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185 lines (115 loc) · 8.35 KB
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The FEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE enumeration provides a list of the profile names that are defined by the SCSI Multimedia - 4 (MMC-4) specification.
*PFEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE, FEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE, FEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE enumeration [Storage Devices], PFEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE, PFEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE enumeration pointer [Storage Devices], ProfileAS_MO, ProfileBDRRandomWritable, ProfileBDRSequentialWritable, ProfileBDRewritable, ProfileBDRom, ProfileCdRecordable, ProfileCdRewritable, ProfileCdrom, ProfileDDCdRecordable, ProfileDDCdRewritable, ProfileDDCdrom, ProfileDvdDashRDualLayer, ProfileDvdDashRLayerJump, ProfileDvdPlusR, ProfileDvdPlusRDualLayer, ProfileDvdPlusRW, ProfileDvdPlusRWDualLayer, ProfileDvdRWSequential, ProfileDvdRam, ProfileDvdRecordable, ProfileDvdRewritable, ProfileDvdRom, ProfileHDDVDRDualLayer, ProfileHDDVDRWDualLayer, ProfileHDDVDRam, ProfileHDDVDRecordable, ProfileHDDVDRewritable, ProfileHDDVDRom, ProfileInvalid, ProfileMOErasable, ProfileMOWriteOnce, ProfileNonRemovableDisk, ProfileNonStandard, ProfileRemovableDisk, _FEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE, ntddmmc/FEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE, ntddmmc/PFEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE, ntddmmc/ProfileAS_MO, ntddmmc/ProfileBDRRandomWritable, ntddmmc/ProfileBDRSequentialWritable, ntddmmc/ProfileBDRewritable, ntddmmc/ProfileBDRom, ntddmmc/ProfileCdRecordable, ntddmmc/ProfileCdRewritable, ntddmmc/ProfileCdrom, ntddmmc/ProfileDDCdRecordable, ntddmmc/ProfileDDCdRewritable, ntddmmc/ProfileDDCdrom, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdDashRDualLayer, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdDashRLayerJump, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdPlusR, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdPlusRDualLayer, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdPlusRW, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdPlusRWDualLayer, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdRWSequential, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdRam, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdRecordable, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdRewritable, ntddmmc/ProfileDvdRom, ntddmmc/ProfileHDDVDRDualLayer, ntddmmc/ProfileHDDVDRWDualLayer, ntddmmc/ProfileHDDVDRam, ntddmmc/ProfileHDDVDRecordable, ntddmmc/ProfileHDDVDRewritable, ntddmmc/ProfileHDDVDRom, ntddmmc/ProfileInvalid, ntddmmc/ProfileMOErasable, ntddmmc/ProfileMOWriteOnce, ntddmmc/ProfileNonRemovableDisk, ntddmmc/ProfileNonStandard, ntddmmc/ProfileRemovableDisk, storage.feature_profile_type, structs-CD-ROM_89bf20da-a096-4f37-ab24-219533578d34.xml



The FEATURE_PROFILE_TYPE enumeration provides a list of the profile names that are defined by the SCSI Multimedia - 4 (MMC-4) specification.


-field ProfileInvalid

Does not indicate a valid profile.

-field ProfileNonRemovableDisk

Indicates the profile named "Nonremovable disk" by the SCSI-3 Multimedia (MMC-3) specification. This profile is used with devices that manage rewritable media and are capable of changing behavior.

-field ProfileRemovableDisk

Indicates the profile named "Removable disk" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage rewritable, removable media.

-field ProfileMOErasable

Indicates the profile named "MO Erasable" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage magneto-optical media and that have a sector-erase capability.

-field ProfileMOWriteOnce

Indicates the profile named "MO Write Once" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage magneto-optical write-once media.

-field ProfileAS_MO

Indicates the profile named "AS-MO" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that implement Advance Storage technology and manage magneto-optical media.

-field ProfileCdrom

Indicates the profile named "CD-ROM" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage read-only compact disc media.

-field ProfileCdRecordable

Indicates the profile named "CD-R" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage write-once compact disc media.

-field ProfileCdRewritable

Indicates the profile named "CD-RW" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage rewritable compact disc media.

-field ProfileDvdRom

Indicates the profile named "DVD-ROM" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage read-only DVD media.

-field ProfileDvdRecordable

Indicates the profile named "DVD-R" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage write-once DVD media and operate in sequential recording mode.

-field ProfileDvdRam

Indicates the profile named "DVD-RAM or DVD+RW" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage rewritable DVD media.

-field ProfileDvdRewritable

Indicates the profile named "DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that manage rerecordable DVD media and operate in packet-writing mode.

-field ProfileDvdRWSequential

Indicates the profile named "DVD-RW Sequential Recording" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that implement a series of features associated with sequential recording, such as the features "Incremental Streaming Writable" and "Real-Time Streaming". For a full list of the features supported with this profile, see the MMC-3 specification.

-field ProfileDvdDashRDualLayer

-field ProfileDvdDashRLayerJump

Reserved 0x0017 - 0x0019

-field ProfileDvdPlusRW

Indicates the profile named "DVD+RW" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that implement a series of features required to manage DVD media that is both readable and writable. For a full list of the features supported with this profile, see the MMC-3 specification.

-field ProfileDvdPlusR

Reserved 0x001C - 001F

-field ProfileDDCdrom

Indicates the profile named "DDCD-ROM" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that can read "DDCD specific structure." For a full list of the features supported with this profile, see the MMC-3 specification.

-field ProfileDDCdRecordable

Indicates the profile named "DDCD-R" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that can read "DDCD-R specific structure." For a full list of the features supported with this profile, see the MMC-3 specification.

-field ProfileDDCdRewritable

Indicates the profile named "DDCD-RW" by the MMC-3 specification. This profile is used with devices that can read "DDCD-RW specific structure." For a full list of the features supported with this profile, see the MMC-3 specification.

-field ProfileDvdPlusRWDualLayer

-field ProfileDvdPlusRDualLayer

Reserved 0x002C - 0x003F

-field ProfileBDRom

-field ProfileBDRSequentialWritable


-field ProfileBDRRandomWritable


-field ProfileBDRewritable

Reserved 0x0044 - 0x004F

-field ProfileHDDVDRom

-field ProfileHDDVDRecordable

-field ProfileHDDVDRam

-field ProfileHDDVDRewritable

Reserved 0x0054 - 0x0057

-field ProfileHDDVDRDualLayer

Reserved 0x0059 - 0x0059

-field ProfileHDDVDRWDualLayer

Reserved 0x005B - 0xfffe

-field ProfileNonStandard

Indicates that the device does not conform to any profile.
