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Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction

Predicting future trajectories of pedestrians in cameras of novel scenarios and views.

This repository contains the code and models for the following ECCV'20 paper:

SimAug: Learning Robust Representatios from Simulation for Trajectory Prediction Junwei Liang, Lu Jiang, Alexander Hauptmann

Our Pipeline

Input: could be from a streaming camera or saved videos.

Detection: we used a pre-trained model called YOLO (You Only Look Once) to perform object detection, it uses convolutional neural networks to provide real-time object detection, it is popular for its speed and accuracy.

Tracking: we used a pre-trained model called Deep SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking), it uses deep learning to perform object tracking in videos. It works by computing deep features for every bounding box and using the similarity between deep features to also factor into the tracking logic. It is known to work perfectly with YOLO and also popular for its speed and accuracy.

Resizing: at this step, we get the frames and resize them to the required shape which is 1920 X 1080.

Semantic Segmentation: we used a pre-trained model called Deep Lab (Deep Labeling) an algorithm made by Google, to perform the semantic segmentation task, this model works by assigning a predicted value for each pixel in an image or video with the help of deep neural network support. It performs a pixel-wise classification where each pixel is labeled by predicted value encoding its semantic class.

SimAug Model: Simulation as Augmentation, is a novel simulation data augmentation method for trajectory prediction. It augments the representation such that it is robust to the variances in semantic scenes and camera views, it predicts the trajectory in unseen camera views.

Predicted Trajectory: The output of the proposed pipeline.


Fisrt you need to install packages according to the configuration file:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running on video

Then download the deeplab ADE20k model(used for Semantic Segmentation):

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf deeplabv3_xception_ade20k_train_2018_05_29.tar.gz

Then download SimAug-trained model:

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf packed_models_eccv2020.tgz

Run the pretrained YOLOv5 & DEEPSORT

get the annotations on a sample video many_people.mp4 from yolo and deepsort + resized images to 1920 x 1080

dataset_resize,changelst , annotation = detect('many_people.mp4')

Prepare the annotation

  • get box centre x,y for each person (traj_data)
  • person_box_data : boxes coordinates for all persons
  • other_box_data : boxes of other objects in the same frame with each targeted person
traj_data, person_box_data, other_box_data  = prepared_data_sdd(annotation,changelst)

Run the segmentation model

model_path= 'deeplabv3_xception_ade20k_train/frozen_inference_graph.pb'
seg_output= extract_scene_seg(dataset_resize,model_path,every =100)

Prepare all data for the SimAug model

making npz which contanins arrays for details of the segmentation with annotations and person ids
np.savez("prepro_fold1/data_test.npz", **data)

Test SimAug-Trained Model

!python Code/ prepro_fold1/ packed_models/ best_simaug_model \
--wd 0.001 --runId 0 --obs_len 8 --pred_len 12 --emb_size 32 --enc_hidden_size 256 \
--dec_hidden_size 256 --activation_func tanh --keep_prob 1.0 --num_epochs 30 \
--batch_size 12 --init_lr 0.3 --use_gnn --learning_rate_decay 0.95 --num_epoch_per_decay 5.0 \
--grid_loss_weight 1.0 --grid_reg_loss_weight 0.5 --save_period 3000 \
--scene_h 36 --scene_w 64 --scene_conv_kernel 3 --scene_conv_dim 64 \
--scene_grid_strides 2,4 --use_grids 1,0 --val_grid_num 0 --gpuid 0 --load_best \
--save_output sdd_out.p
You can run the pipeline from here
You can find project documnentation here




We capture streaming video that contains 1628 frames, processing time for stages is

• Yolo & Deep SORT: 20.7 f/s

• DeepLabv3: 4.66 f/s

• SimAug: 12.8 f/s

Video_Name Grid_acc minADE minFDE
Moving-ITI 0.6098 22.132 39.271


• Python 3.6 ; TensorFlow 1.15.0 ; Pytorch 1.7 ; Cuda 10

Code Contributors


  title={SimAug: Learning Robust Representations from Simulation for Trajectory Prediction},
  author={Liang, Junwei and Jiang, Lu and Hauptmann, Alexander},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
  month = {August},