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Live Share media capabilities
In this module, learn more about Live Share media capabilities, suspensions and wait points, audio ducking, and synchronizing video and audio.

Live Share media capabilities

Video and audio are instrumental parts of the modern world and workplace. We've heard wide ranging feedback that there's more we can do to increase the quality, accessibility, and license protections of watching videos together in meetings.

The Live Share SDK enables robust media synchronization for any HTML <video> and <audio> element with just a few lines of code. By synchronizing media at the player state and transport controls layer, you can individually attribute views and license, while providing the highest possible quality available through your app.


Live Share media is a JavaScript package published on npm, and you can download through npm or yarn. You must also install its peer dependencies, which include @microsoft/live-share, fluid-framework and @fluidframework/azure-client. If you're using Live Share in your tab application, you must also install @microsoft/teams-js version 2.11.0 or later.

npm install @microsoft/live-share @microsoft/live-share-media fluid-framework @fluidframework/azure-client --save
npm install @microsoft/teams-js --save


To add the latest version of the SDK to your application using Yarn:

yarn add @microsoft/live-share @microsoft/live-share-media fluid-framework @fluidframework/azure-client
yarn add @microsoft/teams-js

Media sync overview

The Live Share SDK has two primary classes related to media synchronization:

Classes Description
LiveMediaSession Custom live object designed to coordinate media transport controls and playback state in independent media streams.
MediaPlayerSynchronizer Synchronizes any object that implements the IMediaPlayer interface -- including HTML5 <video> and <audio> -- using LiveMediaSession.


  <video id="player">
    <source src="YOUR_VIDEO_SRC" type="video/mp4" />
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveMediaSession } from "@microsoft/live-share-media";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

// Setup the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
  initialObjects: { mediaSession: LiveMediaSession },
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const { mediaSession } = container.initialObjects;

// Get the player from your document and create synchronizer
const player = document.getElementById("player");
const synchronizer = mediaSession.synchronize(player);

// Listen for groupaction events (optional)
synchronizer.addEventListener(MediaPlayerSynchronizerEvents.groupaction, async (evt) => {
  // See which user made the change (e.g., to display a notification)
  const clientInfo = await synchronizer.mediaSession.getClientInfo(evt.details.clientId);

// Define roles you want to allow playback control and start sync
const allowedRoles = [UserMeetingRole.organizer, UserMeetingRole.presenter];
await mediaSession.initialize(allowedRoles);
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveMediaSession, IMediaPlayer, MediaPlayerSynchronizer } from "@microsoft/live-share-media";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import { ContainerSchema } from "fluid-framework";

// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema: ContainerSchema = {
  initialObjects: { mediaSession: LiveMediaSession },
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const mediaSession = container.initialObjects.mediaSession as unknown as LiveMediaSession;

// Get the player from your document and create synchronizer
const player: IMediaPlayer = document.getElementById("player") as HTMLVideoElement;
const synchronizer: MediaPlayerSynchronizer = mediaSession.synchronize(player);

// Listen for groupaction events (optional)
synchronizer.addEventListener(MediaPlayerSynchronizerEvents.groupaction, async (evt) => {
  // See which user made the change (e.g., to display a notification)
  const clientInfo = await synchronizer.mediaSession.getClientInfo(evt.details.clientId);

// Define roles you want to allow playback control and start sync
const allowedRoles: UserMeetingRole[] = [UserMeetingRole.organizer, UserMeetingRole.presenter];
await mediaSession.initialize(allowedRoles);
import { useMediaSynchronizer } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { UserMeetingRole } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { MediaPlayerSynchronizerEvents } from "@microsoft/live-share-media";
import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";

const ALLOWED_ROLES = [UserMeetingRole.organizer, UserMeetingRole.presenter];


// Define a unique key that distinguishes this `useMediaSynchronizer` from others in your app

export function VideoPlayer() {
  const videoRef = useRef(null);
  const { play, pause, seekTo, mediaSynchronizer } = useMediaSynchronizer(

