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342 lines (295 loc) · 21.5 KB

File metadata and controls

342 lines (295 loc) · 21.5 KB
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Sample Configuration XML
Use the sample configuration XML in this topic to develop configuration files for your device.

Sample configuration XML

You can use the following example configuration XML to develop the configuration files for your device.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <CapabilitiesChangeID xsi:type="xsd:string">{9F58AF07-DCB6-4865-8CA3-A52EA5DCB05F}</CapabilitiesChangeID>

  <psk3d:Job3DOutputArea psf2:psftype="Property">




  <psk3d:Job3DMaterials psf2:psftype="Property">

      <!-- Material entries --> 




            <!-- Executed during pre-commands: nozzle pre-heating, priming, etc --> 
            <psk3dx:command>M104 S$extrudertemperature$</psk3dx:command>

            <!-- Executed during printing: T0/T1 selection, nozzle wiping sequence,turn fan on/off/gradual, retract the material, temperature, etc--> 
            <psk3dx:command>; PLA on</psk3dx:command>

            <!-- Executed during printing: retract the material, park the nozzle, reduce temperature, etc --> 
            <psk3dx:command>; PLA off</psk3dx:command>





            <!-- Executed during pre-commands: nozzle pre-heating, priming, etc --> 
            <psk3dx:command>M104 S$extrudertemperature$</psk3dx:command>

            <!-- Executed during printing: T0/T1 selection, nozzle wiping sequence,turn fan on/off/gradual, retract the material, temperature, etc--> 
            <psk3dx:command>; ABS on</psk3dx:command>

            <!-- Executed during printing: retract the material, park the nozzle, reduce temperature, etc --> 
            <psk3dx:command>; ABS off</psk3dx:command>





            <!-- Executed during pre-commands: nozzle pre-heating, priming, etc --> 
            <psk3dx:command>M104 S$extrudertemperature$</psk3dx:command>

            <!-- Executed during printing: T0/T1 selection, nozzle wiping sequence,turn fan on/off/gradual, retract the material, temperature, etc--> 
            <psk3dx:command>; Flexible on</psk3dx:command>

            <!-- Executed during printing: retract the material, park the nozzle, reduce temperature, etc --> 
            <psk3dx:command>; Flexible off</psk3dx:command>



  <psk3dx:userprompt>Confirm the 3D printer is calibrated and ready for the next print</psk3dx:userprompt>



        <!-- communication parameters -->
        <psk3dx:connection name="serialport">
          <psk3dx:comport></psk3dx:comport> <!-- leave empty for PnP or specify a file URI -->


        <!-- Commands sent before slicing -->
          <psk3dx:command>M110 N0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Reset line numbers -->
          <psk3dx:command>G28</psk3dx:command> <!-- Home  -->
          <psk3dx:command>G0 X75 Y150 Z10</psk3dx:command> <!-- Go to a safe position above the bed -->
          <psk3dx:command>M104 S175</psk3dx:command> <!-- pre-heat while slicing but prevent ooze -->

        <!-- Commands sent at the beginning of print -->
          <psk3dx:command>M110 N0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Reset line numbers -->
          <psk3dx:command>T0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Default to primary extruder -->
          <psk3dx:command>M104 S$extrudertemperature$</psk3dx:command> <!-- Set extruder temperature -->
          <psk3dx:command>M140 S$platformtemperature$</psk3dx:command> <!-- Set bed temperature -->
          <psk3dx:command>G90</psk3dx:command> <!-- Set axis to absolute -->
          <psk3dx:command>M82</psk3dx:command> <!-- Set extruder to absolute -->
          <psk3dx:command>G28</psk3dx:command> <!-- Home -->
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X75 Y150 Z15 F4000</psk3dx:command> <!-- Move above the bed -->
          <psk3dx:command>M109 S$extrudertemperature$</psk3dx:command> <!-- Go to temperature -->
          <psk3dx:command>M190 S$platformtemperature$</psk3dx:command> <!-- Go to temperature -->          
          <psk3dx:command>M106 S$rampup$</psk3dx:command> <!-- Start the fan -->
          <psk3dx:command>G28 X Y</psk3dx:command> <!-- Home -->
          <psk3dx:command>G29</psk3dx:command> <!-- Auto-leveling -->
          <psk3dx:command>G92 E0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Reset E axis -->
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X-2 Y151 Z0.25 F10000</psk3dx:command>
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X-2 Y0 Z0.25 E20.0 F2000</psk3dx:command> <!-- prime the nozzle -->
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X-2 Y0 Z0.25 E19.0 F4000</psk3dx:command> <!-- retract -->
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X-1 Y75 F8000</psk3dx:command>
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X5 Y75 F8000</psk3dx:command>
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X-2 Y75 F8000</psk3dx:command>
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X5 Y75 F8000</psk3dx:command>
          <psk3dx:command>G92 E-1.0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Start retracted -->

