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The TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure contains the delegated variables of a TCP connection state object.
*PTCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED, PTCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED, PTCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure pointer [Network Drivers Starting with Windows Vista], TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED, TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure [Network Drivers Starting with Windows Vista], _TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED, ndischimney/PTCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED, ndischimney/TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED, netvista.tcp_offload_state_delegated, tcp_chim_struct_e835c163-e154-4b9c-b1bb-b658376fd89d.xml



[The TCP chimney offload feature is deprecated and should not be used.]

The TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure contains the delegated variables of a TCP connection state object.


-field Header

An OFFLOAD_STATE_HEADER structure. NDIS sets the Length member of Header to the size, in bytes, of the TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure. The RecognizedOptions member of Header is reserved.

-field State

The current state of the TCP connection (see RFC 793) as one of the following TCP_OFFLOAD_CONNECTION_STATE values:


No connection state.


Waiting for a connection request from any remote TCP and port.


Waiting for a matching connection request after having sent a connection request.


Waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgment after having both received and sent a connection request.


An open connection: data received can be delivered to the user. The normal state for the data transfer phase of the connection.


Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP, or an acknowledgment of the connection termination request that was previously sent.


Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP.


Waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.


Waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgment from the remote TCP.


Waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent to the remote TCP, which includes an acknowledgment of its connection termination request.


Waiting for enough time to pass to ensure that the remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its connection termination request.

Note that the host stack can offload a TCP connection when the connection is in any state except TcpConnectionClosed, TcpConnectionListen, TcpConnectionSynRcvd,

TcpConnectionSynSent, or TcpConnectionTimeWait state. The host stack can query, update, invalidate, or terminate a TCP connection regardless of the connection state.

-field Flags

Reserved for system use.

-field RcvNxt

The sequence number for the next receive segment (see RCV.NEXT in RFC 793).

-field RcvWnd

The receive window size, in bytes (see RCV.WND in RFC 793).

-field SndUna

The sequence number for the first byte of unacknowledged data (see SND.UNA in RFC 793). For more information, see Send Data That Contains Data to Be Retransmitted.

-field SndNxt

The sequence number for the next byte to send on the connection (see SND.NXT in RFC 793). For more information, see Send Data That Contains Data to Be Retransmitted.

-field SndMax

The maximum sequence number that has been sent on the connection. For more information, see Send Data That Contains Data to Be Retransmitted.

-field SndWnd

The send window size, in bytes (see SND.WND in RFC 793).

-field MaxSndWnd

The maximum send window size, in bytes (see RFC 813).

-field SendWL1

The segment sequence number used for the last window update (see SND.WL1 in RFC 793).

-field CWnd

The congestion window size, in bytes (see cwnd in RFC 2581).

-field SsThresh

The slow start threshold, in bytes (see ssthresh in RFC 2581).

-field SRtt

The smoothed round-trip time, in clock ticks (see SRTT in RFCs 793 and 2988). Maintained on a per connection basis because it takes into account path, host, and sometimes application behavior.

-field RttVar

The round trip time variation, in clock ticks (see RTTVAR in RFC 2988).

-field TsRecent

The timestamp value to send in the next ACK (see TS.Recent in RFC 1323)

-field TsRecentAge

The length of time, in clock ticks, since the most recent timestamp was received (see RFC 1323).

-field TsTime

The current value of the adjusted timestamp.

-field TotalRT

The total time, in clock ticks, that has been spent retransmitting the current TCP segment.

-field DupAckCount

The number of ACKs that have been accepted for the same sequence number (see RFC 1323).

-field SndWndProbeCount

The current send window probe round. For a description of the send window probe round, see Persist Timer.

-field KeepAlive

This member is a union that consists of the following members:

-field KeepAlive.ProbeCount

The number of keepalive probes that have been sent that have not received a response (see RFC 1122).

-field KeepAlive.TimeoutDelta

The time remaining, in clock ticks, until the next keepalive timeout (see RFC 1122). Note that a value of -1 immediately after the TCP connection was offloaded indicates that the keepalive timer was not running when the connection was offloaded. If the offload target's keepalive timer is not running, the offload target should return -1 in this member when responding to a call to the MiniportQueryOffload function or the MiniportTerminateOffload function.

-field Retransmit

This member is a union that consists of the following members:

-field Retransmit.Count

The number of retransmits that have been sent (see RFC 2581).

