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539 lines (289 loc) · 13.1 KB
UID tech.root title targetos description prerelease req.construct-type req.ddi-compliance req.dll req.header req.include-header req.kmdf-ver req.lib req.max-support req.redist req.typenames req.umdf-ver req.unicode-ansi topic_type api_type api_location api_name f1_keywords dev_langs helpviewer_keywords
Learn more about the D3D12DDI_DEVICE_FUNCS_CORE_0088 structure.
Windows 11 (WDDM 3.0)


The D3D12DDI_DEVICE_FUNCS_CORE_0088 structure contains the core device functionality available in D3D12 Release 8, Build rev 8. The user-mode driver returns its function pointers in this structure when PFND3D12DDI_FILLDDITTABLE is called with a D3D12DDI_TABLE_TYPE of D3D12DDI_TABLE_TYPE_DEVICE_CORE.


-field pfnCheckFormatSupport

Check format support.

-field pfnCheckMultisampleQualityLevels

Check multi sample quality levels.

-field pfnGetMipPacking

Get MIP packing.

-field pfnCalcPrivateElementLayoutSize

Calculate private element layout size.

-field pfnCreateElementLayout

Create element layout.

-field pfnDestroyElementLayout

Destroy element layout.

-field pfnCalcPrivateBlendStateSize

Calculate private blend state size.

-field pfnCreateBlendState

Create blend state.

-field pfnDestroyBlendState

Destroy blend state.

-field pfnCalcPrivateDepthStencilStateSize

Calculate private depth stencil state size.

-field pfnCreateDepthStencilState

Create depth stencil state.

-field pfnDestroyDepthStencilState

Destroy depth stencil state.

-field pfnCalcPrivateRasterizerStateSize

Calculate private rasterizer state size.

-field pfnCreateRasterizerState

Create rasterizer state.

-field pfnDestroyRasterizerState

Destroy rasterizer state.

-field pfnCalcPrivateShaderSize

Calculate private shader size.

-field pfnCreateVertexShader

Create vertex shader.

-field pfnCreatePixelShader

Create pixel shader.

-field pfnCreateGeometryShader

Create geometry shader.

-field pfnCreateComputeShader

Create compute shader.

-field pfnCalcPrivateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput

Calculate private geometry shader with stream output.

-field pfnCreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput

Create geometry shader with stream output.

-field pfnCalcPrivateTessellationShaderSize

Calculate private tessellation shader size.

-field pfnCreateHullShader

Create hull shader.

-field pfnCreateDomainShader

Pointer to the function to create a domain shader.

-field pfnDestroyShader

Pointer to the function to destroy a shader.

-field pfnCalcPrivateCommandQueueSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private command queue size.

-field pfnCreateCommandQueue

Pointer to the function to create a command queue.

-field pfnDestroyCommandQueue

Pointer to the function to destroy a command queue.

-field pfnCalcPrivateCommandPoolSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private command pool size.

-field pfnCreateCommandPool

Pointer to the function to create a command pool.

-field pfnDestroyCommandPool

Pointer to the function to destroy a command pool.

-field pfnResetCommandPool

Pointer to the function to reset a command pool.

-field pfnCalcPrivatePipelineStateSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private pipeline state size.

-field pfnCreatePipelineState

Pointer to the function to create pipeline state.

-field pfnDestroyPipelineState

Pointer to the function to destroy pipeline state.

-field pfnCalcPrivateCommandListSize

Pointer to the function to calculate the private command list size.

-field pfnCreateCommandList

Pointer to the function to create a command list.

-field pfnDestroyCommandList

Pointer to the function to destroy a command list.

-field pfnCalcPrivateFenceSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private fence size.

-field pfnCreateFence

Pointer to the function to create a fence.

-field pfnDestroyFence

Pointer to the function to destroy a fence.

-field pfnCalcPrivateDescriptorHeapSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private descriptor heap size.

-field pfnCreateDescriptorHeap

Pointer to the function to create a descriptor heap.

-field pfnDestroyDescriptorHeap

Pointer to the function to destroy a descriptor heap.

-field pfnGetDescriptorSizeInBytes

Pointer to the function to get a descriptor's size in bytes.

-field pfnGetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart

Pointer to the function to get a CPU descriptor handle for heap start.

-field pfnGetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart

Pointer to the function to get a GPU descriptor handle for heap start.

-field pfnCreateShaderResourceView

Pointer to the function to create a shader resource view.

-field pfnCreateConstantBufferView

Pointer to the function to create a constant buffer view.

-field pfnCreateSampler

Pointer to the function to create a sampler.

-field pfnCreateUnorderedAccessView

Pointer to the function to create an unordered access view.

-field pfnCreateRenderTargetView

Pointer to the function to create a render target view.

-field pfnCreateDepthStencilView

Pointer to the function to create a depth stencil view.

-field pfnCalcPrivateRootSignatureSize

Pointer to the function to calculate a private root signature size.

-field pfnCreateRootSignature

Pointer to the function to create a root signature.

-field pfnDestroyRootSignature

Pointer to the function to destroy a root signature.

-field pfnMapHeap

Pointer to the function to map a heap.

-field pfnUnmapHeap

Pointer to the function to unmap a heap.

-field pfnCalcPrivateHeapAndResourceSizes

Pointer to the function to calculate private heap and resource sizes.

-field pfnCreateHeapAndResource

Pointer to the function to create a heap and resource.

-field pfnDestroyHeapAndResource

Pointer to the function to destroy a heap and resource.