  // Listen for groupaction events (optional)
  useEffect(() => {
    // Listen for player group actions for errors (e.g., play error)
    const onGroupAction = (evt: IMediaPlayerSynchronizerEvent) => {
      // See which user made the change (e.g., to display a notification)
      const clientInfo = await synchronizer.mediaSession.getClientInfo(evt.details.clientId);
    return () => {
  }, [mediaSynchronizer]);

  return (
      <video ref={videoRef} />
      <button onClick={play}>
      <button onClick={pause}>
      <button onClick={() => {
        Start over

The LiveMediaSession automatically listens for changes to the group's playback state. MediaPlayerSynchronizer listens to state changes emitted by LiveMediaSession and applies them to the provided IMediaPlayer object, such as an HTML5 <video> or <audio> element. To avoid playback state changes that a user didn't intentionally initiate, such as a buffer event, we must call transport controls through the synchronizer, rather than directly through the player.


  <video id="player">
    <source src="YOUR_VIDEO_SRC" type="video/mp4" />
  <div class="player-controls">
    <button id="play-button">Play</button>
    <button id="pause-button">Pause</button>
    <button id="restart-button">Restart</button>
    <button id="change-track-button">Change track</button>
// ...

document.getElementById("play-button").onclick = async () => {
  // Plays for all users in the session.
  // If using role verification, this throws an error if the user doesn't have the required role.

document.getElementById("pause-button").onclick = async () => {
  // Pauses for all users in the session.
  // If using role verification, this throws an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
  await synchronizer.pause();

document.getElementById("restart-button").onclick = async () => {
  // Seeks for all users in the session.
  // If using role verification, this throws an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
  await synchronizer.seekTo(0);

document.getElementById("change-track-button").onclick = () => {
  // Changes the track for all users in the session.
  // If using role verification, this throws an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
    trackIdentifier: "SOME_OTHER_VIDEO_SRC",


While you can use the LiveMediaSession object to synchronize media manually, it's generally recommend to use the MediaPlayerSynchronizer. Depending on the player you use in your app, you might need to create a delegate shim to make your web player's interface match the IMediaPlayer interface.

Suspensions and wait points

:::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-live-share/live-share-media-out-of-sync.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows a suspension sync to the presenter.":::

If you want to temporarily suspend synchronization for the LiveMediaSession object, you can use suspensions. A MediaSessionCoordinatorSuspension object is local by default, which can be helpful in cases where a user might want to catch up on something they missed, take a break, and so on. If the user ends the suspension, synchronization resumes automatically.

// Suspend the media session coordinator
const suspension = mediaSession.coordinator.beginSuspension();

// End the suspension when ready
import { MediaSessionCoordinatorSuspension } from "@microsoft/live-share-media";

// Suspend the media session coordinator
const suspension: MediaSessionCoordinatorSuspension = mediaSession.coordinator.beginSuspension();

// End the suspension when ready
import { useMediaSynchronizer } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { useRef } from "react";

// Define a unique key that distinguishes this `useMediaSynchronizer` from others in your app

// Example component
export function VideoPlayer() {
  const videoRef = useRef(null);
  const { suspended, beginSuspension, endSuspension } = useMediaSynchronizer(

  return (
      <video ref={videoRef} />
      {!suspended && (
        <button onClick={() => {
          Stop following
      {suspended && (
        <button onClick={() => {
          Sync to presenter

When beginning a suspension, you can also include an optional CoordinationWaitPoint parameter, which allows users to define the timestamps in which a suspension should occur for all users. Synchronization doesn't resume until all users end the suspension for that wait point.

Here are a few scenarios where wait points are especially useful:

  • Adding a quiz or survey at certain points in the video.
  • Waiting for everyone to suitably load a video before it starts or while buffering.
  • Allow a presenter to choose points in the video for group discussion.
// Suspend the media session coordinator
const waitPoint = {
  position: 0,
  reason: "ReadyUp", // Optional.
const suspension = mediaSession.coordinator.beginSuspension(waitPoint);
// End the suspension when the user readies up
document.getElementById("ready-up-button").onclick = () => {
  // Sync resumes when everyone ends suspension
import { MediaSessionCoordinatorSuspension, CoordinationWaitPoint } from "@microsoft/live-share-media";

