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File metadata and controls

76 lines (54 loc) · 2.1 KB


A highly available distributed key value store.

There are 3 processes:

  • leader - waits for the sync signal from the followers and sends back sync responses.
  • follower - listens to port 10000 for incoming client requests and periodically syncs up with the leader.
  • client - a test client sending request to a follower. Start the test client with default port, 10000.


To run in docker, skip to running with docker.

  1. Install the protobuf compiler.

  2. Install the Go protobuf plugin

  3. Make sure your path includes $GOPATH/bin ($HOME/go/bin by default).

  4. The default configration is in protos/config/local-config.pb.txt; you can use your own config file to set a different port for example.

Building, Testing and Running

Using make

  1. Run make to build the project.

  2. Binaries are in bin/.

Unit Testing

Enter a foler, then run the test.

$ cd follower
$ go test

Run manually

  1. Generate proto files Run script:

Or generate them seprately:

protoc -I protos protos/follower/follower.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:protos/follower
protoc -I protos protos/leader/leader.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:protos/leader
protoc -I protos protos/config/config.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:protos/config
  1. You can start each process with go run:
go run distributed-key-value-store/leader
go run distributed-key-value-store/follower --follower_id=0
go run distributed-key-value-store/client --follower_id=0

You can specify the broadcast type by using flag --cast, the supporting types are immediate, periodic and simple.

Running with Docker

  1. Run make docker to build the three docker images: dkvs-leader, dkvs-follower, and dkvs-client.

  2. Run them with docker, for example:

docker run --rm --network host dkvs-leader

Running the tests

  1. Run test/ in the project dirctory