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Erasure protocol explorer and playground

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Erasure is a smart contract protocol that brings simple web3 primitives to any website on the internet. The initial primitives available on Erasure are Recourse, Track-Record, and Payments. These primitives could help customers to create interesting business logic.

However, blockchain solutions usually has a barrier to implementation. They requieres specific plugins (like Metamask) to be installed on client side, their libraries are heavy weighted, etc. As result it's usually difficult and expersive to integrate them with existing services.


Erascan is created as supplimentary tool (like Etherscan) to help developers for development. It speeds up development, provide comprehesive tools for testing logic and could be use partly as third party service to show list of proofs, creating feed etc.

The last statement is exptremly significant, cause many IT businesses use lean product metodology and Erascan could drastically reduce costs for hypothesis testing.

Erascan has three main areas:


Track-Record is about proving historical quality. It's the public track record of the past. Prospective counterparties can evaluate the credibility of your claims and decide if they trust you by looking at your history. It’s your personal brand, it’s your credit score, it’s your Twitter feed. This is where blockchains shine. It only makes sense for this track record to be permanent and immutable.

With Erascan your could check latest feeds, explore them and use search by feed id, creator / operator hashes. You could also create Feed and add hashes manually using the tool.



Recourse is the final piece of the puzzle. It’s the court system that performs arbitration over breach of contract. It’s the Uber rating system. It’s a coordination mechanism fundamentally hardwired in each of us. It’s also something that can be programmed in a smart contract. This is where Erasure shines.



With faucet you could get NMR tokens for testing your application. Currently, you could get 10 NMR each 24 hours.


Technical stack

Client: React, redux, web3.js, IPFS, Graph (, GraphQL

Backend: Golang, go-cache, go-ethereum, gin-gonic

React wrapper for Graph Technology (

Erascan uses erasure subgraph ( for getting information from smartcontracts. For making this work more flexible, 2 react components were designed:

Details Widget DetailsWidget renders infromation for any particular entity

Name Type Descrition
id String Id of element to show
itemName String Name of variable which used in GraphQL query
fields Array Array of objects containg information about rendering values

Fields format

Field Type Description
name String Title for each field
field String Field as it provided in GraphQL response
sm Number Value for bootstrap redndering
type String String - for strings, Timestamp for timestamps and Address for rendering ethereum addresses

List Widget ListWidget renders information for list query

Name Type Description
query String GraphQL query
variables Object variables for graphQL query
title String Title for list
itemName String item name which would be extracted by GraphQL
renderItem React.Component Render item react component
rightToolbar React.Component React component for right toolbar
renderThead React.Component React component for rendering thead

In turn, these components use QueryWrap, an universal compnonent which provides functionaly for better querying GraphQL and showing errors / loading messages.

Using this abstractions make code cleaner, you need graph query only to render your info.


Erasure protocol explorer and playground







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