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Sample: Modify query in PreOperation stage (Microsoft Dataverse) | Microsoft Docs
This sample shows how to write a plug-in that modifies a query defined within the PreOperation stage of a RetrieveMultiple request.

Sample: Modify query in PreOperation stage

This sample shows how to write a plug-in that modifies a query defined within the PreOperation stage of a RetrieveMultiple request.

Data filtering in a plug-in is commonly done in the PostOperation stage. The xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection.Entities data can be examined and tables that should not be returned are removed from the collection. But this pattern introduces issues where the number of records returned within a page may not match the expected paging sizes.

The approach described by this sample is different. Rather than filter tables after they have been retrieved, this plug-in will apply changes to the query in the PreOperation stage before it is executed.

A key point demonstrated by this sample is that the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.RetrieveMultipleRequest.Query can be one of three different types that are derived from the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryBase. To accommodate queries of any type, the plug-in code must detect the type of query and implement the appropriate type of filter.

[!div class="nextstepaction"] SDK for .NET: Modify query in PreOperation stage sample code

How to run this sample

  1. Download or clone the Samples repo so that you have a local copy. This sample is located under PowerApps-Samples-master\cds\orgsvc\C#\RetrieveMultipleAccountPreOperation.
  2. Open the sample solution in Visual Studio, navigate to the project's properties, and verify the assembly will be signed during the build. Press F6 to build the sample's assembly (RetrieveMultipleAccountPreOperation.dll).
  3. Run the Plug-in Registration tool and register the assembly in the Microsoft Dataverse server's sandbox and database for the PreOperation stage of the RetrieveMultiple message for the Account table.
  4. Using an app or write code to retrieve accounts to trigger the plug-in. See Code to test this sample below for an example.
  5. When you are done testing, unregister the assembly and step.

What this sample does

When executed, the plug-in will ensure that inactive account records will not be returned for the most common types of queries: xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression and xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.FetchExpression.

xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryByAttribute is a third type of query that may also be used. It doesn't support complex queries and therefore complex filtering cannot be applied using this method. Fortunately, this type of query is not frequently used. You may want to reject queries of this type by throwing an xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.InvalidPluginExecutionException in the PreValidation stage.

How this sample works

In order to simulate the scenario described in What this sample does, the sample will do the following:

  1. Verify that the input parameters includes a parameter named Query
  2. Test the type of the query by attempting to cast it as one of the three expected types.
  3. Based on the type of the query, the query is altered in the following manner:


  1. Parse the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.FetchExpression.Query value containing the FetchXml into an xref:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.
  2. Verify that the entity element attribute specifies the account table.
  3. Examine all the filter elements in the query for conditions that test the statecode column.
  4. Remove any existing conditions based on that column.
  5. Add a new filter to the Query that requires that only accounts where the statecode is not equal to 1 (Inactive) will be returned.
  6. Set the modified query to the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.FetchExpression.Query value
if (fetchExpressionQuery != null)
    tracingService.Trace("Found FetchExpression Query");

    XDocument fetchXmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(fetchExpressionQuery.Query);
    //The required entity element
    var entityElement = fetchXmlDoc.Descendants("entity").FirstOrDefault();
    var entityName = entityElement.Attributes("name").FirstOrDefault().Value;

    //Only applying to the account entity
    if (entityName == "account")
        tracingService.Trace("Query on Account confirmed");

        //Get all filter elements
        var filterElements = entityElement.Descendants("filter");

        //Find any existing statecode conditions
        var stateCodeConditions = from c in filterElements.Descendants("condition")
                                    where c.Attribute("attribute").Value.Equals("statecode")
                                    select c;

        if (stateCodeConditions.Count() > 0)
            tracingService.Trace("Removing existing statecode filter conditions.");
        //Remove statecode conditions
        stateCodeConditions.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Remove());

        //Add the condition you want in a new filter
            new XElement("filter",
                new XElement("condition",
                    new XAttribute("attribute", "statecode"),
                    new XAttribute("operator", "neq"), //not equal
                    new XAttribute("value", "1") //Inactive

    fetchExpressionQuery.Query = fetchXmlDoc.ToString();



  1. Verify that the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression.EntityName is the account table.
  2. Loop through the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression.Criteria.xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.FilterExpression.Filters collection
  3. Use the recursive RemoveAttributeConditions method to look for any xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ConditionExpression instances that test the statecode attribute and remove them.
  4. Add a new xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.FilterExpression to the xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression.Criteria.xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.FilterExpression.Filters collection that requires that only accounts where the statecode is not equal to 1 (Inactive) will be returned.
if (queryExpressionQuery != null)
    tracingService.Trace("Found Query Expression Query");
    if (queryExpressionQuery.EntityName.Equals("account"))
        tracingService.Trace("Query on Account confirmed");

        //Recursively remove any conditions referring to the statecode column
        foreach (FilterExpression fe in queryExpressionQuery.Criteria.Filters)
            //Remove any existing criteria based on statecode column
            RemoveAttributeConditions(fe, "statecode", tracingService);

        //Define the filter
        var stateCodeFilter = new FilterExpression();
        stateCodeFilter.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.NotEqual, 1);
        //Add it to the Criteria


