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Create a Hyperscale database
Create a Hyperscale database in Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, Transact-SQL, PowerShell, or the Azure CLI.

Quickstart: Create a Hyperscale database in Azure SQL Database

In this quickstart, you create a logical server in Azure and a Hyperscale database in Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, a PowerShell script, or an Azure CLI script, with the option to create one or more High Availability (HA) replicas. If you would like to use an existing logical server in Azure, you can also create a Hyperscale database using Transact-SQL.


Simplified pricing for SQL Database Hyperscale arrived in December 2023. Review the Hyperscale pricing blog for details.


Create a Hyperscale database

This quickstart creates a single database in the Hyperscale service tier.

To create a single database in the Azure portal, this quickstart starts at the Azure SQL page.

  1. Browse to the Select SQL Deployment option page.

  2. Under SQL databases, leave Resource type set to Single database, and select Create.

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/azure-sql-create-resource.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure SQL page in the Azure portal. The page offers the ability to select a deployment option including creating SQL databases, SQL managed instances, and SQL virtual machines." lightbox="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/azure-sql-create-resource.png":::

  3. On the Basics tab of the Create SQL Database form, under Project details, select the desired Azure Subscription.

  4. For Resource group, select Create new, enter myResourceGroup, and select OK.

  5. For Database name, enter mySampleDatabase.

  6. For Server, select Create new, and fill out the New server form with the following values:

    • Server name: Enter mysqlserver, and add some characters for uniqueness. We can't provide an exact server name to use because server names must be globally unique for all servers in Azure, not just unique within a subscription. Enter a name such as mysqlserver12345, and the portal will let you know if it's available.
    • Server admin login: Enter azureuser.
    • Password: Enter a password that meets requirements, and enter it again in the Confirm password field.
    • Location: Select a location from the dropdown list.

    Select OK.

  7. Under Compute + storage, select Configure database.

  8. This quickstart creates a Hyperscale database. For Service tier, select Hyperscale.

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/create-database-select-hyperscale-service-tier.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the service and compute tier configuration page for a new database in Azure SQL Database. The Hyperscale service tier has been selected." lightbox="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/create-database-select-hyperscale-service-tier.png":::

  9. Under Compute Hardware, select Change configuration. Review the available hardware configurations and select the most appropriate configuration for your database. For this example, we will select the Standard-series (Gen5) configuration.

  10. Select OK to confirm the hardware generation.

  11. Optionally, adjust the vCores slider if you would like to increase the number of vCores for your database. For this example, we will select 2 vCores.

  12. Adjust the High-Availability Secondary Replicas slider to create one High Availability (HA) replica.

  13. Select Apply.

  14. Carefully consider the configuration option for Backup storage redundancy when creating a Hyperscale database. Storage redundancy can only be specified during the database creation process for Hyperscale databases. You can choose locally redundant, zone-redundant, or geo-redundant storage. The selected storage redundancy option will be used for the lifetime of the database for both data storage redundancy and backup storage redundancy. Existing databases can migrate to different storage redundancy using database copy or point in time restore.

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/azure-sql-create-database-basics-tab.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the basics tab in the create database process after the Hyperscale service tier has been selected and configured." lightbox="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/azure-sql-create-database-basics-tab.png":::

  15. Select Next: Networking at the bottom of the page.

  16. On the Networking tab, for Connectivity method, select Public endpoint.

  17. For Firewall rules, set Add current client IP address to Yes. Leave Allow Azure services and resources to access this server set to No.

  18. Select Next: Security at the bottom of the page.

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/azure-sql-database-configure-network.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the networking configuration page for a new database that enables you to configure endpoints and optionally add a firewall rule for your client IP address.":::

  19. Optionally, enable Microsoft Defender for SQL.

  20. Select Next: Additional settings at the bottom of the page.

  21. On the Additional settings tab, in the Data source section, for Use existing data, select Sample. This creates an AdventureWorksLT sample database so there's some tables and data to query and experiment with, as opposed to an empty blank database.

  22. Select Review + create at the bottom of the page:

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/azure-sql-create-database-sample-data.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the 'Additional Settings' screen to create a database in Azure SQL Database allows you to select sample data.":::

  23. On the Review + create page, after reviewing, select Create.

The Azure CLI code blocks in this section create a resource group, server, single database, and server-level IP firewall rule for access to the server. Make sure to record the generated resource group and server names, so you can manage these resources later.

[!INCLUDE quickstarts-free-trial-note]



Set parameter values

The following values are used in subsequent commands to create the database and required resources. Server names need to be globally unique across all of Azure so the $RANDOM function is used to create the server name.

Before running the sample code, change the location as appropriate for your environment. Replace with the IP address range to match your specific environment. Use the public IP address of the computer you're using to restrict access to the server to only your IP address.

:::code language="azurecli" source="~/../azure_cli_scripts/sql-database/create-and-configure-database/" range="4-18":::

let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"
location="East US"
# Specify appropriate IP address values for your environment
# to limit access to the SQL Database server

echo "Using resource group $resourceGroupName with login: $login, password: $password..."

