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Authoring guide for Business Central
Tips and tricks for authoring in MarkDown files when you extend or customize the Help for Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Authoring guide for [!INCLUDEprod_long]

If you're contributing to the [!INCLUDE prod_short] help, or if you're customizing and extending the Microsoft content for your own solution, you probably want to use the same tools, processes, and style guide that Microsoft uses.


  • The Microsoft Style Guide is published online

    The content on the site generally follows the Microsoft Style Guide. The content for [!INCLUDE prod_short] varies in certain ways, partly with product-specific terminology, and a more conservative approach to contractions, for example. Also, since navigation in the [!INCLUDE prod_short] user interface is different from that of other Dynamics 365 apps, our guidance for steps that describe such navigation is slightly different. For more information, see the Write for accessibility section.

  • Contribute to the Help shows you the basics of collaborating on content for [!INCLUDE prod_short]

  • The Docs Contributor Guide has many tips and tricks for authoring in MarkDown

  • The Docs Authoring Pack for Visual Studio Code adds productivity tools to Visual Studio Code

Write for accessibility

At Microsoft, we write for accessibility, which also means that the same content applies to interactions with the software across devices, regardless of input method, for example. For more information, see Describing interactions with UI in the Microsoft Style Guide. The product-specific guidance is found in the Navigation in the product section.

Accessible illustrations

The accessibility requirements also affect metadata for illustrations, such as the following:

:::image type="content" source="media/illustration.png" alt-text="Text used by screen readers.":::

Most of Microsoft's articles use a different MarkDown formatting for illustrations, such as the following:

![Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature.](media/ui-search/search_small.png "Tell me what you want to do")

Both formats are valid MarkDown, and both formats are supported by DocFx.exe. For more information, see Images in the Docs Contributor Guide.

Navigation in the product

The Describing interactions with UI article in the Microsoft Style Guide also applies to [!INCLUDE prod_short] content. However, the navigation in [!INCLUDE prod_short] is different from many other Microsoft products, and users can even pin actions and personalize their workspace in other ways that change the navigation path.

As a result, we often choose to be not specific about how to find a given action. We write Choose the Register Payments action, rather than try to predict if the user finds that action pinned to their action bar or hidden away under More options, for example.

But we also write something like this: To map text on the vendor invoice to a specific debit account, on the Actions tab, in the General group, choose Map Text to Account, and then fill the Text-to-Account Mapping Worksheet page.. In this example, the guidance is now outdated - the actual action is, in the default configuration of the CRONUS demonstration company, easily discoverable in the Process part of the action bar, which is the first place people tend to look for things. In other words, the instructions Choose the Map Text to Account action would have made it easier for users to find the action.

The following table provides examples of how to write about the user interface in a helpful but future proof way, with accessibility in mind.

Page type Example Description
List On the Opportunity List page, select the opportunity, and then choose the Assign Sales Quote action. Most list pages have relatively few actions, so let's keep things simple. Also, most actions in the action bar for list pages apply to the line entry that you've selected.
Card On the General FastTab, in the External Document No. field, enter the invoice number. Cards can have several FastTabs that each have multiple fields. Telling the user to find a certain field on a specific FastTab can save time.
Card On the Customer Card page, choose the Merge With action. This type of action is relatively easy to find in the Actions part of the action bar.
Document On the Lines FastTab, in the Item No. field, enter the number of an inventory item or service. Documents, such as sales orders, have a header section and a lines section, typically. So letting the user know which section the field is in can save time.

Authoring in MarkDown

The [!INCLUDE prod_short] content is styled using a MarkDown syntax as described in the next sections. Extended guidance is available in the MarkDown Reference section in the Docs Contributor Guide.


Use # for headings. For more information, see Headings in the Docs Contributor Guide.

In the source files for the [!INCLUDE prod_short] content, which publishes as English (US) on the site, the title of an article is expected to use Title Case (capitalize each word, except prepositions) whereas subsequent headings use Sentence case (capitalize the first word, only). The Microsoft Style Guide recommends a different approach.


The content on the site includes metadata that is used by the site and feeds our internal telemetry dashboards. The metadata is required for Microsoft's content but not necessarily for content that extends or customizes Microsoft's content.