RemoveAttributeConditions method

A recursive method that removes any conditions for a specific named column

/// <summary>
/// Removes any conditions using a specific named column
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filter">The filter that may have a condition using the column</param>
/// <param name="attributeName">The name of the column that should not be used in a condition</param>
/// <param name="tracingService">The tracing service to use</param>
private void RemoveAttributeConditions(FilterExpression filter, string attributeName, ITracingService tracingService)

    List<ConditionExpression> conditionsToRemove = new List<ConditionExpression>();

    foreach (ConditionExpression ce in filter.Conditions)
        if (ce.AttributeName.Equals(attributeName))

    conditionsToRemove.ForEach(x =>
        tracingService.Trace("Removed existing statecode filter conditions.");

    foreach (FilterExpression fe in filter.Filters)
        RemoveAttributeConditions(fe, attributeName, tracingService);


Because xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryByAttribute doesn't support complex filters, only write a message to the plug-in trace log.

If you don't want this type of query to be used at all, you could throw an xref:Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.InvalidPluginExecutionException to prevent the operation, but this would be better applied during the PreValidation stage.

if (queryByAttributeQuery != null)
    tracingService.Trace("Found Query By Attribute Query");
    //Query by attribute doesn't provide a complex query model that
    // can be manipulated

Code to test this sample

The following code demonstrates 5 different ways to perform the same query that will trigger the plug-in.

By specifying a specific criteria, in this case the address1_city column value, which only one active record will match, these queries will return just that record.

Then, deactivate that record and run this code a second time. No records will be returned.

    string account_city_value = "ValueForTesting";

    var queryByAttribute = new QueryByAttribute("account")
        TopCount = 1,
        ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("accountid", "name")
    queryByAttribute.AddAttributeValue("address1_city", account_city_value);
    queryByAttribute.AddOrder("name", OrderType.Descending);

    var queryExpression = new QueryExpression("account")
    { ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("accountid", "name"), TopCount = 1 };
    queryExpression.Orders.Add(new OrderExpression("name", OrderType.Descending));
    var qeFilter = new FilterExpression(LogicalOperator.And);
    qeFilter.AddCondition(new ConditionExpression("address1_city", ConditionOperator.Equal, account_city_value));
    queryExpression.Criteria = qeFilter;

    var fetchXml = $@"<fetch mapping='logical' count='1'>
                <entity name='account'>
                    <attribute name='accountid'/>
                    <attribute name='name'/>
                    <order attribute='name' descending='true' />
                    <condition attribute='address1_city' operator='eq' value='{account_city_value}' />

    var fetchExpression = new FetchExpression(fetchXml);

    //Get results:
    var queryByAttributeResults = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryByAttribute);
    var queryExpressionResults = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
    var fetchExpressionResults = service.RetrieveMultiple(fetchExpression);

    string WebAPIAccountName = string.Empty;

    Dictionary<string, List<string>> ODataHeaders = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>() {
    {"Accept", new List<string>(){"application/json" } },
    {"OData-MaxVersion", new List<string>(){ "4.0" } },
    {"OData-Version", new List<string>(){ "4.0" } }};

    HttpResponseMessage response = service.ExecuteCrmWebRequest(HttpMethod.Get,
        $"accounts?$select=accountid,name&$top=1&$orderby=name desc&$filter=address1_city eq '{account_city_value}'",
    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        var results = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
        var jsonResults = JObject.Parse(results);
        var accounts = (JArray)jsonResults.GetValue("value");
        if (accounts.Count > 0)
            var account = accounts.First();
            WebAPIAccountName = account.Value<string>("name");



    //Using Fetch with Web API
    string FetchWebAPIAccountName = string.Empty;
    HttpResponseMessage fetchResponse = service.ExecuteCrmWebRequest(HttpMethod.Get,
    $"accounts?fetchXml=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(fetchXml),
    if (fetchResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)

        var results = fetchResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
        var jsonResults = JObject.Parse(results);
        var accounts = (JArray)jsonResults.GetValue("value");
        if (accounts.Count > 0)
            var account = accounts.First();
            FetchWebAPIAccountName = account.Value<string>("name");


    string no_records_message = "No records returned";

    Console.WriteLine("QueryByAttribute Account Returned: {0}", queryByAttributeResults.Entities.Count > 0 ?
        queryByAttributeResults.Entities[0]["name"] : no_records_message);
    Console.WriteLine("QueryExpression Account Returned: {0}", queryExpressionResults.Entities.Count > 0 ?
        queryExpressionResults.Entities[0]["name"] : no_records_message);
    Console.WriteLine("Fetch Account Returned: {0}", fetchExpressionResults.Entities.Count > 0 ?
        fetchExpressionResults.Entities[0]["name"] : no_records_message);
    Console.WriteLine("WebAPI Account Returned: {0}", WebAPIAccountName != string.Empty ?
        WebAPIAccountName : no_records_message);
    Console.WriteLine("WebAPI Fetch Account Returned: {0}", FetchWebAPIAccountName != string.Empty ?
        FetchWebAPIAccountName : no_records_message);

catch (Exception ex)

    throw ex;

See also

Implement all types of queries when filtering results using PreOperation RetrieveMultiple
