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Super Resolution

Core super-resolution (i.e. overcoming the sampling limit of the fibre bundle) can be achieved by combining multiple images, with the object slightly shifted with respect to the fibre pattern. The super-resolution sub-package of PyFibreBundle provides the ability to combine multiple images and generate an enhanced resolution using triangular linear interpolation. As with single image triangular linear interpolation, calibation takes several seconds, but reconstruction is fast. For most applications this functionality is best accessed via the :doc:`PyBundle<pybundle_class>` class as shown below. This functionality is currently only available for monochrome images.

Getting Started

Import pybundle and instantiate a PyBundle object:

from pybundle import PyBundle
pyb = PyBundle()

To use super-resolution we must use the TRILIN processing method and choose the output image size:


Then enable super-resolution:


As for non-super-resolution TRILIN, we provide a calibration image, a uniformly illuminated image (2D numpy array) used to identify core locations:


We can also set a background image (2D numpy array) which will be used for core-by-core background subtraction, this may be the same as calibImage:


A normalisation image (2D numpy array) for core-by-core normalisation is set using:


We also need to provide a set of calibration images from which the shifts can be determined. These can be the same as the images we wish to use to create a super-resolution image from, or a set of image that we know have the same shifts. The calibration images are provided as a 3D numpy array, with image number along the third axis:


We then perform the calibration, this may take several seconds:


We can then generate a super-resolution image from a stack of shifted input images, again a 3D numpy array. This may be the same as srCalibImages or, if the shifts are reproducible, we can re-use the calibration for different stacks of images.:

srImage = pyb.process(inputImages)

Using Known Shifts

If the x and y shifts between images are known in advance, they can be specified using:


where shifts is a 2D numpy array of size (nImages, 2). When pyb.calibrate_sr() is called, these shifts will be used instead of calculating shifts, i.e. pyb.set_sr_calib_images() does not need to be called.

Correcting for Intensity Difference Between Images

If the shifted images are created simply by moving the bundle or the object, then the above method using only a single background/normalisation image is all that is requried. If the shifted images have different intensities (e.g. they are created from different light sources) then any global intensity differences must be corrected to avoid image artefacts. A simple way to correct this is by multiplying each shifts images by an intensity correction factor such that all the shifted images in such a way that multipying all the corresponding calibration images by the same set of factors would results in them all having the same mean intensity. This happens by default and can be explicitly turned on or off using:




Alternatively, if a set of background images with the same relative mean intensities is available, these can be used to determine the required correction by setting:


where backgroundImgs is a 3D numpy array of (height, width, num images) containing the set of background images.

Note that this 'normalisation' is correcting for global differences in the intensity of each of the shfited images and is distinct from the core-by-core normaliation of the TRILIN method which corrects for core-to-core variations.

These options must be set prior to calibration.

Using Background/Normalisation Stack

If each shifted image requires a different core-by-core background subtraction and/or normalisation, this can be specified:



In this case, a different TRILIN normalisation/background correction is applied to each shifted image independently. If multi-normalisation is used, this overrides set_sr_norm_to_backgrounds or set_sr_norm_to_images since it will inherently ensure that each image is corrected to be of the same mean intensity. This may offer an improvement over correcting on the basis of the mean background image intensities (i.e. using pyb.set_norm_to_backgrounds) in cases where the coupling efficiency of individual cores varies across the set of shifted images.

These options must be set prior to calibration.

Using Lower Level Functions

First, perform the calibration. This requires a flat-field/background image calibImg (a 2D numpy array), a stack of shifted images imgs (a 3D numpy array - [x,y,n]), an estimate of the core spacing core size, and the output image size gridSize

calib = SuperRes.calib_multi_tri_interp(calibImg, imgs, coreSize, gridSize, normalise = calibImg)

We have also specified an optional parameter, a normalisation image calibImg, which prevents the images becoming grainy due to core-core variations. Note that imgs does not need to be the actual images to be used for reconstruction, but they must have the same relative shift as the the images. Alternatively, if the shifts are known, these can be specified using the optional parameter shifts which should be a 2D numpy array of the form (x_shift, y_shift, image_number). If shifts is specified then imgs can be None.

We then perform the super-resolution reconstruction using:

reconImg = SuperRes.recon_multi_tri_interp(imgs, calib)

which returns reconImg a 2D numpy array representing the output image.

Additional options are described below.

Parameterised Shifts

In some circumstances, the shifts between the images in the stack are fixed in time but are linearly dependent on some other parameter. For example, in fibre bundle inline holographic microscopy, which uses multiple light sources in a transmission geometry, the shifts of the hologram (image) position on the bundle depend on the distance between the object and the bundle. In these cases it can be convenient to determine the dependence of the shifts on this parameter in a calibrations stage, and then to subsequently infer the shifts for all further sets of images based on the current value of the parameter rather than measuring them directl from the images.

Assuming we have acquired several stacks of shifted images for different values of the parameter, we assemble a 4D numpy array of images with dimensions (image height, image width, number of shifts, number of example param values).

