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42 lines (28 loc) · 952 Bytes

File metadata and controls

42 lines (28 loc) · 952 Bytes
-api-id -api-type
winrt enum



Specifies the values that can be assigned to the InputScope property to select the type of Software Input Panel keyboard that is displayed for text input.


-field Default:0

The default keyboard.

-field Url:1

The "Url" keyboard. Includes the .com key.

-field EmailSmtpAddress:5

Email address keyboard. Includes the @ and .com keys.

-field Number:29

The number keyboard. Contains numbers and a decimal point.

-field TelephoneNumber:32

The telephone keyboard. Mimics the telephone keypad.

-field Text:49

The text keyboard. Includes auto-complete and an emoticon menu.

-field Search:51

The search keyboard. Includes auto-complete.


