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Sublime Gem Browser 0.3-alpha

For Ruby projects using the Bundler gem.

This plugin allows you to quickly access the code of a gem that you have installed via Bundler in the current project. When you select a gem, a new Sublime Text 2 window will open with the code ready for inspection.

Tested on OSX with RVM, Xubuntu with rbenv and Windows with RubyInstaller

How to Use

  • In ST2, press "cmd + shift + p" and type "list gem" (or ctrl + shift + p if you're on Windows or Linux)
  • Once you see "Gem Browser: List Gems", press enter.
  • It will list all the gems that have been installed via bundle for the project folder ScreenShot
  • Once you choose a gem of the list, this plugin will open the source of the gem in a new window with the code ready for inspection and EVEN modification in real time (useful for debugging).


Package Control

Using Package Control, a package manager for Sublime Text.

In ST, press "cmd + shift + p" and then type "install".

Once you see "Package Control: Install Package", press enter.

When the packages load, another selection window will appear.

Type "gem browser" and enter. All done!

Manual Installation for Sublime Text 2

  cd "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/"
  git clone

Sublime Text 3 (Mac OS X only)

  cd "/Applications/Sublime"
  curl -o sublime-gem-browser.sublime-package
  zip -j -r sublime-gem-browser.sublime-package sublime-gem-browser/*
  rm -rf sublime-gem-browser

Known issues / limitations

  • Experimental support for Sublime Text 3 (Only in OS X with RVM)


  • MIT License

2012 - Created by Nahuel Sciaratta and Bruno Bonamin