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Create Azure Stack HCI VM from local share images via Azure CLI
Learn how to create Azure Stack HCI VM images using source images from a local share on your cluster.

Create Azure Stack HCI VM image using images in a local share

[!INCLUDE hci-applies-to-23h2]

This article describes how to create virtual machine (VM) images for your Azure Stack HCI using source images from a local share on your cluster. You can create VM images using the Azure portal or Azure CLI and then use these VM images to create Arc VMs on your Azure Stack HCI.


Before you begin, make sure that the following prerequisites are completed.

[!INCLUDE hci-vm-image-prerequisites-local-share]

Add VM image from image in local share

You create a VM image starting from an image in a local share of your cluster and then use this image to deploy VMs on your Azure Stack HCI cluster.

Follow these steps to create a VM image using the Azure CLI.

Sign in and set subscription

[!INCLUDE hci-vm-sign-in-set-subscription]

Set some parameters

  1. Set your subscription, resource group, location, OS type for the image. Replace the parameters in < > with the appropriate values.

    $subscription = "<Subscription ID>"
    $resource_group = "<Resource group>"
    $location = "<Location for your Azure Stack HCI cluster>"
    $imageName = <VM image name>
    $imageSourcePath = <path to the source image>
    $osType = "<OS of source image>"

    The parameters are described in the following table:

    Parameter Description
    subscription Resource group for Azure Stack HCI cluster that you associate with this image.
    resource_group Resource group for Azure Stack HCI cluster that you associate with this image.
    location Location for your Azure Stack HCI cluster. For example, this could be eastus.
    image-path Name of the VM image created starting with the image in your local share.
    Note: Azure rejects all the names that contain the keyword Windows.
    name Path to the source gallery image (VHDX only) on your cluster. For example, C:\OSImages\winos.vhdx. See the prerequisites of the source image.
    os-type Operating system associated with the source image. This can be Windows or Linux.

    Here's a sample output:

    PS C:\Users\azcli> $subscription = "<Subscription ID>"
    PS C:\Users\azcli> $resource_group = "myhci-rg"
    PS C:\Users\azcli> $location = "eastus"
    PS C:\Users\azcli> $osType = "Windows"
    PS C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1> $imageName = "myhci-localimage"
    PS C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1> $imageSourcePath = "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Windows_K8s_17763.2928.220505-1621_202205101158.vhdx"

Create VM image from image in local share

  1. Select a custom location to deploy your VM image. The custom location should correspond to the custom location for your Azure Stack HCI cluster. Get the custom location ID for your Azure Stack HCI cluster. Run the following command:

    $customLocationID=(az customlocation show --resource-group $resource_group --name "<custom location name for HCI cluster>" --query id -o tsv)
  2. Create the VM image starting with a specified image in a local share on your Azure Stack HCI cluster.

    az stack-hci-vm image create --subscription $subscription --resource-group $resource_group --custom-location $customLocationID --location $location --image-path $ImageSourcePath --name $ImageName --os-type $osType --storage-path-id $storagepathid

    A deployment job starts for the VM image.

    In this example, the storage path was specified using the --storage-path-id flag and that ensured that the workload data (including the VM, VM image, non-OS data disk) is placed in the specified storage path.

    If the flag is not specified, the workload data is automatically placed in a high availability storage path.

The image deployment takes a few minutes to complete. The time taken to download the image depends on the size of the image in the local share and the network bandwidth available for the download.

Here's a sample output:

