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Publish to dev and test environments with PowerShell
Use Windows PowerShell scripts from Visual Studio to publish to development and test environments, including customizing and extending scripts.

Using Windows PowerShell scripts to publish to dev and test environments

When you create a web application in Visual Studio, you can generate a Windows PowerShell script that you can use later to automate the publishing of your website to Azure as a Web App in Azure App Service or a virtual machine. You can edit and extend the Windows PowerShell script in the Visual Studio editor to suit your requirements, or integrate the script with existing build, test, and publishing scripts.

Using these scripts, you can provision customized versions (also known as dev and test environments) of your site for temporary use. For example, you might set up a particular version of your website on an Azure virtual machine or on the staging slot on a website to run a test suite, reproduce a bug, test a bug fix, trial a proposed change, or set up a custom environment for a demo or presentation. After you've created a script that publishes your project, you can re-create identical environments by rerunning the script as needed, or run the script with your own build of your web application to create a custom environment for testing.


Additional tools

Additional tools and resources for working with PowerShell in Visual Studio for Azure development are available. See PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio.

Generating the publish scripts

You can generate the publish scripts for a virtual machine that hosts your website when you create a new project by following these instructions. You can also generate publish scripts for web apps in Azure App Service.

Scripts that Visual Studio generates

Visual Studio generates a solution-level folder called PublishScripts that contains two Windows PowerShell files, a publish script for your virtual machine or website, and a module that contains functions that you can use in the scripts. Visual Studio also generates a file in the JSON format that specifies the details of the project you are deploying.

Windows PowerShell publish script

The publish script contains specific publish steps for deploying to a website or virtual machine. Visual Studio provides syntax coloring for Windows PowerShell development. Help for the functions is available, and you can freely edit the functions in the script to suit your changing requirements.

Windows PowerShell module

The Windows PowerShell module that Visual Studio generates contains functions that the publish script uses. These Azure PowerShell functions are not intended to be modified. See How to install and configure Azure PowerShell.

JSON configuration file

The JSON file is created in the Configurations folder and contains configuration data that specifies exactly which resources to deploy to Azure. The name of the file that Visual Studio generates is project-name-WAWS-dev.json if you created a website, or project name-VM-dev.json if you created a virtual machine. Here's an example of a JSON configuration file that's generated when you create a website. Most of the values are self-explanatory. The website name is generated by Azure, so it might not match your project name.

    "environmentSettings": {
        "webSite": {
            "name": "WebApplication26632",
            "location": "West US"
        "databases": [{
            "connectionStringName": "DefaultConnection",
            "databaseName": "WebApplication26632_db",
            "serverName": "YourDatabaseServerName",
            "user": "sqluser2",
            "password": "",
            "edition": "",
            "size": "",
            "collation": "",
            "location": "West US"

When you create a virtual machine, the JSON configuration file looks similar to the following. A cloud service is created as a container for the virtual machine. The virtual machine contains the usual endpoints for web access through HTTP and HTTPS, as well as endpoints for Web Deploy, which lets you publish to the website from your local machine, Remote Desktop, and Windows PowerShell.

    "environmentSettings": {
        "cloudService": {
            "name": "myusernamevm1",
            "affinityGroup": "",
            "location": "West US",
            "virtualNetwork": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "availabilitySet": "",
            "virtualMachine": {
                "name": "myusernamevm1",
                "vhdImage": "",
                "size": "Small",
                "user": "vmuser1",
                "password": "",
                "enableWebDeployExtension": true,
                "endpoints": [{
                        "name": "Http",
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "publicPort": "80",
                        "privatePort": "80"
                        "name": "Https",
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "publicPort": "443",
                        "privatePort": "443"
                        "name": "WebDeploy",
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "publicPort": "8172",
                        "privatePort": "8172"
                        "name": "Remote Desktop",
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "publicPort": "3389",
                        "privatePort": "3389"
                        "name": "Powershell",
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "publicPort": "5986",
                        "privatePort": "5986"
        "databases": [{
            "connectionStringName": "",
            "databaseName": "",
            "serverName": "",
            "user": "",
            "password": ""
        "webDeployParameters": {
            "iisWebApplicationName": "Default Web Site"

You can edit the JSON configuration to change what happens when you run the publish scripts. The cloudService and virtualMachine sections are required, but you can delete the databases section if you don't need it. The properties that are empty in the default configuration file that Visual Studio generates are optional; those properties that have values in the default configuration file are required.