        <!-- Commands sent at the end of print -->
          <psk3dx:command>M110 N0</psk3dx:command>
          <psk3dx:command>G92 E0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Reset E axis -->
          <psk3dx:command>G1 E-0.5 F3600</psk3dx:command> <!-- Retract to prevent last blob -->
          <psk3dx:command>M104 S0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Turn off extruder -->
          <psk3dx:command>M140 S0</psk3dx:command><!-- Turn off heated bed -->
          <psk3dx:command>G1 X0 Y150 F10000</psk3dx:command> <!-- Move out of the way -->
          <psk3dx:command>G91 Z</psk3dx:command> <!-- move Z to relative -->
          <psk3dx:command>G0 Z15</psk3dx:command> <!-- move Z to relative -->
          <psk3dx:command>G90</psk3dx:command> <!-- switch back to absolute coordinates -->
          <psk3dx:command>M106 S0</psk3dx:command>  <!-- Turn off the fan -->
          <psk3dx:command>M18</psk3dx:command> <!-- Turn off motors, same as M84 -->

        <!-- Commands sent just in case for safety -->
          <psk3dx:command>M140 S0</psk3dx:command><!-- Turn off extruder -->
          <psk3dx:command>M140 S0</psk3dx:command><!-- Turn off heated bed -->
          <psk3dx:command>M104 S0</psk3dx:command> <!-- Turn off extruder -->

        <!-- Commands sent between layers -->
          <psk3dx:command>M106 S$rampup$</psk3dx:command>