PS C:\Users\azcli> $customLocationID=(az customlocation show --resource-group $resource_group --name "myhci-cl" --query id -o tsv)
PS C:\Users\azcli> az stack-hci-vm image create --subscription $subscription --resource-group $resource_group --custom-location $customLocationID --location $location --image-path $ImageSourcePath --name $ImageName --os-type $osType --storage-path-id $storagepathid
type="CustomLocation" --location $Location --name $mktplaceImage --os-type $osType --image-path $mktImageSourcePath
Command group 'azurestackhci' is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels:
  "extendedLocation": {
    "name": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/myhci-rg/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/myhci-cl",
    "type": "CustomLocation"
  "id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/myhci-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/galleryimages/myhci-localimage",
  "location": "eastus",
  "name": "myhci-localimage",
  "properties": {
    "identifier": null,
    "imagePath": null,
    "osType": "Windows",
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "status": {
      "downloadStatus": {},
      "progressPercentage": 100,
      "provisioningStatus": {
        "operationId": "82f58893-b252-43db-97a9-258f6f7831d9*43114797B86E6D2B28C4B52B02302C81C889DABDD9D890F993665E223A5947C3",
        "status": "Succeeded"
    "storagepathId": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/myhci-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/storagecontainers/myhci-storagepath",
    "version": {
      "name": null,
      "properties": {
        "storageProfile": {
          "osDiskImage": {}
  "resourceGroup": "myhci-rg",
  "systemData": {
    "createdAt": "2023-11-02T06:15:10.450908+00:00",
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdByType": "User",
    "lastModifiedAt": "2023-11-02T06:15:56.689323+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy": "319f651f-7ddb-4fc6-9857-7aef9250bd05",
    "lastModifiedByType": "Application"
  "tags": null,
  "type": "microsoft.azurestackhci/galleryimages"

PS C:\Users\azcli>

You can create a VM image by downloading an image that resides in a local share on your Azure Stack HCI cluster and then use that VM image to deploy a virtual machine.

In the Azure portal of your Azure Stack HCI cluster resource, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Resources > VM images.

  2. Select + Add VM Image and from the dropdown list, select Add VM image from a local share.

    :::image type="content" source="./media/virtual-machine-image-local-share/add-vm-from-local-share.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing Add VM image from a local share option." lightbox="./media/virtual-machine-image-local-share/add-vm-from-local-share.png":::

  3. In the Create an image page, on the Basics tab, input the following information:

    1. Subscription. Select a subscription to associate with your VM image.

    2. Resource group. Create new or select an existing resource group that you associate with the VM image.

    3. Save image as. Enter a name for your VM image.

    4. Custom location. Select a custom location to deploy your VM image. The custom location should correspond to the custom location for your Azure Stack HCI cluster.

    5. OS type. Select the OS of the image as Windows or Linux. This is the OS associated with the image in your Storage account.

    6. VM generation. Select the generation for your image.

    7. Source. The source of the image should be Local file share and is automatically populated.

    8. Local file share path. Specify the local share path for the source image on your HCI cluster.

    9. Storage path. Select the storage path for your VM image. Select Choose automatically to have a storage path with high availability automatically selected. Select Choose manually to specify a storage path to store VM images and configuration files on the Azure Stack HCI cluster. In this case, ensure that the specified storage path has sufficient storage space.

  4. Select Review + Create to create your VM image.

    :::image type="content" source="./media/virtual-machine-image-local-share/create-an-image-from-local-share.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Create an image page showing the fields in the Basics tab." lightbox="./media/virtual-machine-image-local-share/create-an-image-from-local-share.png":::

  5. The input parameters are validated. If the validations succeed, you can review the VM image details and select Create.

    :::image type="content" source="./media/virtual-machine-image-local-share/create-an-image-create-button.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Create an image page with the Create button highlighted." lightbox="./media/virtual-machine-image-local-share/create-an-image-create-button.png":::

    An Azure Resource Manager template deployment job starts for the VM image. The image deployment takes a few minutes to complete. The time taken to download the image depends on the size of the custom image and the network bandwidth available for the download.

    You can track the image deployment on the VM image grid. You can see the list of the VM images that are already downloaded and the ones that are being downloaded on the cluster.

  6. When the image download is complete, the VM image shows up in the list of images and the Status shows as Available. To view more details of any image, select the VM image name from the list of VM images.

List VM images

You need to view the list of VM images to choose an image to manage.

[!INCLUDE hci-list-vm-image-azure-cli]

[!INCLUDE hci-list-vm-image-portal]

View VM image properties

You might want to view the properties of VM images before you use the image to create a VM. Follow these steps to view the image properties:

[!INCLUDE hci-view-vm-image-properties-azure-cli]

[!INCLUDE hci-view-vm-image-properties-portal]

Delete VM image

You might want to delete a VM image if the download fails for some reason or if the image is no longer needed. Follow these steps to delete the VM images.

[!INCLUDE hci-view-vm-image-properties-azure-cli]

[!INCLUDE hci-delete-vm-image-portal]

Next steps