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Update entity in privilegedRoles


UpdateExpanded (Default)

Update-MgBetaPrivilegedRole -PrivilegedRoleId <String> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
 [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-Assignments <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleAssignment[]>] [-Id <String>]
 [-Name <String>] [-Settings <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSettings>]
 [-Summary <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSummary>] [-Headers <IDictionary>]
 [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Update-MgBetaPrivilegedRole -PrivilegedRoleId <String> -BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRole>
 [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf]
 [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Update-MgBetaPrivilegedRole -InputObject <IIdentityGovernanceIdentity> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
 [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-Assignments <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleAssignment[]>] [-Id <String>]
 [-Name <String>] [-Settings <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSettings>]
 [-Summary <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSummary>] [-Headers <IDictionary>]
 [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Update-MgBetaPrivilegedRole -InputObject <IIdentityGovernanceIdentity>
 -BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRole> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>]
 [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Update entity in privilegedRoles



Additional Parameters

Type: Hashtable
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, UpdateViaIdentityExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


. To construct, see NOTES section for ASSIGNMENTS properties and create a hash table.

Type: IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleAssignment[]
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, UpdateViaIdentityExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


privilegedRole To construct, see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

Type: IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRole
Parameter Sets: Update, UpdateViaIdentity

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Optional headers that will be added to the request.

Type: IDictionary
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, UpdateViaIdentityExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Identity Parameter To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

Type: IIdentityGovernanceIdentity
Parameter Sets: UpdateViaIdentityExpanded, UpdateViaIdentity

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False



Type: String
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, UpdateViaIdentityExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The unique identifier of privilegedRole

Type: String
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, Update

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}

Type: ActionPreference
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: proga

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Optional Response Headers Variable.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: RHV

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


privilegedRoleSettings To construct, see NOTES section for SETTINGS properties and create a hash table.

Type: IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSettings
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, UpdateViaIdentityExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


privilegedRoleSummary To construct, see NOTES section for SUMMARY properties and create a hash table.

Type: IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSummary
Parameter Sets: UpdateExpanded, UpdateViaIdentityExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: cf

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: wi

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.









To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

ASSIGNMENTS <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleAssignment- []>: .

  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [ExpirationDateTime <DateTime?>]:
  • [IsElevated <Boolean?>]:
  • [ResultMessage <String>]:
  • [RoleId <String>]:
  • [RoleInfo <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRole>]: privilegedRole
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [Assignments <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleAssignment- []>]:
    • [Name <String>]:
    • [Settings <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSettings>]: privilegedRoleSettings
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [ApprovalOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
      • [ApproverIds <String- []>]:
      • [ElevationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
      • [IsMfaOnElevationConfigurable <Boolean?>]:
      • [LastGlobalAdmin <Boolean?>]:
      • [MaxElavationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
      • [MfaOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
      • [MinElevationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
      • [NotificationToUserOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
      • [TicketingInfoOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
    • [Summary <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSummary>]: privilegedRoleSummary
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [ElevatedCount <Int32?>]:
      • [ManagedCount <Int32?>]:
      • [MfaEnabled <Boolean?>]:
      • [Status <String>]: roleSummaryStatus
      • [UsersCount <Int32?>]:
  • [UserId <String>]:

BODYPARAMETER <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRole>: privilegedRole

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [Assignments <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleAssignment- []>]:
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [ExpirationDateTime <DateTime?>]:
    • [IsElevated <Boolean?>]:
    • [ResultMessage <String>]:
    • [RoleId <String>]:
    • [RoleInfo <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRole>]: privilegedRole
    • [UserId <String>]:
  • [Name <String>]:
  • [Settings <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSettings>]: privilegedRoleSettings
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [ApprovalOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
    • [ApproverIds <String- []>]:
    • [ElevationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
    • [IsMfaOnElevationConfigurable <Boolean?>]:
    • [LastGlobalAdmin <Boolean?>]:
    • [MaxElavationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
    • [MfaOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
    • [MinElevationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
    • [NotificationToUserOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
    • [TicketingInfoOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
  • [Summary <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSummary>]: privilegedRoleSummary
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [ElevatedCount <Int32?>]:
    • [ManagedCount <Int32?>]:
    • [MfaEnabled <Boolean?>]:
    • [Status <String>]: roleSummaryStatus
    • [UsersCount <Int32?>]:

