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Add new Processing sketch-rnn app.
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nonoesp committed May 9, 2018
1 parent 3a3f756 commit b9dc9a2
Showing 1 changed file with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions samples/sketch_rnn_drawing_app/sketch_rnn_drawing_app.pde
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@

// You need to install http package before being able to import it
// Go to Sketch > Import Library > Add Library.. >
// Then search for HTTP Requests for Processing
import http.requests.*;

// Create a list (of lists of floats) to store stroke positions
ArrayList<FloatList> inputStrokes = new ArrayList<FloatList>();
ArrayList<FloatList> outputStrokes = new ArrayList<FloatList>();
// Select a model for SketchRNN predictions
String model = "bird";

// State of drawing
float drawingThreshold =20;
boolean isDrawing = false;
boolean shouldDisplayText = false;
float previous_p2 = 0;

void setup() {


//inputStrokes.add(new FloatList(350,280,1,0,0));
//inputStrokes.add(new FloatList(300,300,1,0,0));
//inputStrokes.add(new FloatList(350,310,1,0,0));


void draw() {

// Re-draw background
// Draw input and output strokes (your sketch plus prediction)
drawStrokes(inputStrokes, color(0,0,0));
drawStrokes(outputStrokes, color(120,120,120));


//void mousePressed() {
// isDrawing = true;

void mouseDragged() {

if(mouseButton == LEFT) {

boolean shouldDrawPoint = false;

if(inputStrokes.size() == 0 || !isDrawing) {
shouldDrawPoint = true;
} else {
FloatList previousPoint = inputStrokes.get(inputStrokes.size()-1);
float previousX = previousPoint.get(0);
float previousY = previousPoint.get(1);
if(distanceFrom(previousX, previousY, mouseX, mouseY) > drawingThreshold) {
shouldDrawPoint = true;

if(shouldDrawPoint) {
inputStrokes.add(new FloatList(mouseX,mouseY,1,0,0));

if(isDrawing == false) {
isDrawing = true;

float distanceFrom(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) {
return sqrt(pow(x1-x0, 2) + pow(y1-y0, 2));

void mouseReleased() {
if(isDrawing) {
isDrawing = false;
inputStrokes.add(new FloatList(mouseX,mouseY,0,1,0));

// Drawing a set of strokes (with formatting and color)
void drawStrokes(ArrayList<FloatList> strokes, color c) {

float previous_p2 = 1;


for(int i = 1; i < strokes.size(); i++) {
FloatList position = strokes.get(i);

// Get coordinates of position
float x = position.get(0);
float y = position.get(1);

// Get one-hot vector of wether this point is
// (1,0,0) - you are going to keep drawing to next point
// (0,1,0) - lifting up the pen, and moving to start another line
// (0,0,1) - end of drawing
float p1 = position.get(2);
float p2 = position.get(3);
float p3 = position.get(4);

if(shouldDisplayText) {
text(str(i), x, y - 5);


if(previous_p2 == 1) {


previous_p2 = p2;



// Encode our strokes format into GET request format
String encodeInputStrokes(ArrayList<FloatList> strokes) {

String encodedStrokes = "[";

for(int i = 0; i < strokes.size(); i++) {

FloatList position = strokes.get(i);

if(i > 0) {
encodedStrokes += ",";

// Get coordinates of position
float x = position.get(0);
float y = position.get(1);

// Get one-hot vector of wether this point is
// (1,0,0) - you are going to keep drawing to next point
// (0,1,0) - lifting up the pen, and moving to start another line
// (0,0,1) - end of drawing
float p1 = position.get(2);
float p2 = position.get(3);
float p3 = position.get(4);

encodedStrokes += "["+x+","+y+","+p1+","+p2+","+p3+"]";

encodedStrokes += "]";
return encodedStrokes;

// Decode the SketchRNN response to our own strokes format
ArrayList<FloatList> decodeOutputStrokes(JSONArray arr) {

ArrayList<FloatList> list = new ArrayList<FloatList>();

JSONArray subarr;
float[] floats;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
FloatList position = new FloatList();
subarr = arr.getJSONArray(i);
floats = subarr.getFloatArray();

return list;

void predict() {
// TODO: encode input strokes and use them
String encodedInputStrokes = encodeInputStrokes(inputStrokes);
String baseURL = "http://localhost:8080/simple_predict_absolute?model="+model+"&strokes=";
GetRequest request = new GetRequest(baseURL+encodedInputStrokes);
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

JSONArray responseArray = parseJSONArray(request.getContent());
outputStrokes = decodeOutputStrokes(responseArray);

void keyPressed() {
if(key == 'p') {
// Predict if there input strokes
if(inputStrokes.size() > 0) {
} else {
println("No input strokes. No prediction.");
} else if(key == '1') {
model = "bicycle";
} else if(key == '2') {
model = "crab";
} else if(key == '0') {
model = "bird";
} else if(key == 'c') {
inputStrokes = new ArrayList<FloatList>();
outputStrokes = new ArrayList<FloatList>();
} else if(key == 'e') {
// TODO: Export your drawing to a JSON file
//saveJSONArray(inputStrokes, "date_input.json");
//saveJSONArray(outputStrokes, "date_prediction.json");

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