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new and delete operators
The C++ language new and delete operators allow control over allocation.
new keyword [C++]
delete keyword [C++]

new and delete operators

C++ supports dynamic allocation and deallocation of objects using the new and delete operators. These operators allocate memory for objects from a pool called the free store (also known as the heap). The new operator calls the special function operator new, and the delete operator calls the special function operator delete.

For a list of the library files in the C Runtime Library and the C++ Standard Library, see CRT Library Features.

The new operator

The compiler translates a statement such as this one into a call to the function operator new:

char *pch = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];

If the request is for zero bytes of storage, operator new returns a pointer to a distinct object. That is, repeated calls to operator new return different pointers.

If there's insufficient memory for the allocation request, operator new throws a std::bad_alloc exception. Or, it returns nullptr if you've used the placement form new(std::nothrow), or if you've linked in non-throwing operator new support. For more information, see Allocation failure behavior.

The two scopes for operator new functions are described in the following table.

Scope for operator new functions

Operator Scope
::operator new Global
class-name ::operator new Class

The first argument of operator new must be of type size_t, and the return type is always void*.

The global operator new function is called when the new operator is used to allocate objects of built-in types, objects of class type that don't contain user-defined operator new functions, and arrays of any type. When the new operator is used to allocate objects of a class type where an operator new is defined, that class's operator new is called.

An operator new function defined for a class is a static member function (which can't be virtual) that hides the global operator new function for objects of that class type. Consider the case where new is used to allocate and set memory to a given value:

#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>

class Blanks
    void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock, char chInit );
void *Blanks::operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock, char chInit )
    void *pvTemp = malloc( stAllocateBlock );
    if( pvTemp != 0 )
        memset( pvTemp, chInit, stAllocateBlock );
    return pvTemp;
// For discrete objects of type Blanks, the global operator new function
// is hidden. Therefore, the following code allocates an object of type
// Blanks and initializes it to 0xa5
int main()
   Blanks *a5 = new(0xa5) Blanks;
   return a5 != 0;

The argument supplied in parentheses to new is passed to Blanks::operator new as the chInit argument. However, the global operator new function is hidden, causing code such as the following to generate an error:

Blanks *SomeBlanks = new Blanks;

The compiler supports member array new and delete operators in a class declaration. For example:

class MyClass
   void * operator new[] (size_t)
      return 0;
   void   operator delete[] (void*)

int main()
   MyClass *pMyClass = new MyClass[5];
   delete [] pMyClass;

Allocation failure behavior

The new function in the C++ Standard Library supports the behavior specified in the C++ standard since C++98. When there's insufficient memory for an allocation request, operator new throws a std::bad_alloc exception.

Older C++ code returned a null pointer for a failed allocation. If you have code that expects the non-throwing version of new, link your program with nothrownew.obj. The nothrownew.obj file replaces global operator new with a version that returns nullptr if an allocation fails. operator new no longer throws std::bad_alloc. For more information about nothrownew.obj and other linker option files, see Link options.

You can't mix code that checks for exceptions from global operator new with code that checks for null pointers in the same application. However, you can still create class-local operator new that behaves differently. This possibility means the compiler must act defensively by default and include checks for null pointer returns in new calls. For more information on a way to optimize these compiler checks, see /Zc:throwingnew.

Handling insufficient memory

The way you test for a failed allocation from a new expression depends on whether you use the standard exception mechanism, or you use a nullptr return. Standard C++ expects an allocator to throw either std::bad_alloc or a class derived from std::bad_alloc. You can handle such an exception as shown in this sample:

#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
#define BIG_NUMBER 10000000000LL
int main() {
   try {
      int *pI = new int[BIG_NUMBER];
   catch (bad_alloc& ex) {
      cout << "Caught bad_alloc: " << ex.what() << endl;
      return -1;

When you use the nothrow form of new, you can test for an allocation failure as shown in this sample:

#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
#define BIG_NUMBER 10000000000LL
int main() {
   int *pI = new(nothrow) int[BIG_NUMBER];
   if ( pI == nullptr ) {
      cout << "Insufficient memory" << endl;
      return -1;

You can test for a failed memory allocation when you've used nothrownew.obj file to replace global operator new as shown here:

#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
#define BIG_NUMBER 10000000000LL
int main() {
   int *pI = new int[BIG_NUMBER];
   if ( !pI ) {
      cout << "Insufficient memory" << endl;
      return -1;

You can provide a handler for failed memory allocation requests. It's possible to write a custom recovery routine to handle such a failure. It could, for example, release some reserved memory, then allow the allocation to run again. For more information, see _set_new_handler.

The delete operator

Memory that is dynamically allocated using the new operator can be freed using the delete operator. The delete operator calls the operator delete function, which frees memory back to the available pool. Using the delete operator also causes the class destructor (if one exists) to be called.

There are global and class-scoped operator delete functions. Only one operator delete function can be defined for a given class; if defined, it hides the global operator delete function. The global operator delete function is always called for arrays of any type.

The global operator delete function. Two forms exist for the global operator delete and class-member operator delete functions:

void operator delete( void * );
void operator delete( void *, size_t );

Only one of the preceding two forms can be present for a given class. The first form takes a single argument of type void *, which contains a pointer to the object to deallocate. The second form, sized deallocation, takes two arguments: the first is a pointer to the memory block to deallocate, and the second is the number of bytes to deallocate. The return type of both forms is void (operator delete can't return a value).

The intent of the second form is to speed up searching for the correct size category of the object to delete. This information often isn't stored near the allocation itself, and is likely uncached. The second form is useful when an operator delete function from a base class is used to delete an object of a derived class.

The operator delete function is static, so it can't be virtual. The operator delete function obeys access control, as described in Member-Access Control.

The following example shows user-defined operator new and operator delete functions designed to log allocations and deallocations of memory:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int fLogMemory = 0;      // Perform logging (0=no; nonzero=yes)?
int cBlocksAllocated = 0;  // Count of blocks allocated.

// User-defined operator new.
void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock ) {
   static int fInOpNew = 0;   // Guard flag.

   if ( fLogMemory && !fInOpNew ) {
      fInOpNew = 1;
      clog << "Memory block " << ++cBlocksAllocated
          << " allocated for " << stAllocateBlock
          << " bytes\n";
      fInOpNew = 0;
   return malloc( stAllocateBlock );

// User-defined operator delete.
void operator delete( void *pvMem ) {
   static int fInOpDelete = 0;   // Guard flag.
   if ( fLogMemory && !fInOpDelete ) {
      fInOpDelete = 1;
      clog << "Memory block " << cBlocksAllocated--
          << " deallocated\n";
      fInOpDelete = 0;

   free( pvMem );

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
   fLogMemory = 1;   // Turn logging on
   if( argc > 1 )
      for( int i = 0; i < atoi( argv[1] ); ++i ) {
         char *pMem = new char[10];
         delete[] pMem;
   fLogMemory = 0;  // Turn logging off.
   return cBlocksAllocated;

The preceding code can be used to detect "memory leakage", that is, memory that's allocated on the free store but never freed. To detect leaks, the global new and delete operators are redefined to count allocation and deallocation of memory.

The compiler supports member array new and delete operators in a class declaration. For example:

// spec1_the_operator_delete_function2.cpp
// compile with: /c
class X  {
   void * operator new[] (size_t) {
      return 0;
   void operator delete[] (void*) {}

void f() {
   X *pX = new X[5];
   delete [] pX;