However, some metadata is recommended as a best practice as outlined in the following table.

Metadata tag Description
title Used by search engines. Recommended length of 60-70 characters, including spaces. We recommend that the title metadata is the same as the first heading in the article.
description Used by search engines. Recommended length of 100-160 characters, including spaces.
author GitHub account of the main contributor to the article.
ROBOTS Apply this tag if you customize one of Microsoft's articles and deploy that to your website. By applying the metadata ROBOTS: NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, you help make sure that search engines find the original article rather than your customized version. Users of your help are still able to find the customized article through context-sensitive help links and other links.

Bulleted lists

Use - or * to create bullets as shown in the following example:

The following options are available:

- first option
- second option
- third option


It doesn't matter if you use - or *, but the current version of the Docs Authoring Pack requires each article to use one or the other and not mix them up.

As a best practice, the MarkDown validation in the current version of the Docs Authoring Pack recommends a blank line between options in a bulleted list for better readability in MarkDown.

Ordered lists

Use numbers for ordered lists. Don't add spaces between the lines.

1. Choose the ![Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature.](media/ui-search/search_small.png "Tell me what you want to do") icon, enter **Payment Journal**, and then choose the related link.
2. In the **Payment Journal** window, on the first journal line, enter the relevant information about the payment entry.
3. To apply a single vendor ledger entry:
4. In the **Applies-to Doc. No.** field, choose the field to open the **Apply Vendor Entries** window.

Bold and italics syntax

Use **bold** and *italics*


For tables in the body, use the markdown syntax. The Docs Authoring Pack for Visual Studio Code has a shortcut for adding a table, and you can also use Tables Generator.

| To   | See                       |
| | |
| | |

MarkDown syntax for nested tables is limited, so we recommend using HTML-syntax for nested tables in ordered and unordered lists use HTML-syntax.


Rather than repeating text in two or more articles, use includes. For more information, see Included Markdown files.

For [!INCLUDE prod_short], we use includes for boilerplate text, for content that is repeated in more than one article, and for the product name. That way, we can make changes in just one location - and so can you.


In the dynamics365smb-docs repo, the includes are in the business-central\includes subfolder.

In December 2020, the two placeholders for the product name, and, were renamed to and The change solved a problem internally at Microsoft, because we have a tool that helps identify spelling error, and that tool generated warnings for and

Comment syntax

Useful for sections that aren't ready and won't pass build checks.

<!-- Comments -->


<!-- [Managing Payables](>
<!-- This is a paragraph that spans more lines and I can just put the comment tag
at the beginning and end of it -->


Ordinary link to a different article in the same folder

These links have the format [link text](

Example: [Managing Payables](

Link to an article in a subfolder of the source article

These links have the format [link text](subfolder/

For example, you want to link to from, where the folder structure is as follows:

  • articles
  • ManagePayables

Here's the link: [Manage Payables](ManagePayables/

Link to an article in a different folder than source article

These links have the format [link text](../folder/

For example, you want to link to from, where the folder structure is as follows:

  • articles
    • ManageReceivables
      • ManagePayables

Here's the link: [Manage Payables](../ManagePayables/

Link to a place in the same article

From within an article, you can create a link to a specific heading in the same article. You can create the link like other links except with the following format:

[link text](#target-heading)

target-heading is the text of the heading that you want to link to, except it's all lowercase and spaces between words are replaced with hyphens. For example, here's the link: [How Autoscaling Works](#how-autoscaling-works)

To the heading: ## How Autoscaling Works

Link to a place in a different article

From an article, you can create a link to a specific heading in another article. You can create the link like other links except with the following format:

[link text](targetarticlename#target-heading)

targetarticlename is the file name of the article, including the .md file type. target-heading is the text of the heading that you want to link to, except it's all lowercase and spaces between words are replaced with hyphens.

For example, to link to the heading "How autoscaling works" in the article, add the following code: [How autoscaling works](

Links to anchors across languages

[!INCLUDE docslinkanchor]

Line breaks (soft return)

In the editor, add two blank spaces at the end of the sentence and hit return. This is used in the See Also list. (See Also must be heading 2.)

Continue steps after a nonstep para

Enter four spaces in front of the nonstep para. Otherwise, the nonstep para restarts the step sequence.


