenant application that you configured previously in the ISV's subscription. Provide the key vault URI and key name from the customer's key vault.

Remember to replace the placeholder values in brackets with your own values and to use the variables defined in the previous examples.

$accountName = "<account-name>"
$kvUri = "<key-vault-uri>"
$keyName = "<keyName>"
$location = "<location>"
$multiTenantAppId = "<application-id>" # appId value from multi-tenant app

$userIdentity = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -Name <user-assigned-identity> -ResourceGroupName $rgName

New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
    -Name $accountName `
    -Kind StorageV2 `
    -SkuName Standard_LRS `
    -Location $location `
    -AllowBlobPublicAccess $false `
    -UserAssignedIdentityId $userIdentity.Id `
    -IdentityType SystemAssignedUserAssigned `
    -KeyName $keyName `
    -KeyVaultUri $kvUri `
    -KeyVaultUserAssignedIdentityId $userIdentity.Id `
    -KeyVaultFederatedClientId $multiTenantAppId 

To configure cross-tenant customer-managed keys for a new storage account with Azure CLI, first install the Azure CLI, version 2.42.0 or later. For more information about installing Azure CLI, see How to install the Azure CLI.

Next, call az storage account create, providing the resource ID for the user-assigned managed identity that you configured previously in the ISV's subscription, and the application (client) ID for the multi-tenant application that you configured previously in the ISV's subscription. Provide the key vault URI and key name from the customer's key vault.

Remember to replace the placeholder values in brackets with your own values and to use the variables defined in the previous examples.

multiTenantAppId="<multi-tenant-app-id>" # appId value from multi-tenant app

# Get the resource ID for the user-assigned managed identity.
identityResourceId=$(az identity show --name $managedIdentity \
    --resource-group $isvRgName \
    --query id \
    --output tsv)

az storage account create \
    --name $accountName \
    --resource-group $isvRgName \
    --location $isvLocation \
    --sku Standard_LRS \
    --kind StorageV2 \
    --allow-blob-public-access false \
    --identity-type SystemAssigned,UserAssigned \
    --user-identity-id $identityResourceId \
    --encryption-key-vault $kvUri \
    --encryption-key-name $keyName \
    --encryption-key-source Microsoft.Keyvault \
    --key-vault-user-identity-id $identityResourceId \
    --key-vault-federated-client-id $multiTenantAppId

You can also configure customer-managed keys with manual updating of the key version when you create a new storage account. To do so, include the key version when you specify the key URI.

[!INCLUDE storage-customer-managed-keys-change-include]

[!INCLUDE storage-customer-managed-keys-revoke-include]

[!INCLUDE storage-customer-managed-keys-disable-include]

See also