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Editing Bin Files

MoonlitDeath edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 7 revisions

Here I will explain a bit on how to edit the different bin files in hex. I use HxD that you can find here but any hex editor will do. Eventually there might be some UI programs that pop up that will make it easier to edit these, but if you want to do it in hex in the meantime, will explain that a bit here. Most of these are located either in the 'bin' or 'main' folders when you unpack your YGO_2020.dat file.

So far, there's some UI type programs for these-

cardprop.bin(basically holds all monster's attack, defense, attribute, level and other stats), but be careful using this as there's a lot that can go wrong by editing or setting wrong values, and I think Attack/Defense can only go up to 5000 without any issues, but I haven't tried using the tool myself. The tool was created by Maide and can find it here

chardata let's you edit characters like if you want to try to add more (I can make a separate page explaining how to do that if needed), or translate the names of characters to another langauge. It's also possible to flat out change characters to someone else as well if you wanted to mod in characters from other games or anime. The link to that is on this page-

dueldata This lets you edit duels, can also switch which decks are being used by each character and who is in each duel/what arena it takes place in, etc-

Credit to nzxth2 for creating both of these.

Decks- Decks are basically laid out with some kinda header/unknown value, then most decks should look like this-

This is Kaiba's first deck. Those numbers I have highlighted there, 28 00, are the total number of cards in his deck as most decks in the game have 40 cards. After that are all the ID's of the cards in his deck. Every card has an ID that is in 2 bytes, you can find a full list of these on another page of the guide, but the first one is this-

You see in hex it is marked with A7 0F. At the right side of the screen, you can see Int16 and Unt 16 labeled with 4007.Now if you look at the card ID list you can see that 4007 is indeed Blue-Eyes White Dragon. You can click on that 4007 number on the right and put in a different number like say 4022 and he will instead have a Time Wizard there in the place. After the 40 bytes/Card ID's you will see a set of 00 00 00 00. That first set of 00 00 is the total number of cards in the Extra Deck and the last set of 00 00 is the cards in the Side Deck. These numbers MUST be changed if you add cards to a deck's extra deck or side deck. Side decks have literally zero use for story decks since they can never change the cards, but you can at least still win cards from the AI's side deck.

So if I wanted to add Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to his extra deck, it would look like this- 01 00 22 11 00 00. That changes it to have 1 card in the extra deck, the Ultimate Dragon ID, then still an empty side deck.

It's also possible to just add all the cards you want into a deck, save it to a name you can quickly find, then open your save file in hex. Don't try to edit your save or it will most likely corrupt itself, only view it. Scroll down a bit and you will see your deck and you will see the same kinda layout as in the image above for decks, except it will look different in that the total numbers of cards will be grouped together, as it would say 28 00 00 00 00 00 for Kaiba's deck, then it would list the ID's, but some ID's are listed more than once for some reason at the end, so gotta make sure you copy it correctly if you do it this way.

Editing the Banlist The Banlist is a bit changed compared to the older game. In that one it only read from the pdlimits.bin file, here it seems to read from limit201901jp.bin or possibly one of the other ones, so if you edit one and it does not work, try to edit the others as well. The layout is the same as the decks example above, in that it has the total number of banned cards, followed by their ID's, then the total number of Limited and their ID's, then same with Semi-Limited. If I open pdlimits.bin it looks like-

6B 00 A6 11

6B 00 is the total number of banned cards, then followed by the ID's. You MUST change those first numbers in each set to match however many cards are listed there or could have weird effects like removing all text from all cards in the game lol. Anyways, if you want to entirely get rid of the banlist, just delete everything in that file and put- 00 00 00 00 00 00

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