        <psk3dx:medium default="true"> <!-- model parameters -->
          <psk3dx:layerthickness>250</psk3dx:layerthickness> <!-- layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:maxlayerthickness>500</psk3dx:maxlayerthickness><!-- maximum  layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:minlayerthickness>100</psk3dx:minlayerthickness><!-- minimum layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:pathwidth>400</psk3dx:pathwidth> <!-- path width (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:shells>3</psk3dx:shells> <!-- number of perimeters (zero would make the infill visible) -->
          <psk3dx:shelloffset>0</psk3dx:shelloffset><!-- offset of the shells (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:topsurfacelayers>4</psk3dx:topsurfacelayers> <!-- number of solid top surface layers -->
          <psk3dx:bottomsurfacelayers>4</psk3dx:bottomsurfacelayers> <!-- number of solid bottom surface layers -->
          <psk3dx:filllow>0.15</psk3dx:filllow> <!-- low density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillmedium>0.25</psk3dx:fillmedium> <!-- medium density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillhigh>0.40</psk3dx:fillhigh> <!-- high density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillangle>45</psk3dx:fillangle> <!-- initial fill angle (degrees) -->
          <psk3dx:filloverlap>0.15</psk3dx:filloverlap> <!-- infill overlap (between 0 and 1 of the path width, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:speed>75000</psk3dx:speed> <!-- speed of normal printing movements (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedouter>45000</psk3dx:speedouter> <!-- speed of outer perimeter (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedfirst>20000</psk3dx:speedfirst> <!-- speed of first layer (micron/s), supercedes speedOuter -->
          <psk3dx:speedtravel>120000</psk3dx:speedtravel> <!-- speed of non-extrusion moves (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedretract>35000</psk3dx:speedretract> <!-- speed of filament retraction (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:retraction>1500</psk3dx:retraction> <!-- amount of retraction (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:supportorientationoptimization>0</psk3dx:supportorientationoptimization> <!-- Apply the best orientation -->
          <psk3dx:supportoverhangangle>45</psk3dx:supportoverhangangle> <!-- The minimum overhang angle to generate support -->
          <psk3dx:supportzgap>350</psk3dx:supportzgap> <!-- The Z gap in micron -->
          <psk3dx:supportxygap>400</psk3dx:supportxygap> <!-- The XY gap in micron -->
          <psk3dx:supportfill>0.2</psk3dx:supportfill> <!-- sparse infill fraction for support (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:raftlayers>2</psk3dx:raftlayers><!-- number of solid raft layers -->
          <psk3dx:raftlayerthickness>600</psk3dx:raftlayerthickness><!-- layer thickness of the raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftpathwidth>2000</psk3dx:raftpathwidth><!-- path width of raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftfill>0.6</psk3dx:raftfill><!-- sparse infill fraction for support (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:raftoffset>2000</psk3dx:raftoffset><!-- size of the raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftzgap>350</psk3dx:raftzgap><!-- The Z gap (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftspeedfirst>20000</psk3dx:raftspeedfirst> <!-- speed of raft first layer (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:coolingtime>5</psk3dx:coolingtime><!-- cooling time for a layer (second) -->
          <psk3dx:rampuptarget>500</psk3dx:rampuptarget> <!-- Z target for the fan to run at full speed -->
          <psk3dx:mincoolingspeed>1000</psk3dx:mincoolingspeed><!-- the minimum cooling speed for a layer (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:bridgingspeed>10000</psk3dx:bridgingspeed><!-- the speed for bridging (micron/s) -->
        <psk3dx:high default="false"> <!-- model parameters -->
          <psk3dx:layerthickness>150</psk3dx:layerthickness> <!-- layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:maxlayerthickness>500</psk3dx:maxlayerthickness><!-- maximum  layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:minlayerthickness>100</psk3dx:minlayerthickness><!-- minimum layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:pathwidth>400</psk3dx:pathwidth> <!-- path width (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:shells>3</psk3dx:shells> <!-- number of perimeters (zero would make the infill visible) -->
          <psk3dx:shelloffset>50</psk3dx:shelloffset><!-- offset of the shells (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:topsurfacelayers>4</psk3dx:topsurfacelayers> <!-- number of solid top surface layers -->
          <psk3dx:bottomsurfacelayers>4</psk3dx:bottomsurfacelayers> <!-- number of solid bottom surface layers -->
          <psk3dx:filllow>0.15</psk3dx:filllow> <!-- low density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillmedium>0.30</psk3dx:fillmedium> <!-- medium density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillhigh>0.45</psk3dx:fillhigh> <!-- high density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillangle>45</psk3dx:fillangle> <!-- initial fill angle (degrees) -->
          <psk3dx:filloverlap>0.15</psk3dx:filloverlap> <!-- infill overlap (between 0 and 1 of the path width, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:speed>70000</psk3dx:speed> <!-- speed of normal printing movements (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedouter>30000</psk3dx:speedouter> <!-- speed of outer perimeter (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedfirst>20000</psk3dx:speedfirst> <!-- speed of first layer (micron/s), supercedes speedOuter -->