If you have a website that has multiple deployment environments (known as slots) instead of a single production site in Azure, you can include the slot name in the name of the website in the JSON configuration file. For example, if you have a website that's named mysite and a slot for it named test then the URI is, but the correct name to use in the configuration file is mysite(test). You can only do this if the website and slots already exist in your subscription. If they don't exist, create the website by running the script without specifying the slot, then create the slot in the Azure portal, and thereafter run the script with the modified website name. For more information about deployment slots for web apps, see Set up staging environments for web apps in Azure App Service.

How to run the publish scripts

If you have never run a Windows PowerShell script before, you must first set the execution policy to enable scripts to run. The policy is a security feature to prevent users from running Windows PowerShell scripts if they're vulnerable to malware or viruses that involve executing scripts.

Run the script

  1. Create the Web Deploy package for your project. A Web Deploy package is a compressed archive (.zip file) that contain files that you want to copy to your website or virtual machine. You can create Web Deploy packages in Visual Studio for any web application.

    Create Web Deploy Package

    For more information, see How to: Create a Web Deployment Package in Visual Studio. You can also automate the creation of your Web Deploy package, as described in Customizing and extending the publish scripts.

  2. In Solution Explorer, open the context menu for the script, and then choose Open with PowerShell ISE.

  3. If running Windows PowerShell scripts on this computer for the first time, open a command prompt window with Administrator privileges and type the following command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  4. Sign in to Azure by using the following command.


    When prompted, supply your username and password.

    Note that when you automate the script, this method of providing Azure credentials doesn't work. Instead, you should use the .publishsettings file to provide credentials. One time only, you use the command Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile to download the file from Azure, and thereafter use Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile to import the file. For detailed instructions, see How to install and configure Azure PowerShell.

  5. (Optional) If you want to create Azure resources such as the virtual machine, database, and website without publishing your web application, use the Publish-WebApplication.ps1 command with the -Configuration argument set to the JSON configuration file. This command line uses the JSON configuration file to determine which resources to create. Because it uses the default settings for other command-line arguments, it creates the resources, but doesn't publish your web application. The –Verbose option gives you more information about what's happening.

    Publish-WebApplication.ps1 -Verbose –Configuration C:\Path\WebProject-WAWS-dev.json
  6. Use the Publish-WebApplication.ps1 command as shown in one of the following examples to invoke the script and publish your web application. If you need to override the default settings for any of the other arguments, such as the subscription name, publish package name, virtual machine credentials, or database server credentials, you can specify those parameters. Use the –Verbose option to see more information about the progress of the publishing process.

    Publish-WebApplication.ps1 –Configuration C:\Path\WebProject-WAWS-dev-json `
    –SubscriptionName Contoso `
    -WebDeployPackage C:\Documents\Azure\ `
    -DatabaseServerPassword @{Name="dbServerName";Password="adminPassword"} `

    If you're creating a virtual machine, the command looks like the following. This example also shows how to specify the credentials for multiple databases. For the virtual machines that these scripts create, the SSL certificate is not from a trusted root authority. Therefore, you need to use the –AllowUntrusted option.

    Publish-WebApplication.ps1 `
    -Configuration C:\Path\ADVM-VM-test.json `
    -SubscriptionName Contoso `
    -WebDeployPackage C:\Path\ `
    -AllowUntrusted `
    -VMPassword @{name = "vmUserName"; password = "YourPasswordHere"} `
    -DatabaseServerPassword @{Name="server1";Password="adminPassword1"}, @{Name="server2";Password="adminPassword2"} `

    The script can create databases, but it doesn't create database servers. If you want to create a database server, you can use the New-AzureSqlDatabaseServer function in the Azure module.

