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File metadata and controls

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Variable data type properties
See all the available data type properties of desktop flow variables.

Variable data type properties

Some of the built-in data types have properties that are associated with the value stored in the variable.

A property may contain a part of the information stored in the variable, like the day of a date, or an extra attribute describing the variable, like the size of a list.

The value of these properties can be accessed directly through the following notation: %VariableName.PropertyName%.

For example, if you have a list of files called Files, you can get the number of the stored files using the expression: %Files.Count%

Screenshot of the Set variable action populated with the Count property of the file datatype.

The data types that have properties are displayed in the following lists.


Property Description
Length The length of the stored text in characters.
isEmpty This property is true if the variable is empty or false if it contains some characters.
ToUpper The text of the variable written in upper case characters.
ToLower The text of the variable written in lower case characters.
Trimmed The text of the variable written without white characters in the begging and the end.


Property Description
Year The year part of the datetime value.
Month The month part of the datetime value.
Day The day part of the datetime value.
DayOfWeek The name of the day (Sunday, Monday etch).
DayOfYear The day of the year part of the datetime value (1-365/6).
Hour The hour part of the datetime value.
Minute The minute part of the datetime value.
Second The seconds part of the datetime value.


Property Description
Count The number of items stored into the list.


Property Description
FullName The full path to the file.
RootPath The root path of the file, for example C:\.
Directory The directory where the file is stored.
Name The name of the file, including the extension.
NameWithoutExtension The name of the file without its extension.
Extension The extension of the file.
Size The size of the file in bytes.
CreationTime The date when the file was created.
LastAccessed The date when the file was last accessed.
LastModified The date when the file was last modified.
IsHidden This property is true if the file is hidden or false if the file is visible.
IsSystem This property is true if the file is a system file or false if it isn't.
IsReadOnly This property is true if the file is read only or false if it isn't.
IsArchive This property is true if the file is an archive or false if it isn't.
Exists This property is true if the file exists or false if the file doesn't exist.
isEmpty This property is true if the file is empty or false if the file isn't empty.


Property Description
FullName The full path to the folder.
RootPath The root path of the folder, for example, C:\.
Parent The parent directory of the folder.
Name The name of the folder.
CreationTime The date when the folder was created.
LastModified The date when the folder was last modified.
IsHidden This property is true if the folder is hidden or false if the folder is visible.
Exists This property is true if the folder exists or false if the folder doesn't exist.
isEmpty This property is true if the folder is empty or false if the folder isn't empty.
FilesCount The number of files in the folder.
FoldersCount The number of folders in the folder.

Mail messages

Property Description
MailFolder The name folder the email message is retrieved from.
Uid The unique identifier of the message.
From The sender of the email message.
To A list of values containing the recipients of the message.
Cc A list of values containing additional recipients for the message (carbon copy).
Date The date and time in which the message was sent.
Subject The subject of the message.
Body The body of the message. The body can be in plain text or in HTML form.
BodyText If the previous property contains HTML, this property contains the body of the message in plain text form.
Attachments A list of files that represent the saved attachments of the email message (if any).

Exchange connection

Property Description
ServerAddress The address of the Exchange server.

Exchange mail messages

Property Description
MailFolder The name folder the email message is retrieved from.
ItemId The unique identifier of the message.
From The sender of the email message.
To A list of values containing the recipients of the message.
Cc A list of values containing additional recipients for the message (carbon copy).
Date The date and time in which the message was sent.
Subject The subject of the message.
Body The body of the message. The body can be in plain text or in HTML form.
BodyText If the previous property contains HTML, this property contains the body of the message in plain text form.
Attachments A list of files that represent the saved attachments of the email message (if any).

Outlook mail messages

Property Description
MailFolder The name folder the email message is retrieved from.
EntryId The unique identifier of the message.
From The sender of the email message.
To A list of values containing the recipients of the message.
Cc A list of values containing additional recipients for the message (carbon copy).
Bcc A list of values containing additional recipients for the message (blind carbon copy).
Date The date and time in which the message was sent.
Subject The subject of the message.
Body The body of the message. The body can be in plain text or in HTML form.
BodyText If the previous property contains HTML, this property contains the body of the message in plain text form.
Attachments A list of files that represent the saved attachments of the email message (if any).

FTP files

Property Description
FullName The full path to the file.
Directory The directory where the file is stored on the FTP Server.
Name The name of the file, including the extension.
NameWithoutExtension The name of the file without its extension.message.
Extension The extension of the file.
Size The size of the file in bytes.
LastModified The date when the file was last modified.

FTP folders

Property Description
FullName The full path to the folder.
Parent The parent directory of the folder.
Name The name of the folder.
LastModified The date when the folder was last modified.

FTP connection

Property Description
Host The host of the FTP connection.
SecurityProtocol The security protocol used in the connection.


Property Description
RowsCount The number of rows of the data table.
Columns A list that contains the names of the columns of the data table.
IsEmpty This property is true if the datatable is empty or false if it is contains elements.
ColumnHeadersRow A datarow that contains the table headers.


Property Description
ColumnsCount The number of columns that the data row holds.
ColumnsNames A list that contains the headers of the datarow.