          <psk3dx:speedtravel>120000</psk3dx:speedtravel> <!-- speed of non-extrusion moves (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:supportorientationoptimization>0</psk3dx:supportorientationoptimization> <!-- Apply the best orientation -->
          <psk3dx:supportoverhangangle>45</psk3dx:supportoverhangangle> <!-- The minimum overhang angle to generate support -->
          <psk3dx:supportzgap>350</psk3dx:supportzgap> <!-- The Z gap in micron -->
          <psk3dx:supportxygap>400</psk3dx:supportxygap> <!-- The XY gap in micron -->
          <psk3dx:supportfill>0.2</psk3dx:supportfill> <!-- sparse infill fraction for support (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:raftlayers>2</psk3dx:raftlayers><!-- number of solid raft layers -->
          <psk3dx:raftlayerthickness>600</psk3dx:raftlayerthickness><!-- layer thickness of the raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftpathwidth>2000</psk3dx:raftpathwidth><!-- path width of raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftfill>0.6</psk3dx:raftfill><!-- sparse infill fraction for support (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:raftoffset>2000</psk3dx:raftoffset><!-- size of the raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftzgap>350</psk3dx:raftzgap><!-- The Z gap (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftspeedfirst>20000</psk3dx:raftspeedfirst> <!-- speed of raft first layer (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:coolingtime>5</psk3dx:coolingtime><!-- cooling time for a layer (second) -->
          <psk3dx:rampuptarget>500</psk3dx:rampuptarget> <!-- Z target for the fan to run at full speed -->
          <psk3dx:mincoolingspeed>1000</psk3dx:mincoolingspeed><!-- the minimum cooling speed for a layer (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:bridgingspeed>10000</psk3dx:bridgingspeed><!-- the speed for bridging (micron/s) -->
        <psk3dx:draft default="false"><!-- model parameters -->
          <psk3dx:layerthickness>350</psk3dx:layerthickness><!-- layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:maxlayerthickness>500</psk3dx:maxlayerthickness><!-- maximum  layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:minlayerthickness>100</psk3dx:minlayerthickness><!-- minimum layer thickness (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:pathwidth>560</psk3dx:pathwidth><!-- path width (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:shells>2</psk3dx:shells><!-- number of perimeters (zero would make the infill visible) -->
          <psk3dx:shelloffset>50</psk3dx:shelloffset><!-- offset of the shells (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:topsurfacelayers>4</psk3dx:topsurfacelayers><!-- number of solid top surface layers -->
          <psk3dx:bottomsurfacelayers>4</psk3dx:bottomsurfacelayers><!-- number of solid bottom surface layers -->
          <psk3dx:filllow>0.10</psk3dx:filllow> <!-- low density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillmedium>0.20</psk3dx:fillmedium> <!-- medium density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillhigh>0.35</psk3dx:fillhigh> <!-- high density sparse infill fraction (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:fillangle>45</psk3dx:fillangle><!-- initial fill angle (degrees) -->
          <psk3dx:filloverlap>0.15</psk3dx:filloverlap><!-- infill overlap (between 0 and 1 of the path width, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:speed>100000</psk3dx:speed><!-- speed of normal printing movements (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedouter>100000</psk3dx:speedouter><!-- speed of outer perimeter (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedfirst>30000</psk3dx:speedfirst><!-- speed of first layer (micron/s), supercedes speedOuter -->
          <psk3dx:speedtravel>150000</psk3dx:speedtravel><!-- speed of non-extrusion moves (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:speedretract>40000</psk3dx:speedretract><!-- speed of filament retraction (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:retraction>1500</psk3dx:retraction><!-- amount of retraction (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:supportorientationoptimization>0</psk3dx:supportorientationoptimization><!-- Apply the best orientation -->
          <psk3dx:supportoverhangangle>45</psk3dx:supportoverhangangle><!-- The minimum overhang angle to generate support -->
          <psk3dx:supportzgap>500</psk3dx:supportzgap><!-- The Z gap in micron -->
          <psk3dx:supportxygap>560</psk3dx:supportxygap><!-- The XY gap in micron -->
          <psk3dx:supportfill>0.2</psk3dx:supportfill><!-- sparse infill fraction for support (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:raftlayers>2</psk3dx:raftlayers><!-- number of solid raft layers -->
          <psk3dx:raftlayerthickness>600</psk3dx:raftlayerthickness><!-- layer thickness of the raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftpathwidth>2000</psk3dx:raftpathwidth><!-- path width of raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftfill>0.6</psk3dx:raftfill><!-- sparse infill fraction for support (between 0 and 1, inclusive) -->
          <psk3dx:raftoffset>2000</psk3dx:raftoffset><!-- size of the raft (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftzgap>500</psk3dx:raftzgap><!-- The Z gap (micron) -->
          <psk3dx:raftspeedfirst>20000</psk3dx:raftspeedfirst><!-- speed of raft first layer (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:coolingtime>5</psk3dx:coolingtime><!-- cooling time for a layer (second) -->
          <psk3dx:rampuptarget>500</psk3dx:rampuptarget> <!-- Z target for the fan to run at full speed -->
          <psk3dx:mincoolingspeed>1000</psk3dx:mincoolingspeed><!-- the minimum cooling speed for a layer (micron/s) -->
          <psk3dx:bridgingspeed>10000</psk3dx:bridgingspeed><!-- the speed for bridging (micron/s) -->

