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Our functions defines itself in two: User functions and intern functions.

Intern functions.


def getBin ( val, var ):

    binario = [  ]

    for cell in bin( val )[ 2: ]:
        binario.append( int( cell ) )

    tam = len( binario )

    for i in range( var - tam ):
        binario.append( 0 )
    binario.reverse(  )

    binario.append( 0 )

    return binario

Converts a binary value to an int value.

  • Input: An int and the number of variables.
  • Process: Returns the int value into his binary representation, fills the missing spaces and adds a cell to store the truth value.
  • Output: A list of boolean values that represent a term of the boolean function.


def binaryToLetter( s ):

    result = ''
    c = 'a'
    n = 0
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] == '1':

            result = result + c

        elif s[i] == '0':

            result = result + c+'\''

        n += 1

        c = chr( ord( c ) + 1 )
    return result

Transform the values of a binary term in its literal representation.

  • Input: A term of the boolean function
  • Pocess: Converts the boolean values of the term in its literal 'a-z' representation.
  • Output: An array that represents the literal expression of the boolean term.


def compBinary( s1, s2 ):

    cont = 0
    position = 0

    for pos in range( len( s1 ) ):

        if( s1[ pos ] != s2[ pos ] ):

            cont += 1

            position = pos

    if( cont == 1 ):

        return True, position


        return False, None

Compare two boolean terms, searching if theres any common value.

  • Input: Two boolean terms of the same size
  • Process: For this particular case, it is only relevant if they have only one similarity, in other cases, it is considererd that you cannot reduce it.
  • Output: Returns the different value position.


def compBinarySame( term, number ):
    for i in range( len( term ) ):
        if term[ i ] != '-':
            if term[ i ] != number[ i ]:
                return False

    return True

Compare if the number is equal to a prime.

  • Input: A number and a term
  • Process: Walk through both arrays searching differences
  • Output: Returns a truth value


def combinePairs( group, result ):
    # Define el tama帽o del grupo
    size = len( group ) -1

    # Inicializa lista para verificar comprobaci贸n
    check = [ ]

    # Crea el nuevo grupo de terminos
    nextGroup = [ [ ] for x in range( size )]

    # Comprueba cada elemento del grupo comparandolo con el siguiente
    for i in range( size ):

        for element in group[ i ]:

            for element2 in group[ i + 1 ]:

                checkEqual, pos = compBinary( element, element2 )

                if ( checkEqual == True ):

                    # Actualizaci贸n de la lista de verificaci贸n
                    check.append( element )
                    check.append( element2 )
                    #Anula los valores simplificables con un ( "-" )
                    newElement = list( element )
                    newElement [ pos ] = '-'
                    newElement = "".join( newElement )
                    nextGroup[ i ].append( newElement )

    for i in group:

        for j in i:

            if j not in check:


    return nextGroup, result

Prove if there's pairs between two groups.

  • Input: A min-term group with the same number of truth elements and a list of primes
  • Process: Tests if there are pairs with reducible elements and it creates a new group for the reduced pairs
  • Output: A reduced-terms list


def removeRedundant( group ):

    newGroup = [ ]
    for j in group:
        new=[ ]
        for i in j:
            if i not in new:
                new.append( i )
        newGroup.append( new )
    return newGroup

Remove repeated terms of a group

  • Input: A list of terms with the same number of truth elements
  • Process: Compare the elements that doesn't exist in a new list and save them to be able to remove possible repeated terms
  • Output: A non-repeated term list


def checkEmpty(group):

    if len( group ) == 0:

        return True


        cont = 0
        for i in group:
            if i:
        if ( cont == 0 ):
            return True
    return False

Checks if there's a terms-less group

  • Input: A terms list with the same number of truth elements
  • Process: Tests if it is a terms-less list
  • Output: A boolean value that answer the initial question

Of User


def getTable ( var, fun ):

    table = [  ]

    tam = y = 2 ** var 

    for index in range( y ):

        table.append( getBin( index, var ) )
    for minTer in fun:

        table[ minTer ][ var ] = 1

    return table

Generates a matrix that represents a truth table

  • Input: The number of varaibles of the boolean function and a list with the min-tems of the expression
  • Process: It transform the indexes of the table and it adds their respective truth value
  • Output: A matrix that represent the truth table of the introducen boolean function


def getMinTable ( var, fun ):

    table = [  ]

    pos = 0

    for i in fun:

        table.append( getBin( i, var ) )

        table[ pos ][ var ] = 1

        pos += 1

    return table

Generates a matrix that represent a truth table

  • Input: The number of variables of the boolean function and a list with the min-terms of the expression
  • Process: It transform the indexes of the table adding only truthy values
  • Output: A matrix that represent the truth table of the introduced boolean function, excluding the non-truthy values.


def getKmap( var, fun ):

    Kmap = [  ]

    for i in range( var ):

        Kmap.append( [ ] )

        for j in range( var ):

            Kmap[ i ].append( 0 )

    for minTer in fun:

        x = ( minTer ) // var
        y = ( minTer ) % var

        Kmap[ y ][ x ] = 1

    return Kmap

Generates a matrix that represents a Kmap

  • Input: The number of variables of the boolean function and a list with the min-terms of the expression
  • Process: It transforms the indexes values of the min-terms in the general coordinates of the Kmaps
  • Output: A matrix that represents the Kmap of the boolean function


def reduceFun( n, fun ):  

    # transformaci贸n de lista en enteros
    fun = list( map( int, fun ) )

    # Crea la lista inicial
    group = [ [ ] for x in range ( n + 1 )]

    for i in range( len( fun )):

        # Conversor a binario
        fun[ i ] = bin( fun[ i ] )[ 2: ]

        if len( fun[ i ] ) < n:
            # Completar el t茅rmino con ceros
            for j in range( n - len( fun[ i ] ) ):
                fun[ i ] = '0' + fun[ i ]
        # grupos de 1
        index = fun[ i ].count( '1' )

        # Sub grupos
        group[ index ].append( fun[ i ])

    allGroup = [ ]

    result = [ ]
    # Combinar las parejas que no han sido conbinadas
    while checkEmpty( group ) == False:

        allGroup.append( group )
        nextGroup, result = combinePairs( group, result )
        group = removeRedundant( nextGroup )

    s = ""

    for i in result:

        s = s + binaryToLetter( i ) + " + "

    # - 3 para eliminar el " + " extra 
    return s[ :( len( s ) - 3 ) ]

Function that it's use it to find primes of an boolean expression to minify them

  • Input: The number of variables of the boolean function and a list of the min-terms of the expression
  • Process: It creates groups of terms with the same number of truth values and it compares them to search reducible expressions.
  • Output: A string of elements that represents the minified expression