Customizing and extending the publish scripts

You can customize the publish script and JSON configuration file. The functions in the Windows PowerShell module AzureWebAppPublishModule.psm1 are not intended to be modified. If you just want to specify a different database or change some of the properties of the virtual machine, edit the JSON configuration file. If you want to extend the functionality of the script to automate building and testing your project, you can implement function stubs in Publish-WebApplication.ps1.

To automate building your project, add code that calls MSBuild to New-WebDeployPackage as shown in this code example. The path to the MSBuild command is different depending on the version of Visual Studio you have installed. To get the correct path, you can use the function Get-MSBuildCmd, as shown in this example.

To automate building your project

  1. Add the $ProjectFile parameter in the global param section.

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
  2. Copy the function Get-MSBuildCmd into your script file.

    function Get-MSBuildCmd
        $StartInfo  = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
        $StartInfo.Filename = ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} + "\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vswhere.exe"
        $StartInfo.Arguments = " -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -find MSBuild\\**\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe"
        $StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $True
        $StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $False
        [System.Diagnostics.Process] $VSWhere = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($StartInfo)
        return $VSWhere.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
  3. Replace New-WebDeployPackage with the following code and replace the placeholders in the line constructing $msbuildCmd.

    function New-WebDeployPackage
        #Write a function to build and package your web application

    To build your web application, use MSBuild.exe. For help, see MSBuild Command-Line Reference

    Write-VerboseWithTime 'Build-WebDeployPackage: Start'
    $msbuildCmd = '"{0}" "{1}" /T:Rebuild;Package /p:OutputPath="{2}\MSBuildOutputPath" /flp:logfile=msbuild.log,v=d' -f (Get-MSBuildCmd), $ProjectFile, $scriptDirectory
    Write-VerboseWithTime ('Build-WebDeployPackage: ' + $msbuildCmd)

Start execution of the build command

$job = Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList('/C "' + $msbuildCmd + '"') -WindowStyle Normal -Wait -PassThru

if ($job.ExitCode -ne 0) {
    throw('MSBuild exited with an error. ExitCode:' + $job.ExitCode)

#Obtain the project name
$projectName = (Get-Item $ProjectFile).BaseName

#Construct the path to web deploy zip package
$DeployPackageDir =  '.\MSBuildOutputPath\_PublishedWebsites\{0}_Package\{0}.zip' -f $projectName

#Get the full path for the web deploy zip package. This is required for MSDeploy to work
$WebDeployPackage = Resolve-Path –LiteralPath $DeployPackageDir

Write-VerboseWithTime 'Build-WebDeployPackage: End'

return $WebDeployPackage
  1. Call the New-WebDeployPackage function before this line: $Config = Read-ConfigFile $Configuration for web apps or $Config = Read-ConfigFile $Configuration -HasWebDeployPackage:([Bool]$WebDeployPackage) for virtual machines.

    $WebDeployPackage = New-WebDeployPackage
  2. Invoke the customized script from command line using passing the $Project argument, as in the following example:

    .\Publish-WebApplicationVM.ps1 -Configuration .\Configurations\WebApplication5-VM-dev.json `
    -ProjectFile ..\WebApplication5\WebApplication5.csproj `
    -VMPassword @{Name="VMUser";Password="Test.123"} `
    -AllowUntrusted `

    To automate testing of your application, add code to Test-WebApplication. Be sure to uncomment the lines in Publish-WebApplication.ps1 where these functions are called. If you don't provide an implementation, you can manually build your project with Visual Studio, and then run the publish script to publish to Azure.

Publishing function summary

To get help for functions you can use at the Windows PowerShell command prompt, use the command Get-Help function-name. The help includes parameter help and examples. The same help text is also in the script source files AzureWebAppPublishModule.psm1 and Publish-WebApplication.ps1. The script and help are localized in your Visual Studio language.


