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Sorter adapters

Morwenn edited this page Jan 17, 2016 · 39 revisions

Sorter adapters are the main reason for using sorter function objects instead of regular functions. A sorter adapter is a class template that takes another Sorter template parameter and alters its behavior. The resulting class can be used as a regular sorter, and be adapted in turn. Note that some of the adapters are actually fixed-size sorter adapters instead of regular sorter adapters. It is possible to include all of the available adapters at once with the following directive:

#include <cpp-sort/adapters.h>

In this documentation, we will call adapted sorters the sorters passed to the adapters and resulting sorter the sorter class that results from the adaption of a sorter by an adapter.

Available sorter adapters

The following sorter adapters and fixed-size sorter adapters are available in the library:


#include <cpp-sort/adapters/counting_adapter.h>

Unlike regular sorters, counting_adapter::operator() does not return void but the number of comparisons that have been needed to sort the iterable. It will adapt the comparison functor so that it can count the number of comparisons made by any other sorter with a reasonable implementation. The actual number of comparisons needed to sort an interable can be used as a heuristic in hybrid sorts and may constitute an interesting information nevertheless.

The actual counter type can be configured with the template parameter CountType, which defaults to std::size_t if not specified. While this doesn't matter most of the times, this parameter may be changed to std::atomic<std::size_t> to count the number of comparisons performed by a parallel sorting algorithm (or to a reducer, which would probably be a better idea).

    typename ComparisonSorter,
    typename CountType = std::size_t
struct counting_adapter;

The iterator category and the stability of the resulting sorter are those of the adapted sorter. Note that this adapter only works with sorters that satisfy the ComparisonSorter concept since it needs to adapt a comparison function.


#include <cpp-sort/adapters/hybrid_adapter.h>

The goal of this sorter adapter is to aggregate several sorters into one unique sorter. The new sorter will call the appropriate sorting algorithm based on the iterator category of the iterable to sort. If several of the aggregated sorters have the same iterator category, the first to appear in the template parameter list will be the chosen one, unless some SFINAE condition prevents it from being used. As long as the iterator categories are different, the order of the sorters in the parameter pack does not matter.

For example, the following sorter should call a pattern-defeating quicksort to sort a random-access iterable, a vergesort to sort a bidirectional iterable and a bubble sort to sort a forward iterable:

using general_purpose_sorter = hybrid_adapter<

This adapter uses cppsort::iterator_category to check the iterator category of the sorters to aggregate. Therefore, if you write a sorter and want it to be usable with hybrid_adapter, you will need your sorter to provide an iterator_category type alias corresponding to one of the standard iterator tags. If you write specific sorters that only work with some specific types, you might want to SFINAE out the overloads of operator() when they are not valid instead of triggering a hard error. Doing so will allow to use them with fallback sorters in hybrid_adapter to handle the cases where the type to sort cannot be handled by your sorter.

The resulting sorter is stable if and only if every adapted sorter is stable. The iterator category of the resulting sorter is the most permissive iterator category among the the adapted sorters.


#include <cpp-sort/adapters/indirect_adapter.h>

This adapter implements an indirect sort: a sorting algorithm that actually sorts the iterators rather than the values themselves, then uses the sorted iterators to move the actual values to their final position in the original collection. The actual algorithm used is a mountain sort, which goal is to sort a collection while performing a minimal number of move operations on the elements of the collection. This indirect adapter copies the iterators and sorts them with the given sorter before performing cycles in a way close to a cycle sort to actually move the elements. There are a few differences though: while the cycle sort always has a O(n²) complexity, the resulting sorter of indirect_adapter has the complexity of the adapted sorter. However, it stores n additional iterators as well as n additional booleans and performs up to (3/2)n move operations once the iterators have been sorted; these operations are not significant enough to change the complexity of the adapted sorter, but they do represent a rather big additional constant factor.

template<typename Sorter>
class indirect_adapter;

The resulting sorter has the stability of the adapted sorter. The resulting sorter only accepts random-access iterators, but the iterator category of the adapted sorter does not matter. Note that this algorithm performs even less move operations than low_moves_sorter, but at the cost of a big constant factor that may not always be worth it for small collections.


#include <cpp-sort/adapters/self_sort_adapter.h>

This adapter takes a sorter and, if the object to be sorted has a sort method, it is used to sort the object. Otherwise, the adapted sorter is used instead to sort the iterable.

This sorter adapter allows to support out-of-the-box sorting for std::list and std::forward_list as well as other user-defined classes that implement a sort method.

template<typename Sorter>
struct self_sort_adapter;

Since it is impossible to guarantee the stability of the sort method of a given iterable, the resulting sorter is considered unstable. The iterator category of the resulting sorter is that of the adapted sorter.


#include <cpp-sort/adapters/small_array_adapter.h>

This adapter is not a regular sorter adapter, but a fixed-size sorter adapter. It wraps a fixed-size sorter and calls it whenever it is passed a fixed-size C array or an std::array.

    template<std::size_t> class FixedSizeSorter,
    typename Indices = /* implementation-defined */
struct small_array_adapter;

The Indices parameter may be either void or a specialization of the standard class template std::index_sequence. If it is void, small_array_adapter will try to call the underlying fixed-size sorter for C arrays or std::array instances of any size. If an std::index_sequence specialization is given instead, the adapter will try to call the underlying fixed-size sorter only if the size of the array to be sorted appears in the index sequence. If the template parameter Indices is omitted, this class will check whether the fixed_sorter_traits specialization for the given fixed-size sorter contains a type named domain and use it as indices; if such a type does not exist, void will be used as Indices.

The operator() overloads are SFINAEd out if a collection not handled by the fixed-size sorter is not handled (e.g. wrong type or array too big). These soft errors allow small_array_adapter to play nice with hybrid_adapter. For example, if one wants to call low_moves_sorter when a sorter is given an array of size 0 to 8 and a pdq_sorter otherwise, they could easily create an appropriate sorter the following way:

using sorter = cppsort::hybrid_adapter<