Create a resource group

Create a resource group with the az group create command. An Azure resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed. The following example creates a resource group in the location specified for the location parameter in the prior step:

echo "Creating $resourceGroupName in $location..."
az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location "$location" --tag $tag

Create a server

Create a logical server with the az sql server create command.

echo "Creating $serverName in $location..."
az sql server create --name $serverName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --location "$location" --admin-user $login --admin-password $password

Configure a server-based firewall rule

Create a firewall rule with the az sql server firewall-rule create command.

echo "Configuring firewall..."
az sql server firewall-rule create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --server $serverName -n AllowYourIp --start-ip-address $startIp --end-ip-address $endIp

Create a single database

Create a database in the Hyperscale service tier with the az sql db create command.

When creating a Hyperscale database, carefully consider the setting for backup-storage-redundancy. Storage redundancy can only be specified during the database creation process for Hyperscale databases. You can choose locally redundant, zone-redundant, or geo-redundant storage. The selected storage redundancy option will be used for the lifetime of the database for both data storage redundancy and backup storage redundancy. Existing databases can migrate to different storage redundancy using database copy or point in time restore. Allowed values for the backup-storage-redundancy parameter are: Local, Zone, Geo. Unless explicitly specified, databases will be configured to use geo-redundant backup storage.

Run the following command to create a Hyperscale database populated with AdventureWorksLT sample data. The database uses standard-series (Gen5) hardware with 2 vCores. Geo-redundant backup storage is used for the database. The command also creates one High Availability (HA) replica.

az sql db create \
    --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
    --server $serverName \
    --name $databaseName \3
    --sample-name AdventureWorksLT \
    --edition Hyperscale \
    --compute-model Provisioned \
    --family Gen5 \
    --capacity 2 \
    --backup-storage-redundancy Geo \
    --ha-replicas 1 

You can create a resource group, server, and single database using Azure PowerShell.

Launch Azure Cloud Shell

The Azure Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account.

To open the Cloud Shell, select Try it from the upper right corner of a code block. You can also launch Cloud Shell in a separate browser tab by going to

When Cloud Shell opens, verify that PowerShell is selected for your environment. Subsequent sessions will use Azure CLI in a PowerShell environment. Select Copy to copy the blocks of code, paste it into the Cloud Shell, and press Enter to run it.

Set parameter values

The following values are used in subsequent commands to create the database and required resources. Server names need to be globally unique across all of Azure so the Get-Random cmdlet is used to create the server name.

Before running the sample code, change the location as appropriate for your environment. Replace with the IP address range to match your specific environment. Use the public IP address of the computer you're using to restrict access to the server to only your IP address.

   # Set variables for your server and database
   $resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup"
   $location = "eastus"
   $adminLogin = "azureuser"
   $password = "Pa$$w0rD-$(Get-Random)"
   $serverName = "mysqlserver-$(Get-Random)"
   $databaseName = "mySampleDatabase"

   # The ip address range that you want to allow to access your server
   $startIp = ""
   $endIp = ""

   # Show randomized variables
   Write-host "Resource group name is" $resourceGroupName
   Write-host "Server name is" $serverName
   Write-host "Password is" $password

Create resource group

Create an Azure resource group with New-AzResourceGroup. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.

   Write-host "Creating resource group..."
   $resourceGroup = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location $location -Tag @{Owner="SQLDB-Samples"}

Create a server

Create a server with the New-AzSqlServer cmdlet.

  Write-host "Creating primary server..."
   $server = New-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
      -ServerName $serverName `
      -Location $location `
      -SqlAdministratorCredentials $(New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
      -ArgumentList $adminLogin, $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))

Create a firewall rule

Create a server firewall rule with the New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule cmdlet.

   Write-host "Configuring server firewall rule..."
   $serverFirewallRule = New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
      -ServerName $serverName `
      -FirewallRuleName "AllowedIPs" -StartIpAddress $startIp -EndIpAddress $endIp

Create a single database

Create a single database with the New-AzSqlDatabase cmdlet.

When creating a Hyperscale database, carefully consider the setting for BackupStorageRedundancy. Storage redundancy can only be specified during the database creation process for Hyperscale databases. You can choose locally redundant, zone-redundant, or geo-redundant storage. The selected storage redundancy option will be used for the lifetime of the database for both data storage redundancy and backup storage redundancy. Existing databases can migrate to different storage redundancy using database copy or point in time restore. Allowed values for the BackupStorageRedundancy parameter are: Local, Zone, Geo. Unless explicitly specified, databases will be configured to use geo-redundant backup storage.

Run the following command to create a Hyperscale database populated with AdventureWorksLT sample data. The database uses standard-series (Gen5) hardware with 2 vCores. Geo-redundant backup storage is used for the database. The command also creates one High Availability (HA) replica.