The TOC structure of the file is as follows:

 ##[Topic 1](
 ##[Topic 2](
 ##[Topic 3](
 ##[Topic 4](

Standard phrases

All fields in Business Central have tooltips; therefore, don't document fields in Help. To refer readers to the tooltips, use this standard phrase where relevant:

"Choose a field to read a short description of the field or link to more information."

For more information, see Business Central User Assistance Model.

Recycle content

Rather than copy-pasting content that you want to surface in two or more places, use includes. For more information, see Included Markdown files in the Docs Contributor Guide.

Article titles

  • Use imperative verb form for step-based articles ("Pay vendors").
  • Use gerund verb form for conceptual, nonstep articles. ("Paying Vendors")
  • Use nouns for highest-level articles. ("Sales")

File naming

In this section, we describe best practices for file names of MarkDown files that publish to a website. The guidelines make the files easier to work with and better for search engines to index.


  • No spaces or punctuation characters. Use hyphens to separate the words in the file name.

  • Use all lowercase letters

  • No more than 80 characters - this is a publishing system limit

  • Use action verbs that are specific such as develop, buy, build, troubleshoot. No -ing words.

  • No small words - don't include a, and, the, in, or, etc.

  • All files must be in markdown and use the .md file extension.

    New FAQ files must use YAML format. For an example, see the file.

Examples of file names

Article title Naming
Select a Company
Enter Criteria in Filters
Troubleshooting: Record Locked by Another User
Changing Basic Settings
Set Up Currencies
Set Up Purchasers
Understanding Session Timeouts
Manage Data Encryption

Country-specific content

To simplify content localization and translation, country-specific articles live in country-specific folders. The TOC entries live under the "Local Functionality" parent node.

User interface text

If you're a technical writer, then you're likely to either write or edit user interface text, such as captions, warnings and error messages, tooltips, and teaching tips. In this section, we describe our internal guidance, but you can choose differently.


[!INCLUDE ua-tooltips]

Examples of tooltips

[!INCLUDE ua-tooltips-examples]

Errors, warnings, and other messages

Messages that users see when they work in [!INCLUDE prod_short], some as confirmations, others as warnings, for example, are defined in code. In this section, we describe key things to keep in mind when writing or editing this type of user interface text.

  • Be brief but descriptive with clear call to action.

    Especially true for errors and warnings that must help the user unblock themselves.

  • Write to be understood worldwide.

    • Write content that's easy to read and translate.
    • Avoid long, complex sentences. Break them up into shorter sentences that are easier to read and comprehend.
    • Use lists and tables instead of complicated sentences and paragraphs.
    • Use standard English grammar. In particular, avoid incomplete sentences.
    • Include words that native English speakers often omit, such as that and the.
  • Only use placeholders for variables and field values where the result depends on context.

    Write out all static captions, where the value is always known.

  • All placeholders complicate translation, also valid ones, even when they're preceded by code comments.

    A typical challenge is to determine the gender of the noun that a placeholder represents, which is problematic for target languages such as French, German, and Russian.

    Use Instead of
    The document has been posted. The %1 has been posted. (Translators can't determine the gender.)
    The Unit Cost field is updated. The %1 field is updated. (Where %1 always represents "Unit Cost".)
    Document %1 contains invalid characters. (Where %1 represents a given document ID.)
    Option %1 isn't supported. (Where %1 represents one of more options.)
  • Don't place quotation marks around placeholders.

    However, if the placeholder represents free-text user input that is hard to distinguish, such as a payment comment on a bank transaction. The quotation marks then helps to distinguish the user input from other parts of the message.

    Example: The payment line with transaction text '%1' isn't applied., where %1 = Hi - here is my payment of invoice 1223344.

Teaching tips

[!INCLUDE 2021_releasewave1]

[!INCLUDE ua-teaching-tips]

See also

Business Central User Assistance Model
Contribute to the Help
Configuring the Help Experience
Generating help with the ALDoc tool
Docs Contributor Guide
Docs Authoring Pack for Visual Studio Code
Getting started with writing and formatting on GitHub
Visual Studio Code
Blog post: Extending and customizing the Help
Blog post: Collaborate on content for Business Central

[!INCLUDE footer-banner]