-field Retransmit.TimeoutDelta

The time, in clock ticks, remaining until the next retransmit timeout (see RFC 2581). Note that a value of -1 immediately after the TCP connection was offloaded indicates that the retransmit timer was not running when the connection was offloaded. The retransmit timer was not running because there was no outstanding send data on the connection when the connection was offloaded. If the offload target's retransmit timer is not running, the offload target should return -1 in this member when responding to a call to the MiniportQueryOffload function or the MiniportTerminateOffload function.

-field SendDataHead

A pointer to a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. This NET_BUFFER_LIST structure is in the linked list that is pointed to by the NetBufferListChain member of the NDIS_MINIPORT_OFFLOAD_BLOCK_LIST structure that immediately precedes the TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure. If the NetBufferListChain pointer is NULL, SendDataHead is not significant.

The SendDataHead pointer points to the first NET_BUFFER_LIST structure whose NET_BUFFER structure has buffered the send data associated with it.

This variable is used only in an initiate offload or terminate offload operation. For more information about how this variable is used, see Handling Outstanding Send Data During and After an Offload Operation and Handling Outstanding Send Data During a Terminate Offload Operation.

-field SendDataTail

A pointer to a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. This NET_BUFFER_LIST structure is in the linked list that is pointed to by the NetBufferListChain member of the NDIS_MINIPORT_OFFLOAD_BLOCK_LIST structure that immediately precedes the TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure. If the NetBufferListChain pointer is NULL, SendDataTail is not significant.

The SendDataTail pointer points to the last NET_BUFFER_LIST structure whose NET_BUFFER structure has buffered the send data associated with it.

This variable is used only in an initiate offload or terminate offload operation. For more information about how this variable is used, see Handling Outstanding Send Data During and After an Offload Operation and Handling Outstanding Send Data During a Terminate Offload Operation

-field SendBacklogSize

The offload target specifies this value to indicate the number of data bytes that the host stack should have outstanding at the offload target for optimum performance. (This is the number of send bytes that have been passed to the offload target but that have not yet been completed by the offload target.) The specific variables and algorithm that the offload target uses to calculate the send backlog size are implementation-specific. The send backlog size can be a function of the roundtrip time (RTT) for the connection, the interface bandwidth, and other parameters. An offload target could, for example, use the minimum of the bandwidth/delay product and the advertised received window. Note however, that the send backlog size does not vary according to the number of data bytes that are currently posted for transmission on the connection.

The host stack can query the TCP delegated state for the connection to obtain the send backlog size. In addition, the offload target can indicate a change in the send backlog size by calling the NdisTcpOffloadEventHandler function.

If the offload target does not support the send-backlog-size feature, it must write a value of 0xFFFFFFFF to SendBacklogSize when the TCP-delegated state for the connection is queried. The SendBacklogSize variable is not used in the terminate offload operation.

-field BufferedData

A pointer to buffered receive data. The host stack can pass such data to the offload target when offloading a TCP connection. (For more information, see Handling Buffered Receive Data During and After an Offload Operation.) The offload target can pass such data to the host stack when uploading a TCP connection. (For more information, see Handling Buffered Receive Data During a Terminate Offload Operation.)

-field ReceiveBacklogSize

The offload target specifies this value to indicate the number of receive data bytes that are buffered in the offload target for the offloaded TCP connection. The host stack can query the TCP delegated state for the connection to obtain this value. The host stack uses this value to post one or more receive requests on the connection that are large enough to hold all of the buffered data.

If the offload target does not support the receive backlog size feature, it should write a value of 0xFFFFFFFF to ReceiveBacklogSize .

-field DWnd


The host stack provides initial values for the TCP delegated variables when it offloads these variables to the offload target. After it is offloaded, the TCP delegated variables are owned and maintained by the offload target. Only the offload target can change the value of an offloaded TCP delegated variable. The offload target does not notify the host stack of changes to the values of offloaded TCP delegated variables. However, the host stack can query the value of offloaded TCP delegated variables, which causes NDIS to call the offload target's MiniportQueryOffload function. When the host stack terminates the offload of the TCP connection state object by causing NDIS to call the offload target's MiniportTerminateOffload function, the offload target passes the value of the TCP delegated variables in the terminated TCP connection state object back to the host stack.

When passed to an offload target, a TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure is associated with an NDIS_MINIPORT_OFFLOAD_BLOCK_LIST structure, which contains a header that is formatted as an NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER structure. The Revision member of the NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER structure, in this case, specifies the revision number of the TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure.