Web browser instance

Property Description
DisplayRectangleX The position of the top-left corner of the window in the x axel.
DisplayRectangleY The position of the top-left corner of the window in the y axel.
Handle The handle of the browser instance.
HtmlDialogs Contains the dialogs of the current page, if they exist.
IsAlive This property is true if the browser window is alive or false if it isn't.

Window instance

Property Description
Handle The handle of the window instance.

Excel instance

Property Description
Handle The handle of the Excel instance.

SQL connection

Property Description
ConnectionString The connection string used for the database connection.
IsClosed This property is true if the browser window is closed or false if it is open.

PDF table info

Property Description
DataTable The extracted data table of the specified item.
TableStartingPage The index of the file page that contains the start of the table.
TableEndingPage the index of the file page that contains the end of the table.
TableOrderInPage The order of the table on the page.

CMD session

Property Description
IsAlive This property is true if the CMD session is alive or false if it isn't.
ProcessId The unique identifier of the process.

Terminal session

Property Description
IsTerminated This property is true if the terminal session is terminated or false if it isn't.

XML node

Property Description
Children The children of the XML node.
InnerText The inner text of the XML node.
InnerXML The inner XML of the XML node .
Name The name of the XML document.
OuterXML The outer XML of the XML node.
Parent The parent of the XML node.
Value The value of the XML node.

Active Directory entry

Property Description
LdapPath The LDAP path of the Active Directory connection.

Group info

Property Description
Description The description of the group.
DisplayName The display name of the group.
Members A list containing the members of the group.
Name The name of the group.

User info

Property Description
City The city uf the user.
Company The company of the user.
Country The country of the user.
Department The department of the user.
Email The email of the user.
Extension The extension of the user.
FirstName The first name of the user.
Initials The initials of the user.
LastName The last name of the user.
PostalCode The postal code of the user.
State The state of the user.
StreetAddress The address of the user.
TelephoneNumber The phone number of the user.
Title The title of the user.

EBS snapshot

Property Description
DataEncryptionKeyId The id of the data encryption key.
Description The description of the snapshot.
Encrypted This property is true if the snapshot is encrypted.
KmsKeyId The identifier of the AWS Key Management Service customer master key to use for encryption.
OwnerAlias The alias of the owner.
OwnerId The id of the owner.
Progress The progress of the snapshot.
SnapshotId The id of the snapshot.
StartTime The start time of the snapshot.
State The state of the snapshot.
StateMessage The state message of the snapshot.
Tags The tags of the snapshot.
VolumeId The volume id.
VolumeSize The size of the volume.

EBS volume

Property Description
Attachments The attachments of the volume.
AvailabilityZone The availability zone of the volume.
CreateTime This creation time of the volume.
Encrypted This property is true if the volume is encrypted.
FastRestored This property is true if the fast restore is enabled.
Iops The max IOPS of the volume.
KmsKeyId The identifier of the AWS Key Management Service customer master key to use for encryption.
MultiAttachEnabled This property is true if the multi-attach is enabled.
OutpostArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the outpost.
Size The size of the volume.
SnapshotId The id of the snapshot.
State The state of the volume.
Tags The tags of the volume.
VolumeId The id of the volume.
VolumeType The type of the volume.

Azure managed disk

Property Description
AvailabilityZones The availability zones of the disk.
Configuration The configuration of the disk.
Encrypted This property is true if the disk is encrypted.
IopsSLimit The max IOPS of the disk.
IsAttachedToVirtualMachine This property is true if the disk is attached to a virtual machine.
OperationSystem The operation system installed on the disk.
SizeInGB The size of the disk in GB.
State This state of the disk.
ThroughputLimit The throughput limit of the disk.
TimeCreated The creation time of the disk.
Type The type of the disk.
VirtualMachine The virtual machine that the disk is attached to.
ResourceGroup The resource group of the disk.
Id The id of the disk.
Location The location of the disk.
Name The name s of the disk.
SubscriptionId The subscription id of the disk.
Tags The tags of the disk.

Azure resource group

Property Description
ProvisioningState The provisioning state of the resource group.
Id The id of the resource group.
Location This location of the resource group.
Name The name of the resource group.
SubscriptionId The subscription id of the resource group.
Tags The tags of the resource group.

Azure snapshot

Property Description
CreationSourceId The creation source id of the snapshot.
CreationSourceType The creation source type of the snapshot.
OperationSystem This operation system on the the snapshot.
SizeInGB The size of the snapshot in GB.
StorageAccountType This storage account type of the snapshot.
TimeCreated The creation time of the snapshot.
ResourceGroup The resource group of the snapshot.
id This id of the snapshot.
Location The location of the snapshot.
Name The name of the snapshot.
SubscriptionId The subscription id of the snapshot.
Tags The tags of the snapshot.


Property Description
ActionIndex The index of the action that caused the error.
ActionName The name of the action that caused the error.
ErrorDetails The details of the occurred error.
Location The name and index information of the action and subflow that caused the error.
Message The message of the occurred error.
SubflowName The name of the subflow that contains the action caused the error.
