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26 lines (17 loc) · 1.21 KB

File metadata and controls

26 lines (17 loc) · 1.21 KB
-api-id -api-type
winrt interface



Represents a value in a property store. You can't implement this interface, see Remarks.


The IPropertyValue interface is a store for values whose type is not known until runtime.

To obtain the value stored in an IPropertyValue object, when the type of the stored property is not known ahead of time, you should first determine the stored type from the Type property and then call the appropriate IPropertyValue method for the type.

If the type is known ahead of time, you can the type access method of IPropertyValue interface directory and check for the return value to verify type returned was what is expected. If the type returned does not match the value of the Type property then the method fails with the TYPE_E_TYPEMISMATCH error.

You can't implement the IPropertyValue interface or include it in a signature. IPropertyValue is mainly an internal implementation detail of how the Windows Runtime implements boxing and nullable values.

