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File metadata and controls

114 lines (82 loc) · 4.29 KB
UID title description helpviewer_keywords tech.root ms.assetid ms.keywords targetos req.assembly req.construct-type req.ddi-compliance req.dll req.header req.idl req.include-header req.irql req.kmdf-ver req.lib req.max-support req.namespace req.redist req.type-library req.umdf-ver req.unicode-ansi f1_keywords dev_langs topic_type api_type api_location api_name
Determines whether the Shell will be allowed to move, copy, delete, or rename a folder or printer object. (ANSI)


Determines whether the Shell will be allowed to move, copy, delete, or rename a folder or printer object.


-param hwnd

A handle to the window that the copy hook handler should use as the parent for any user interface elements the handler may need to display. If FOF_SILENT is specified in wFunc, the method should ignore this parameter.

-param wFunc

The operation to perform. This parameter can be one of the values listed under the wFunc member of the SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure.

-param wFlags

The flags that control the operation. This parameter can be one or more of the values listed under the fFlags member of the SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure.

For printer copy hooks, this value is one of the following values defined in Shellapi.h.

Value Description
PO_DELETE A printer is being deleted. pszSrcFile points to the full path to the specified printer.
PO_RENAME A printer is being renamed. The pszSrcFile parameter points to the printer's new name. The pszDestFile parameter points to the old name.
PO_PORTCHANGE Not supported. Do not use.
PO_REN_PORT Not supported. Do not use.

-param pszSrcFile

A pointer to a string that contains the name of the source folder.

-param dwSrcAttribs

The attributes of the source folder. This parameter can be a combination of any of the file attribute flags (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_*) defined in the header files. See File Attribute Constants.

-param pszDestFile

A pointer to a string that contains the name of the destination folder.

-param dwDestAttribs

The attributes of the destination folder. This parameter can be a combination of any of the file attribute flags (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_*) defined in the header files. See File Attribute Constants.


Returns an integer value that indicates whether the Shell should perform the operation. One of the following:

Value Description
IDYES Allows the operation.
IDNO Prevents the operation on this folder but continues with any other operations that have been approved (for example, a batch copy operation).
IDCANCEL Prevents the current operation and cancels any pending operations.


The Shell calls each copy hook handler registered for a folder or printer object until all the handlers have been called, or until one of them returns IDNO or IDCANCEL.

Copy hook handlers for folders are registered under the following key:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Directory/Shellex/CopyHookHandlers/your_copyhook/{copyhook CLSID value}

Copy hook handlers for printers are registered under the following key.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Printers/Shellex/CopyHookHandlers/your_copyhook/{copyhook CLSID value}

When this method is called, the Shell initializes the ICopyHookA interface directly without using an IShellExtInit interface first.