INPUTOBJECT <IIdentityGovernanceIdentity>: Identity Parameter

  • [AccessPackageAssignmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageAssignment
  • [AccessPackageAssignmentPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageAssignmentPolicy
  • [AccessPackageAssignmentRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageAssignmentRequest
  • [AccessPackageAssignmentResourceRoleId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageAssignmentResourceRole
  • [AccessPackageCatalogId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageCatalog
  • [AccessPackageId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackage
  • [AccessPackageId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackage
  • [AccessPackageResourceEnvironmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageResourceEnvironment
  • [AccessPackageResourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageResource
  • [AccessPackageResourceRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageResourceRequest
  • [AccessPackageResourceRoleId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageResourceRole
  • [AccessPackageResourceRoleScopeId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageResourceRoleScope
  • [AccessPackageResourceScopeId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageResourceScope
  • [AccessPackageSubjectId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessPackageSubject
  • [AccessReviewDecisionId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewDecision
  • [AccessReviewHistoryDefinitionId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewHistoryDefinition
  • [AccessReviewHistoryInstanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewHistoryInstance
  • [AccessReviewId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReview
  • [AccessReviewId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReview
  • [AccessReviewInstanceDecisionItemId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem
  • [AccessReviewInstanceDecisionItemId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem
  • [AccessReviewInstanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewInstance
  • [AccessReviewReviewerId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewReviewer
  • [AccessReviewScheduleDefinitionId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewScheduleDefinition
  • [AccessReviewStageId <String>]: The unique identifier of accessReviewStage
  • [AgreementAcceptanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of agreementAcceptance
  • [AgreementFileLocalizationId <String>]: The unique identifier of agreementFileLocalization
  • [AgreementFileVersionId <String>]: The unique identifier of agreementFileVersion
  • [AgreementId <String>]: The unique identifier of agreement
  • [AppConsentRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of appConsentRequest
  • [ApprovalId <String>]: The unique identifier of approval
  • [ApprovalStepId <String>]: The unique identifier of approvalStep
  • [BusinessFlowTemplateId <String>]: The unique identifier of businessFlowTemplate
  • [ConnectedOrganizationId <String>]: The unique identifier of connectedOrganization
  • [CustomAccessPackageWorkflowExtensionId <String>]: The unique identifier of customAccessPackageWorkflowExtension
  • [CustomCalloutExtensionId <String>]: The unique identifier of customCalloutExtension
  • [CustomExtensionHandlerId <String>]: The unique identifier of customExtensionHandler
  • [CustomExtensionStageSettingId <String>]: The unique identifier of customExtensionStageSetting
  • [CustomTaskExtensionId <String>]: The unique identifier of customTaskExtension
  • [DirectoryObjectId <String>]: The unique identifier of directoryObject
  • [EndDateTime <DateTime?>]: Usage: endDateTime={endDateTime}
  • [FindingId <String>]: The unique identifier of finding
  • [GovernanceInsightId <String>]: The unique identifier of governanceInsight
  • [GovernanceResourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of governanceResource
  • [GovernanceRoleAssignmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of governanceRoleAssignment
  • [GovernanceRoleAssignmentRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of governanceRoleAssignmentRequest
  • [GovernanceRoleDefinitionId <String>]: The unique identifier of governanceRoleDefinition
  • [GovernanceRoleSettingId <String>]: The unique identifier of governanceRoleSetting
  • [IncompatibleAccessPackageId <String>]: Usage: incompatibleAccessPackageId='{incompatibleAccessPackageId}'
  • [LongRunningOperationId <String>]: The unique identifier of longRunningOperation
  • [ObjectId <String>]: Alternate key of accessPackageSubject
  • [On <String>]: Usage: on='{on}'
  • [PermissionsCreepIndexDistributionId <String>]: The unique identifier of permissionsCreepIndexDistribution
  • [PermissionsRequestChangeId <String>]: The unique identifier of permissionsRequestChange
  • [PrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule
  • [PrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance
  • [PrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest
  • [PrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule
  • [PrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance
  • [PrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest
  • [PrivilegedAccessId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedAccess
  • [PrivilegedApprovalId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedApproval
  • [PrivilegedOperationEventId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedOperationEvent
  • [PrivilegedRoleAssignmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedRoleAssignment
  • [PrivilegedRoleAssignmentId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedRoleAssignment
  • [PrivilegedRoleAssignmentRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedRoleAssignmentRequest
  • [PrivilegedRoleId <String>]: The unique identifier of privilegedRole
  • [ProgramControlId <String>]: The unique identifier of programControl
  • [ProgramControlId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of programControl
  • [ProgramControlTypeId <String>]: The unique identifier of programControlType
  • [ProgramId <String>]: The unique identifier of program
  • [RbacApplicationId <String>]: The unique identifier of rbacApplication
  • [RunId <String>]: The unique identifier of run
  • [StartDateTime <DateTime?>]: Usage: startDateTime={startDateTime}
  • [TaskDefinitionId <String>]: The unique identifier of taskDefinition
  • [TaskId <String>]: The unique identifier of task
  • [TaskProcessingResultId <String>]: The unique identifier of taskProcessingResult
  • [TaskReportId <String>]: The unique identifier of taskReport
  • [UnifiedRbacResourceActionId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRbacResourceAction
  • [UnifiedRbacResourceNamespaceId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRbacResourceNamespace
  • [UnifiedRoleAssignmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleAssignment
  • [UnifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleAssignmentSchedule
  • [UnifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance
  • [UnifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest
  • [UnifiedRoleDefinitionId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleDefinition
  • [UnifiedRoleDefinitionId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleDefinition
  • [UnifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleEligibilitySchedule
  • [UnifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance
  • [UnifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementAlertConfigurationId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementAlertConfiguration
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementAlertDefinitionId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementAlertDefinition
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementAlertId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementAlert
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementAlertIncidentId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementAlertIncident
  • [UserConsentRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of userConsentRequest
  • [UserId <String>]: The unique identifier of user
  • [UserProcessingResultId <String>]: The unique identifier of userProcessingResult
  • [WorkflowId <String>]: The unique identifier of workflow
  • [WorkflowTemplateId <String>]: The unique identifier of workflowTemplate
  • [WorkflowVersionNumber <Int32?>]: The unique identifier of workflowVersion

SETTINGS <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSettings>: privilegedRoleSettings

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [ApprovalOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
  • [ApproverIds <String- []>]:
  • [ElevationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
  • [IsMfaOnElevationConfigurable <Boolean?>]:
  • [LastGlobalAdmin <Boolean?>]:
  • [MaxElavationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
  • [MfaOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
  • [MinElevationDuration <TimeSpan?>]:
  • [NotificationToUserOnElevation <Boolean?>]:
  • [TicketingInfoOnElevation <Boolean?>]:

SUMMARY <IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedRoleSummary>: privilegedRoleSummary

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [ElevatedCount <Int32?>]:
  • [ManagedCount <Int32?>]:
  • [MfaEnabled <Boolean?>]:
  • [Status <String>]: roleSummaryStatus
  • [UsersCount <Int32?>]: