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JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2

Introduction ⚡

What to focus on in the workshop?

  • Analytical problem solving.
  • Technical communication.
  • Engineering approach.
  • Non-technical communication.
  • JavaScript and programming experience.

JavaScript Principles ⚡

Goes through the code line-by-line and runs/executes each line - known as the thread of execution.
Saves data like strings and arrays so we can use that data later - in its memory, We can even save code (functions).
Execution context Created to run the code of a function - has 2 parts (we’ve already seen them!)

  • Thread of execution
  • Memory


Call stack

  • JavaScript keeps track of what function is currently running (where’s the thread of execution).
  • Run a function - add to call stack
  • Finish running the function - JS removes it from call stack
  • Whatever is top of the call stack
  • that’s the function we’re currently running

Functions & Callbacks ⚡

function tenSquared() {
  return 10 * 10;

function nineSquared() {
  return 9 * 9;

function eightSquared() {
  return 8 * 8;

📍 What principle are we breaking?

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

We can generalize the function to make it reusable

  • Parameters (placeholders) mean we don’t need to decide what data to run our functionality on until we run the function.
    • Then provide an actual value (argument) when we run the function.
  • Higher order functions follow this same principle.
    • We may not want to decide exactly what some of our functionality is until we run our function.
function squareNum(num) {
  return num * num;

squareNum(10); // 100
squareNum(9); // 81
squareNum(8); // 64

Higher Order Functions

Takes in a function or passes out a function.
Just a term to describe these functions - any function that does it we call that - but there's nothing different about them inherently.

function copyArrayAndMultiplyBy2(array) {
  const output = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    output.push(array[i] * 2);
  return output;

const myArray = [1,2,3];
const result = copyArrayAndMultiplyBy2(myArray);


function copyArrayAndDivideBy2(array) {
  const output = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    output.push(array[i] / 2);
  return output;

const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
const result = copyArrayAndDivideBy2(myArray);


function copyArrayAndAdd3(array) {
  const output = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    output.push(array[i] + 3);
  return output;

const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
const result = copyArrayAndAdd3(myArray);

📍 What principle are we breaking?

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

We can generalize the function to make it reusable, so we pass in our specific instruction only when we run copyArrayAndManipulate!

function copyArrayAndManipulate(array, instructions) {
  const output = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  return output;

function multiplyBy2(num) { return num * 2;}
// function divideBy2(num) { return num / 2; }
// function add3(num) { return num + 3; }

const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
const result = copyArrayAndManipulate(myArray, multiplyBy2);
// const result = copyArrayAndManipulate(myArray, divideBy2);
// const result = copyArrayAndManipulate(myArray, add3);


Functions in javascript = first class objects
They can co-exist with and can be treated like any other javascript object

  1. Assigned to variables and properties of other objects.
  2. Passed as arguments into functions.
  3. Returned as values from functions.

📍 Which is our Higher Order Function?

The outer function that takes in a function is our higher-order function.

📍 Which is our Callback Function?

The function we insert is our callback function.

✨ Callbacks and Higher Order Functions simplify our code and keep it DRY

Declarative readable code
map, filter, reduce - the most readable way to write code to work with data.

Codesmith & pro interview prep
One of the most popular topics to test in interview both for Codesmith and mid/senior level job interviews.

Asynchronous JavaScript
Callbacks are a core aspect of async JavaScript, and are under-the-hood of promises, async/await.

✨ Arrow Functions

a shorthand way to save functions.

function multiplyBy2(input) { return input * 2; }
// We can convert it to:

const multiplyBy2 = (input) => { return input*2; }

const multiplyBy2 = (input) => input*2;

const multiplyBy2 = input => input*2;

const output = multiplyBy2(3); // 6


💡 We can even pass in multiplyBy2 directly without a name

But it’s still just the code of a function being passed into copyArrayAndManipulate.

function copyArrayAndManipulate(array, instructions) {
  const output = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  return output;

// const multiplyBy2 = input => input * 2;
// const result = copyArrayAndManipulate([1, 2, 3], multiplyBy2);

const result = copyArrayAndManipulate([1, 2, 3], input => input*2);

🫧 Anonymous and arrow functions

  • Improve immediate legibility of the code.
  • But at least for our purposes here they are "syntactic sugar".
  • Understanding how they’re working under-the-hood is vital to avoid confusion.

Syntactic sugar is a term for a more concise syntax that provides the same functionality for something that already exists. It aims to help make code shorter, therefore, easier to write.

✨ Pair Programming


Closure ⚡

The closure is a collection of all the variables in scope at the time of creation of the function.

  • Closure is the most esoteric of JavaScript concepts.
  • Enables powerful pro-level functions like 'once' and 'memoize'.
  • Many JavaScript design patterns including the module pattern use closure.
  • Build iterators, handle partial application and maintain state in an asynchronous world.

Functions with memories

  • When our functions get called, we create a live store of data (local memory/variable environment/state) for that function's execution context.
  • When the function finishes executing, its local memory is deleted (except the returned value).

But what if our functions could hold on to live data between executions? - This would let our function definitions have an associated cache/persistent memory. - But it all starts with us **returning a function from another function**.

Nested Function Scope

function outer (){
  let counter = 0;
  function incrementCounter (){


Retaining Function Memory

function outer (){
  let counter = 0;
  function incrementCounter (){
  return incrementCounter;

const myNewFunction = outer();

Photo Link CallingAFunctionOutsideIfTheFunctionCall

The bond

When a function is defined, it gets a bond to the surrounding Local Memory ("Variable Environment") in which it has been defined.

🫧 The 'backpack'

  • We return incrementCounter's code (function definition) out of outer into global and give it a new name - myNewFunction
  • We maintain the bond to outer's live local memory - it gets 'returned out' attached on the back of incrementCounter's function definition.
  • So outer's local memory is now stored attached to myNewFunction - even though outer’s execution context is long gone.
  • When we run myNewFunction in global, it will first look in its own local memory first (as we'd expect), but then in myNewFunction's 'backpack';

What can we call this 'backpack'?

  • Closed over 'Variable Environment' (C.O.V.E.).
  • Persistent Lexical Scope Referenced Data (P.L.S.R.D.).
  • 'Backpack'.
  • 'Closure'. The 'backpack' (or 'closure') of live data is attached incrementCounter (then to myNewFunction) through a hidden property known as [[scope]] which persists when the inner function is returned out.

Let’s run outer again

function outer (){
  let counter = 0;
  function incrementCounter (){
  return incrementCounter;

const myNewFunction = outer();

const anotherFunction = outer();

✨ Individual 'backpack's

If we run outer again and store the returned incrementCounter function definition in anotherFunction, this new incrementCounter function was created in a new execution context and therefore has a brand new independent 'backpack'.

let c = 4;
const addX = x => n => n + x;
const addThree = addX(3);
let d = addThree(c);
console.log('example partial application', d);

is the equivalent to

let c = 4;
function addX(x) {
  return function(n) {
     return n + x;
const addThree = addX(3);
let d = addThree(c);
console.log('example partial application', d);

This article is very important.

Closure gives our functions persistent memories and entirely new toolkit for writing professional code

Helper functions: Everyday professional helper functions like 'once' and 'memoize'. Iterators and generators: Which use lexical scoping and closure to achieve the most contemporary patterns for handling data in JavaScript. Module pattern: Preserve state for the life of an application without polluting the global namespace. Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks and Promises rely on closure to persist state in an asynchronous environment.

Asynchronous JavaScript ⚡

Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules - article

Asynchronicity is the backbone of modern web development in JavaScript yet.

JavaScript is:

  • Single threaded (one command runs at a time).
  • Synchronously executed (each line is run in order the code appears).

So what if we have a task:

  • Accessing Twitter’s server to get new tweets that takes a long time.
  • Code we want to run using those tweets. Challenge: We want to wait for the tweets to be stored in tweets so that they’re there to run displayTweets on - but no code can run in the meantime.

Slow function blocks further code running

const tweets = getTweets("");
// 350ms wait while a request is sent to Twitter HQ


// more code to run
console.log("I want to runnnn!");

JavaScript is not enough - We need new pieces (some of which aren’t JavaScript at all)

Our core JavaScript engine has 3 main parts:

  • Thread of execution.
  • Memory/variable environment.
  • Call stack.

We need to add some new components:

  • Web Browser APIs/Node background APIs.
  • Promises.
  • Event loop, Callback/Task queue and micro task queue.

ES5 solution: Introducing ‘callback functions’, and Web Browser APIs

What if we try to delay a function directly using setTimeout?

setTimeout is a built in function - its first argument is the function to delay followed by ms to delay by.

function printHello(){

setTimeout(printHello, 1000);

console.log("Me first!");
In what order will our console logs appear?

1- Me first!
2- Hello (after 100ms = 1s)


So what about a delay of 0ms?

function printHello(){

setTimeout(printHello, 0);

console.log("Me first!");
Now, in what order will our console logs occur?

1- Me first!
2- Hello

We’re interacting with a world outside of JavaScript now - so we need rules

function printHello(){

function blockFor1Sec(){
  //blocks in the JavaScript thread for 1 sec

setTimeout(printHello, 0);

console.log("Me first!");

1- Me first!
2- Hello


ES5 Web Browser APIs with callback functions


  • Our response data is only available in the callback function - Callback hell.
  • Maybe it feels a little odd to think of passing a function into another function only for it to run much later.


  • Super explicit once you understand how it works under-the-hood.

Promises ⚡

ES6+ Solution (Promises)

Using two-pronged 'facade' functions that both:

  • Initiate background web browser work.
  • Return a placeholder object (promise) immediately in JavaScript.
function display(data){

const futureData = fetch('');

console.log("Me first!");
Me first!
Response { type: "cors", url: "", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, statusText: "OK", headers: Headers(2), body: ReadableStream, bodyUsed: false }


ES6+ Solution (Promises)

Special objects built into JavaScript that get returned immediately when we make a call to a web browser API/feature (e.g. fetch) that’s set up to return promises(not all are).
Promises act as a placeholder for the data we expect to get back from the web browser feature’s background work.

then() method and functionality to call on completion

Any code we want to run on the returned data must also be saved on the promise object.
Added using .then method to the hidden property onFulfilment array.
Promise objects will automatically trigger the attached function to run (with its input being the returned data).

function display(data) {
function printHello() {
function blockFor300ms() {
  // blocks js thread for 300ms

setTimeout(printHello, 0);

const futureData = fetch('');

console.log("Me first!");
Me first!
Response { type: "cors", url: "", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, statusText: "OK", headers: Headers(2), body: ReadableStream, bodyUsed: false }



  • 99% of developers have no idea how they’re working under the hood.
  • Debugging becomes super-hard as a result.
  • Developers fail technical interviews.


  • Cleaner readable style with pseudo-synchronous style code.
  • Nice error handling process.

We have rules for the execution of our asynchronously delayed code

Hold promise-deferred functions in a microtask queue and callback function in a task queue (Callback queue) when the Web Browser Feature (API) finishes.
Add the function to the Call stack (i.e. run the function) when:

  • Call stack is empty & all global code run (Have the Event Loop check this condition).

Prioritize functions in the microtask queue over the Callback queue.

Promises, Web APIs, the Callback & Microtask Queues and Event loop enable:

  • Non-blocking applications: This means we don’t have to wait in the single thread and don't block further code from running.
  • However long it takes: We cannot predict when our Browser feature’s work will finish so we let JS handle automatically running the function on its completion.
  • Web applications: Asynchronous JavaScript is the backbone of the modern web - letting us build fast 'non-blocking' applications.

Classes & Prototypes ⚡

Coding Challenges ⚡


Use Higher-Order Functions map, filter, or reduce to Solve a Complex Problem

Solution 🥳

const squareList = arr => arr.filter(e => (e*10) % 10 === 0 && e > 0)
                             .map(e => e*e);

JavaScript Principles

Apply Functional Programming to Convert Strings to URL Slugs

Solution 🥳

function urlSlug(title) {
  return title.toLowerCase()
              .split(" ")
              .filter(s => s.length > 0)

Functions & Callbacks

Question 1
Implement a JavaScript function called mapAsync that takes an array and a callback function. The function should map each element of the array to a new value using the callback function asynchronously.
The final result should be returned as a Promise.

Solution 🥳

async function mapAsync (arr, cb){
  const newArr = [];
  let tmp;
  for(let e of arr) {
    tmp = await cb(e);
  return newArr;

const addTwo = e => e + 2; 

const a = [1, 2, 3];
const ans = await mapAsync(a, addTwo);

Question 2
Write a JavaScript function called sumRange that calculates the sum of all integers in a given range. The function should use recursion to handle the calculation and demonstrate understanding of the call stack.

Solution 🥳

function sumRange (st, en){
  return st > en ? 0 : en + sumRange(st, --en);

const ans = sumRange(19, 20);

Photo Link sumRange


Question 1
Write a closure named createCounter that takes an initial value start and returns a function. The returned function, when invoked, should increment the counter by 1 and return the updated value.

Solution 🥳

function createCounter (initialValue){
  const increment = () => ++initialValue;
  return increment;

const incrementCounter = createCounter(5);
incrementCounter(); // 6
incrementCounter(); // 7
incrementCounter(); // 8

Question 2
Write a closure named calculateAverage that takes an array of numbers, and returns a function. The returned function, when invoked, should calculate and return the average of the numbers in the array.

Solution 🥳

const calculateAverage = nums => () => nums.reduce((total, element) => total + element) / nums.length;

const calcAvg = calculateAverage([1, 2, 3]);

Question 3
Write a closure named powerOf that takes a base number returns a function. The returned function, when invoked with an exponent exp, should calculate and return the result of base raised to the power of exp.

Solution 🥳

const powerOf = n => {
  return p => {
    if (p <= 1) {
      return p ? n : 1;
    const ans = fastPow(Math.floor(p / 2));
    return ans * ans * (p % 2 ? n : 1);

const power = powerOf(4);
console.log(power(5)); // 1024
console.log(power(2)); // 16

Question 4
Write a closure named compose that takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function. The returned function should apply the provided functions in reverse order, passing the result of each function as an argument to the next function.

Solution 🥳

const compose = (...funcs) => arg => funcs.reduceRight((lastRes, func) => func(lastRes), arg);

const applyAllFuncsR = compose(n => n * 2, n => n - 3, n => n / 2, n => n + 5);

Asynchronous JavaScript & Promises

Question 1
You are given a function executeInSequenceWithCBs and some code. The task is to modify the executeInSequenceWithCBs function so that it runs and executes all the tasks inside the asyncTasks array.
The function should return an array of messages obtained from each task's execution.
You are only allowed to change the executeInSequenceWithCBs function or add new functions/code. You cannot modify the tasks' functions.

const task1 = (cb) => setTimeout(() => {
  const message = "Task 1 has executed successfully!";
}, 3000)

const task2 = (cb) => setTimeout(() => {
  const message = "Task 2 has executed successfully!";
}, 0)

const task3 = (cb) => setTimeout(() => {
  const message = "Task 3 has executed successfully!";
}, 1000)

const task4 = (cb) => setTimeout(() => {
  const message = "Task 4 has executed successfully!";
}, 2000)

const task5 = (cb) => setTimeout(() => {
  const message = "Task 5 has executed successfully!";
}, 4000)

const asyncTasks = [task1, task2, task3, task4, task5];

const executeInSequenceWithCBs = (tasks, callback) => {}

Solution 🥳

const executeInSequenceWithCBs = (tasks, callback) => {
  tasks.forEach(task => task(callback));
  return messages;

const messages = [];
const getMessage = msg => messages.push(msg);

const output = executeInSequenceWithCBs(asyncTasks, getMessage);
// [ "Task 2 has executed successfully!", "Task 3 has executed successfully!", "Task 4 has executed successfully!", "Task 1 has executed successfully!", "Task 5 has executed successfully!" ]

Question 2
You are given a function called executeInParallelWithPromises, which takes an array of APIs (represented by objects).
Your task is to write code that fetches the data of each API in parallel using promises. In Parallel means that the api which resolves first, returns its value first, regardless of the execution order.
The output of the executeInParallelWithPromises function should be an array containing the results of each API's execution.
Each result should be an object with three keys: apiName, apiUrl, and apiData.

const apis = [
    apiName: "products", 
    apiUrl: "",
    apiName: "users", 
    apiUrl: "",
    apiName: "posts", 
    apiUrl: "",
    apiName: "comments", 
    apiUrl: "",

const executeInParallelWithPromises = (apis) => {}

Solution 🥳

const executeInParallelWithPromises = (apis) => {
  const data = [];
  apis.forEach(async api => {
    const response = await fetch(api.apiUrl);
      apiName: api.apiName,
      apiUrl: api.apiUrl,
      apiData: await response.json()
  return data;

const output = executeInParallelWithPromises(apis);
// [ { apiName: "products", apiUrl: "", apiData: {…} }, { apiName: "comments", apiUrl: "", apiData: {…} }, { apiName: "users", apiUrl: "", apiData: {…} }, { apiName: "posts", apiUrl: "", apiData: {…} } ]

Question 3
You are given a function called executeInSequenceWithPromises, which takes an array of APIs (represented by objects).
Your task is to write code that fetches the data of each API sequentially (one after the other) using promises.
In Sequence means that the api which executes first, returns its value first.
The output of the executeInSequenceWithPromises function should be an array containing the results of each API's execution.
Each result should be an object with three keys: apiName, apiUrl, and apiData.

const apis = [
    apiName: "products", 
    apiUrl: "",
    apiName: "users", 
    apiUrl: "",
    apiName: "posts", 
    apiUrl: "",
    apiName: "comments", 
    apiUrl: "",

//modify and write your code here
const executeInSequenceWithPromises = (apis) => {}

Solution 🥳

// later

Classes & Prototypes