Function name Description
Add-AzureSQLDatabase Creates a new Azure SQL database.
Add-AzureSQLDatabases Creates Azure SQL databases from the values in the JSON configuration file that Visual Studio generates.
Add-AzureVM Creates an Azure virtual machine and returns the URL of the deployed VM. The function sets up the prerequisites and then calls the New-AzureVM function (Azure module) to create a new virtual machine.
Add-AzureVMEndpoints Adds new input endpoints to a virtual machine and returns the virtual machine with the new endpoint.
Add-AzureVMStorage Creates a new Azure Storage account in the current subscription. The name of the account begins with "dev/test" followed by a unique alphanumeric string. The function returns the name of the new storage account. Specify either a location or an affinity group for the new storage account.
Add-AzureWebsite Creates a website with the specified name and location. This function calls the New-AzureWebsite function in the Azure module. If the subscription doesn't already include a website with the specified name, this function creates the website and returns a website object. Otherwise, it returns $null.
Backup-Subscription Saves the current Azure subscription in the $Script:originalSubscription variable in script scope. This function saves the current Azure subscription (as obtained by Get-AzureSubscription -Current) and its storage account, and the subscription that is changed by this script (stored in the variable $UserSpecifiedSubscription) and its storage account, in script scope. By saving the values, you can use a function, such as Restore-Subscription, to restore the original current subscription and storage account to current status if the current status has changed.
Find-AzureVM Gets the specified Azure virtual machine.
Format-DevTestMessageWithTime Prepends the date and time to a message. This function is designed for messages written to the Error and Verbose streams.
Get-AzureSQLDatabaseConnectionString Assembles a connection string to connect to an Azure SQL database.
Get-AzureVMStorage Returns the name of the first storage account with the name pattern "dev/test*" (case insensitive) in the specified location or affinity group. If the "dev/test*" storage account doesn't match the location or affinity group, the function ignores it. Specify either a location or an affinity group.
Get-MSDeployCmd Returns a command to run the MsDeploy.exe tool.
New-AzureVMEnvironment Finds or creates a virtual machine in the subscription that matches the values in the JSON configuration file.
Publish-WebPackage Uses MsDeploy.exe and a web publish package .Zip file to deploy resources to a website. This function doesn't generate any output. If the call to MSDeploy.exe fails, the function throws an exception. To get more detailed output, use the -Verbose option.
Publish-WebPackageToVM Verifies the parameter values, and then calls the Publish-WebPackage function.
Read-ConfigFile Validates the JSON configuration file and returns a hash table of selected values.
Restore-Subscription Resets the current subscription to the original subscription.
Test-AzureModule Returns $true if the installed Azure module version is 0.7.4 or later. Returns $false if the module isn't installed or is an earlier version. This function has no parameters.
Test-AzureModuleVersion Returns $true if the version of the Azure module is 0.7.4 or later. Returns $false if the module isn't installed or is an earlier version. This function has no parameters.
Test-HttpsUrl Converts the input URL to a System.Uri object. Returns $True if the URL is absolute and its scheme is HTTPS. Returns $false if the URL is relative, its scheme isn't HTTPS, or the input string can't be converted to a URL.
Test-Member Returns $true if a property or method is a member of the object. Otherwise, returns $false.
Write-ErrorWithTime Writes an error message prefixed with the current time. This function calls the Format-DevTestMessageWithTime function to prepend the time before writing the message to the Error stream.
Write-HostWithTime Writes a message to the host program (Write-Host) prefixed with the current time. The effect of writing to the host program varies. Most programs that host Windows PowerShell write these messages to standard output.
Write-VerboseWithTime Writes a verbose message prefixed with the current time. Because it calls Write-Verbose, the message displays only when the script runs with the Verbose parameter or when the VerbosePreference preference is set to Continue.


Function name Description
New-AzureWebApplicationEnvironment Creates Azure resources, such as a website or virtual machine.
New-WebDeployPackage This function isn't implemented. You can add commands in this function to build your project.
Publish-AzureWebApplication Publishes a web application to Azure.
Publish-WebApplication Creates and deploys Web Apps, virtual machines, SQL databases, and storage accounts for a Visual Studio web project.
Test-WebApplication This function isn't implemented. You can add commands in this function to test your application.

Related content

Learn more about PowerShell scripting by reading Scripting with Windows PowerShell and see other Azure PowerShell scripts at the Script Center.