We then call:

paramCalib = calib_param_shift(param, images, calibration)

where calibration is a single image linear interpolation calibration such as returned from calib_tri_interp or the one stored in PyBundle.calibration after calling PyBundle.calibrate. param is a 1D numpy array specifying the values of the parameter for each stack of shifted images.

The calibration is used to reconstruct each image in the stack. The x and y-components of the shifts of the nth shifted image from each stack of shifted images (i.e. across all example values of the parameter) are then fitted to the values of the parameter with a 1st order polynomial. The function returns paramCalib which provides the gradient and offset of the shift for each image in the stack of shifted images.

To calculate the expected shifts for a stack of shifted images for a specific value of the parameter, we then call:

shifts = get_param_shift(param, paramCalib)

Where param is the value of the parameter we wish to know the shifts for, and paramCalib is the calibration returned by calib_param_shift.

Calibration Look-up-table

In cases where the shifts between the images change in some linear way with some parameter, as discussed in detail above, it may be desirable to reconstruct resolution-enhanced images for multiple values of the parameter. For example, in inline bundle holographic microscopy, the shifts depend on the distance to the object which may change in time. A different value for the shifts requires a new SR calibration, since the calibration requires knowledge of the shifts. However, this calibration is too slow to be performed in real-time. It is therefore advantageous to compute different calibrations for different values of the parameter, store these in a look-up table (LUT), and then at run-time to use the calibration stored for the nearest value of the parameter.

To generate a LUT when using the PyBundle class, call:

PyBundle.calibrate_sr_LUT(self, paramCalib, paramRange, nCalibrations)

Here, paramRange is a tuple of (min, max) values of the parameter to generate the LUT for, and nCalibrations is the number of values of the parameter within this range to create calibrations for. Since each calibration takes typically several seconds to perform, large values of nCalibrations will take a long time to compute.

Prior to calling calibrate_sr_LUT, a single image calibration must already have been created using pyb.calibrate. We must also provide a parameter calibration paramCalib, which tells us how the image shifts are related to the value of the parameter, either created manually or using the output of calib_param_shift.

We then tell PyBundle to use the LUT:


We must also tell PyBundle the current value of the parameter:


Now, when we call PyBundle.process, assuming we have enabled super-resolution and provided a set of shifted images, as described above, the calibration LUT will be accessed and the calibration previously created for a value of the parameter closest to the current value will be used. This look up is much faster (by several orders of magnitude) then performing a new calibration.

Alternatively, if lower-level control is needed, an instance of the CalibrationLUT can be created directly:

lut = CalibrationLUT(calibImg, imgs, coreSize, gridSize, paramCalib, paramRange, nCalibrations, [optional arguments])

Parameters (including optional parameters) are as for calib_multi_tri_interp, with the addition of paramCalib, which is the return from calling calib_param_shift and stores the mapping between the parameter and the shifts, paramRange which is a tuple of (min, max) values of the parameter to generate the LUT for, and nCalibrations which is the number of values of the parameter within this range to create calibrations for.

Once the LUT is generated, we can extract the best calibration for the current value of the parameter using:

calibrationSR = lut.calibrationSR(paramValue)

SR reconstructions can then be performed using:

reconImage = recon.multi_tri_interp(imageStack, calibrationSR)

Function Reference

These are the low level functions, for most purposes it is better to use an instance of the PyBundle class.

High Level

.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.calib_multi_tri_interp

.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.recon_multi_tri_interp

.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.multi_tri_backgrounds


.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.get_shifts

.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.find_shift


.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.calib_param_shift

.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.get_param_shift

.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.param_calib_multi_tri_interp


.. autofunction:: pybundle.SuperRes.sort_sr_stack

Implementation Details

calib_multi_tri_interp first calls calib_tri_interp to perform the standard calibration for triangular linear interpolation. This obtains the core locations, using find_cores. If the optional parameters normToImage or normToBackground are set to True, then the mean image intensity for ether the images stack or the background stack (supplied as a further optional parameter backgroundImgs) are calculated and stored. These are then later used to normalise each of the input images to a constant mean intensity. This is important for applications where the illumination intensity will be different for each image, but in most applications would not be needed. It is also possible to provide a 1D array of normalisation factors directly as the imageScaleFactor parameter.

calib_multi_tri_interp then calculates the relative shifts between the supplied images in imgs using get_shifts via normalised cross correlation. Alternatively, shifts can be provided via the optional parameter shifts. For each image, the recorded core positions are then translated by the measured shifts, and a single list of shifted core positions is assembled, containing the shifted core positions from all the images. init_tri_interp is then called, which forms a Delaunay triangulation over this set of core positions. For each pixel in the reconstruction grid the enclosing triangle is identified and the pixel location in barycentric co-ordinates is recorded.

Reconstruction is performed using recon_multi_tri_interp. The intensity value from each core in each of the images are extracted, and then pixel values in the final image are interpolated linearly from the three surrounding (shifted) cores, using the pre-calculated barycentric distance weights.

The SR calibration is stored in an instane of BundleCalibration. This is an extension of the regular TRILIN calibration, and so this super-resolution calibration can be used for non-super-resolution reconstructions (but not vice-versa).


Examples are provided in "examples\super_res_example" for use via PyBundle class, and "examples\" for calling lower-level functions directly.