-field pfnMakeResident

Pointer to the function to make resident.

-field pfnEvict

Pointer to the function to evict.

-field pfnCalcPrivateOpenedHeapAndResourceSizes

Pointer to the function to calculate private opened heap and resource sizes.

-field pfnOpenHeapAndResource

Pointer to the function to open heap and resource.

-field pfnCopyDescriptors

Pointer to the function to copy descriptors.

-field pfnCopyDescriptorsSimple

Pointer to the function to copy descriptors sample.

-field pfnCalcPrivateQueryHeapSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private query heap size.

-field pfnCreateQueryHeap

Pointer to the function to create query heap.

-field pfnDestroyQueryHeap

Pointer to the function to destroy query heap.

-field pfnCalcPrivateCommandSignatureSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private command signature size.

-field pfnCreateCommandSignature

Pointer to the function to create command signature.

-field pfnDestroyCommandSignature

Pointer to the function to destroy command signature.

-field pfnCheckResourceVirtualAddress

Pointer to the function to check resource virtual address.

-field pfnCheckResourceAllocationInfo

Pointer to the function to check resource allocation info.

-field pfnCheckSubresourceInfo

Pointer to the function to check subresource info.

-field pfnCheckExistingResourceAllocationInfo

Pointer to the function to check existing resource allocation info.

-field pfnOfferResources

Offer resources.

-field pfnReclaimResources

Pointer to the function to reclaim resources.

-field pfnGetImplicitPhysicalAdapterMask

Pointer to the function to get implicit physical adapter mask.

-field pfnGetPresentPrivateDriverDataSize

Pointer to the function to get present private driver data size.

-field pfnQueryNodeMap

Pointer to the function to query a node map.

-field pfnRetrieveShaderComment

Pointer to the function to retrieve a shader comment.

-field pfnCheckResourceAllocationHandle

Pointer to the function to check a resource allocation handle.

-field pfnCalcPrivatePipelineLibrarySize

Pointer to the function to calculate private pipeline library size.

-field pfnCreatePipelineLibrary

Pointer to the function to create a pipeline library.

-field pfnDestroyPipelineLibrary

Pointer to the function to destroy a pipeline library.

-field pfnAddPipelineStateToLibrary

Pointer to the function to add pipeline state to library.

-field pfnCalcSerializedLibrarySize

Pointer to the function to calculate serialized library size.

-field pfnSerializeLibrary

Pointer to the function to serialize a library.

-field pfnGetDebugAllocationInfo

Pointer to the function to get debug allocation info.

-field pfnCalcPrivateCommandRecorderSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private command recorder size.

-field pfnCreateCommandRecorder

Pointer to the function to create a command recorder.

-field pfnDestroyCommandRecorder

Pointer to the function to destroy a command recorder.

-field pfnCommandRecorderSetCommandPoolAsTarget

Pointer to the function to set the command pool as target for the command recorder.

-field pfnCalcPrivateSchedulingGroupSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private scheduling group size.

-field pfnCreateSchedulingGroup

Pointer to the function to create a scheduling group.

-field pfnDestroySchedulingGroup

Pointer to the function to destroy a scheduling group.

-field pfnEnumerateMetaCommands

Pointer to the function to enumerate meta-commands.

-field pfnEnumerateMetaCommandParameters

Pointer to the function to enumerate meta-command parameters.

-field pfnCalcPrivateMetaCommandSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private meta-command size.

-field pfnCreateMetaCommand

Pointer to the function to create a meta-command.

-field pfnDestroyMetaCommand

Pointer to the function to destroy a meta-command.

-field pfnGetMetaCommandRequiredParameterInfo

Pointer to the function to get required meta-command parameter info.

-field pfnCalcPrivateStateObjectSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private state object size.

-field pfnCreateStateObject

Pointer to the function to create a state object.

-field pfnDestroyStateObject

Pointer to the function to destroy a state object.

-field pfnGetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfo

Pointer to the function to get ray tracing acceleration structure prebuild info.

-field pfnCheckDriverMatchingIdentifier

Pointer to the function to check driver matching identifier.

-field pfnGetShaderIdentifier

Pointer to the function to get a shader identifier.

-field pfnGetShaderStackSize

Pointer to the function to get a shader stack size.

-field pfnGetPipelineStackSize

Pointer to the function to get a pipeline stack size.

-field pfnSetPipelineStackSize

Pointer to the function to set pipeline stack size.

-field pfnSetBackgroundProcessingMode

Pointer to the function to set the background processing mode.

-field pfnCalcPrivateAddToStateObjectSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private add to state object size. See the DirectX Raytracing (DXR) Functional Spec for more information.

-field pfnAddToStateObject

Pointer to the function to add to state object. See the DirectX Raytracing (DXR) Functional Spec for more information.

-field pfnCreateSamplerFeedbackUnorderedAccessView

Pointer to the function to create a sampler feedback unordered access view. See the D3D Sampler Feedback Specification for more information.

-field pfnCreateAmplificationShader

Pointer to the function to create an amplification shader. See the Mesh Shader Specification for more information.

-field pfnCreateMeshShader

Pointer to the function to create a mesh shader. See the Mesh Shader Specification for more information.

-field pfnCalcPrivateMeshShaderSize

Pointer to the function to calculate private mesh shader size. See the Mesh Shader Specification for more information.

-field pfnImplicitShaderCacheControl

Pointer to the function for implicit shader cache control. See the D3D12 Shader Cache APIs specification for more information.