   Write-host "Creating a standard-series (Gen5) 2 vCore Hyperscale database..."
   $database = New-AzSqlDatabase  -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
      -ServerName $serverName `
      -DatabaseName $databaseName `
      -Edition Hyperscale `
      -ComputeModel Provisioned `
      -ComputeGeneration Gen5 `
      -VCore 2 `
      -MinimumCapacity 2 `
      -SampleName "AdventureWorksLT" `
      -BackupStorageRedundancy Geo `
      -HighAvailabilityReplicaCount 1

To create a Hyperscale database with Transact-SQL, you must first create or identify connection information for an existing logical server in Azure.

Connect to the master database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Azure Data Studio, or the client of your choice to run Transact-SQL commands (sqlcmd, etc.).

When creating a Hyperscale database, carefully consider the setting for BACKUP_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY. Storage redundancy can only be specified during the database creation process for Hyperscale databases. You can choose locally redundant, zone-redundant, or geo-redundant storage. The selected storage redundancy option will be used for the lifetime of the database for both data storage redundancy and backup storage redundancy. Existing databases can migrate to different storage redundancy using database copy or point in time restore. Allowed values for the BackupStorageRedundancy parameter are: LOCAL, ZONE, GEO. Unless explicitly specified, databases will be configured to use geo-redundant backup storage.

Run the following Transact-SQL command to create a new Hyperscale database with Gen 5 hardware, 2 vCores, and geo-redundant backup storage. You must specify both the edition and service objective in the CREATE DATABASE statement. Refer to the resource limits for a list of valid service objectives, such as HS_Gen5_2.

This example code creates an empty database. If you would like to create a database with sample data, use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or PowerShell examples in this quickstart.

CREATE DATABASE [myHyperscaleDatabase] 

Refer to CREATE DATABASE (Transact-SQL) for more parameters and options.

To add one or more High Availability (HA) replicas to your database, use the Compute and storage pane for the database in the Azure portal, the Set-AzSqlDatabase PowerShell command, or the az sql db update Azure CLI command.

Query the database

Once your database is created, you can use the Query editor (preview) in the Azure portal to connect to the database and query data. If you prefer, you can alternately query the database by connecting with Azure Data Studio, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), or the client of your choice to run Transact-SQL commands (sqlcmd, etc.).

  1. In the portal, search for and select SQL databases, and then select your database from the list.

  2. On the page for your database, select Query editor (preview) in the left menu.

  3. Enter your server admin login information, and select OK.

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/query-editor-azure-portal-authenticate.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Query editor (preview) pane in Azure SQL Database gives two options for authentication. In this example, we have filled in Login and Password under SQL server authentication." lightbox="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/query-editor-azure-portal-authenticate.png":::

  4. If you created your Hyperscale database from the AdventureWorksLT sample database, enter the following query in the Query editor pane.

    SELECT TOP 20 pc.Name as CategoryName, as ProductName
    FROM SalesLT.ProductCategory pc
    JOIN SalesLT.Product p
          ON pc.productcategoryid = p.productcategoryid;

    If you created an empty database using the Transact-SQL sample code, enter another example query in the Query editor pane, such as the following:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTable(
        TestTableID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        TestTime datetime NOT NULL,
        TestMessage nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL,
    ALTER TABLE dbo.TestTable ADD CONSTRAINT DF_TestTable_TestTime  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR TestTime
    INSERT dbo.TestTable (TestMessage)
    VALUES (N'This is a test');
    SELECT TestTableID, TestTime, TestMessage
    FROM dbo.TestTable;
  5. Select Run, and then review the query results in the Results pane.

    :::image type="content" source="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/query-editor-azure-portal-run-query.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Query editor (preview) pane in Azure SQL Database after a query has been run against AdventureWorks sample data." lightbox="media/hyperscale-database-create-quickstart/query-editor-azure-portal-run-query.png":::

  6. Close the Query editor page, and select OK when prompted to discard your unsaved edits.

Clean up resources

Keep the resource group, server, and single database to go on to the next steps, and learn how to connect and query your database with different methods.

When you're finished using these resources, you can delete the resource group you created, which will also delete the server and single database within it.

To delete myResourceGroup and all its resources using the Azure portal:

  1. In the portal, search for and select Resource groups, and then select myResourceGroup from the list.
  2. On the resource group page, select Delete resource group.
  3. Under Type the resource group name, enter myResourceGroup, and then select Delete.

Use the following command to remove the resource group and all resources associated with it using the az group delete command - unless you have an ongoing need for these resources. Some of these resources might take a while to create, and to delete.

az group delete --name $resourceGroup

To delete the resource group and all its resources, run the following PowerShell cmdlet, using the name of your resource group:

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName

This option deletes only the Hyperscale database. It doesn't remove any logical servers or resource groups that you might have created in addition to the database.

To delete a Hyperscale database with Transact-SQL, connect to the master database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Azure Data Studio, or the client of your choice to run Transact-SQL commands (sqlcmd, etc.).

Run the following Transact-SQL command to drop the database:

DROP DATABASE [myHyperscaleDatabase];

Related content

Connect and query your database using different tools and languages:

Learn more about Hyperscale databases in the following articles: