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Raven-Mapper-Api is a backend api service for the Raven Mortality Case Management System. Raven-Mapper-Api is tightly integrated to a fhir server and it's datasource, and it is recommended to deploy Raven-Mapper-Api with raven-fhir-server as the providing datasource.

Raven-Import-Api provides:

  • An importing web service for converting csv data to VRDR-fhir, and submitting to a raven-fhir-server.
  • An exporting web service for retrieving and packaging case data out of the raven-fhir-server, and submitting to one of several different state registrar in standard VRDR format.

Requirements And Installation

Requirements for installation are:


Install VRDR javalib: Move into ${PROJECT_HOME}/VRDR_javalib and run mvn install from the command line.

Package the main project into a war: Move into ${PROJECT_HOME} and run mvn package.

Run locally: Move into ${PROJECT_HOME} and run mvn spring-boot:run. To deploy to the localhost:8080 endpoint

Dockerfile alternative

You can instead use the Dockerfile provided above to run a containerized version. This requires:

Build the container: Move into ${PROJECT_HOME} and run docker build -t raven-mapper-api .

Run the container: docker run -p 80:80 raven-mapper-api


All configuration for the project can be found in src/main/resources/ All current configurable properties are set to read environment variables and are in the form some.key.path=${ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_HERE}. It is recommended to replace these environment variables with hard-coded values to reflect your environment.

  • fhircms.url A full url definition to the fhir base of the current raven-fhir-server
  • fhircms.basicAuth.username If basic authentication is used to access raven-fhir-server, specify the username to authenticate with.
  • fhircms.basicAuth.password If basic authentication is used to access raven-fhir-server, specify the password to authenticate with.
  • fhircms.submit=true. Specifies whether to use fhir's batch submission when importing into the system. Should not be changed unless you know what you're doing.
  • canary.url=${CANARY_URL}. Specifies a canary instance url for validating VRDR records before exporting records from the cms. If left blank, the VRDR records won't be validated from the canary tool, and is unnecessary if a canary instance is unavailable for use. *submission.sources.sourceurl[x] Specifies a url source to export towards in the "export-all" workflow. The service will export VRDR records to each url specified. Can be omitted if the export-targeted mode is used instead (more on that in the exporting section) *submission.sources.mode[x] Specifies a workflow submission mode to export towards in the "export-all" workflow. The currently supported modes are "axiell", "nightingale", and "vitalcheck", which are 3 different state registrar vendors with different workflows for exporting. As more vendors become available, more modes will be added to the system. Can be omitted if the export-targeted mode is used instead (more on that in the exporting section)

Importing Tool

Importing is accomplished through a web client ui hosted at the web root url. Once you are deploy, access the root with your web client, and you'll be greeted with a file selector. Selecting a csv of case data will allow the user to import the case data, convert to fhir, and submit to the raven-fhir-server. A UI report of each case imported, their name, age, and import status is shown in a table for review.

For an example csv, the project has attached at the top level ConnectathonTestCase122221.csv. For a detailed description of the csv structure, refer to the furthur documentation here(ED Note: To finish).

##Exporting Tool

To use the exporting tool, you must make a REST request to the /submitEDRS endpoint

/submitEDRS parameters

  • endpointURL: A url definition of a receiving EDRS system
  • endpointMode: A workflow mode of submitting, based on receiving system. 3 systems are supported right now: "Nightingale", "Axiell", and "Vitalcheck".
  • systemIdentifier: A patient identifier system within the fhir system for the patient to be submitted. Works with codeIdentifier to define a full patient identifier.
  • codeIdentifier: A patient identifier code within the fhir system for the patient to be submitted. Works with systemIdentifier to define a full patient identifier.

If no parameters are supplied then the configuration endpoints are used instead, as discussed in the configuration section