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Kusto.ingest into command (pull data from storage)
This article describes The .ingest into command (pull data from storage) in Azure Data Explorer.

Ingest from storage

The .ingest into command ingests data into a table by "pulling" the data from one or more cloud storage files. For example, the command can retrieve 1000 CSV-formatted blobs from Azure Blob Storage, parse them, and ingest them together into a single target table. Data is appended to the table without affecting existing records, and without modifying the table's schema.

[!INCLUDE direct-ingestion-note]


You must have at least Table Ingestor permissions to run this command.


.ingest [async] into table TableName SourceDataLocator [with ( IngestionPropertyName = IngestionPropertyValue [, ...] )]

[!INCLUDE syntax-conventions-note]


Name Type Required Description
async string If specified, the command returns immediately and continues ingestion in the background. The results of the command include an OperationId value that can then be used with the .show operation command to retrieve the ingestion completion status and results.
TableName string ✔️ The name of the table into which to ingest data. The table name is always relative to the database in context. If no schema mapping object is provided, the schema of the database in context is used.
SourceDataLocator string ✔️ A single or comma-separated list of storage connection strings. A single connection string must refer to a single file hosted by a storage account. Ingestion of multiple files can be done by specifying multiple connection strings, or by ingesting from a query of an external table.


We recommend using obfuscated string literals for the SourceDataLocators. The service will scrub credentials in internal traces and error messages.

[!INCLUDE ingestion-properties]

Authentication and authorization

Each storage connection string indicates the authorization method to use for access to the storage. Depending on the authorization method, the principal may need to be granted permissions on the external storage to perform the ingestion.

The following table lists the supported authentication methods and the permissions needed for ingesting data from external storage.

Authentication method Azure Blob Storage / Data Lake Storage Gen2 Data Lake Storage Gen1
Impersonation Storage Blob Data Reader Reader
Shared Access (SAS) token List + Read This authentication method isn't supported in Gen1.
Microsoft Entra access token
Storage account access key This authentication method isn't supported in Gen1.
Managed identity Storage Blob Data Reader Reader


The result of the command is a table with as many records as there are data shards ("extents") generated by the command. If no data shards have been generated, a single record is returned with an empty (zero-valued) extent ID.

Name Type Description
ExtentId guid The unique identifier for the data shard that was generated by the command.
ItemLoaded string One or more storage files that are related to this record.
Duration timespan How long it took to perform ingestion.
HasErrors bool Whether this record represents an ingestion failure or not.
OperationId guid A unique ID representing the operation. Can be used with the .show operation command.


This command doesn't modify the schema of the table being ingested into. If necessary, the data is "coerced" into this schema during ingestion, not the other way around (extra columns are ignored, and missing columns are treated as null values).


Azure Blob Storage with shared access signature

The following example instructs your cluster to read two blobs from Azure Blob Storage as CSV files, and ingest their contents into table T. The ... represents an Azure Storage shared access signature (SAS) which gives read access to each blob. Note also the use of obfuscated strings (the h in front of the string values) to ensure that the SAS is never recorded.

.ingest into table T (

Azure Blob Storage with managed identity

The following example shows how to read a CSV file from Azure Blob Storage and ingest its contents into table T using managed identity authentication. For additional information on managed identity authentication method, see Managed Identity Authentication Overview.

.ingest into table T (';managed_identity=802bada6-4d21-44b2-9d15-e66b29e4d63e')

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

The following example is for ingesting data from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 (ADLSv2). The credentials used here (...) are the storage account credentials (shared key), and we use string obfuscation only for the secret part of the connection string.

.ingest into table T (

Azure Data Lake Storage

The following example ingests a single file from Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS). It uses the user's credentials to access ADLS (so there's no need to treat the storage URI as containing a secret). It also shows how to specify ingestion properties.

.ingest into table T ('adl://;impersonate')
  with (format='csv')

Amazon S3 with an access key

The following example ingests a single file from Amazon S3 using an access key ID and a secret access key.

.ingest into table T (';AwsCredentials=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE,wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY')
  with (format='csv')

Amazon S3 with a presigned URL

The following example ingests a single file from Amazon S3 using a preSigned URL.

.ingest into table T ('<<pre signed string>>')
  with (format='csv')