// Suspend the media session coordinator
const waitPoint: CoordinationWaitPoint = {
  position: 0,
  reason: "ReadyUp", // Optional.
const suspension = mediaSession.coordinator.beginSuspension(waitPoint);

// End the suspension when the user readies up
document.getElementById("ready-up-button")!.onclick = () => {
  // Sync resumes when everyone ends suspension
import { useMediaSynchronizer } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { useRef } from "react";

// Define a unique key that distinguishes this `useMediaSynchronizer` from others in your app

// Example component
export function VideoPlayer() {
    const videoRef = useRef(null);
    const { suspended, beginSuspension, endSuspension } = useMediaSynchronizer(
    return (
          <video ref={videoRef} />
          {!suspended && (
            <button onClick={() => {
                const waitPoint = {
                  position: 0,
                  reason: "ReadyUp", // Optional.
                Wait until ready
          {suspended && (
            <button onClick={() => {
                Ready up

Audio ducking

The Live Share SDK supports intelligent audio ducking. You can use the feature in your application by adding the following to your code:

import { meeting } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

// ... set up MediaPlayerSynchronizer

// Register speaking state change handler through Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS)
let volumeTimer;
meeting.registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler((speakingState) => {
  if (speakingState.isSpeakingDetected && !volumeTimer) {
    // If someone in the meeting starts speaking, periodically
    // lower the volume using your MediaPlayerSynchronizer's
    // VolumeLimiter.
    volumeTimer = setInterval(() => {
    }, 250);
  } else if (volumeTimer) {
    // If everyone in the meeting stops speaking and the
    // interval timer is active, clear the interval.
    volumeTimer = undefined;
import { meeting } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

// ... set up MediaPlayerSynchronizer

// Register speaking state change handler through TeamsJS library
let volumeTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined;
meeting.registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler((speakingState: meeting.ISpeakingState) => {
  if (speakingState.isSpeakingDetected && !volumeTimer) {
    // If someone in the meeting starts speaking, periodically
    // lower the volume using your MediaPlayerSynchronizer's
    // VolumeLimiter.
    volumeTimer = setInterval(() => {
    }, 250);
  } else if (volumeTimer) {
    // If everyone in the meeting stops speaking and the
    // interval timer is active, clear the interval.
    volumeTimer = undefined;
import { useMediaSynchronizer } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { meeting } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";

// Define a unique key that distinguishes this `useMediaSynchronizer` from others in your app

// Example component
export function VideoPlayer() {
    const videoRef = useRef(null);
    const { synchronizer } = useMediaSynchronizer(

    const enableSmartSound = () => {
        let volumeTimer;
        meeting.registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler((speakingState) => {
            if (speakingState.isSpeakingDetected && !volumeTimer) {
                // If someone in the meeting starts speaking, periodically
                // lower the volume using your MediaPlayerSynchronizer's
                // VolumeLimiter.
                volumeTimer = setInterval(() => {
                }, 250);
            } else if (volumeTimer) {
                // If everyone in the meeting stops speaking and the
                // interval timer is active, clear the interval.
                volumeTimer = undefined;

    return (
            <video ref={videoRef} />
            <button onClick={enableSmartSound}>
                Enable smart sound

Additionally, add the following RSC permissions into your app manifest:

  // of your manifest here
  "authorization": {
    "permissions": {
      "resourceSpecific": [
        // ...other permissions here​
          "name": "OnlineMeetingIncomingAudio.Detect.Chat",
          "type": "Delegated"
          "name": "OnlineMeetingIncomingAudio.Detect.Group",
          "type": "Delegated"


The registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler API used for audio ducking only works on Microsoft Teams desktop and in scheduled and meet now meeting types.

Code samples

Sample name Description JavaScript TypeScript
React video Basic example showing how the LiveMediaSession object works with HTML5 video. View NA
React media template Enable all connected clients to watch videos together, build a shared playlist, transfer whom is in control, and annotate over the video. View View

Next step

[!div class="nextstepaction"] Live Share canvas

See also