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Booking Flights Web Application

This is a web application for booking flights developed using modern web technologies. The application allows users to search for flights, view flight details, and make flight reservations.

Table of Contents


This web application provides a user-friendly interface for booking flights. Users can search for available flights based on their preferred destinations, view flight details such as departure time and duration, and make reservations.


  • User authentication and registration
  • Search for flights based on departure and destination
  • View flight details including departure time, duration, and available seats
  • Make flight reservations
  • View and manage user reservations
  • Admin panel for managing flights and reservations


The application is built using the following technologies:

  • Backend:

    • Node.js (JavaScript runtime environment)
    • Express.js (Web application framework for Node.js)
    • MongoDB (NoSQL database)
    • Mongoose (MongoDB object modeling for Node.js)
    • A simple JWT-based auth mechanism is to be used with passwords
  • Deployment:

    • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk (EB)
    • Docker (Containerization platform)
    • Jenkins (Continuous Integration tool)

For a detailed overview of the technologies used in the project, please refer to the source code repository.

Database Schema

We 'll need at least the following documents to implement the Service


Attribute Type
Name String
Slug String
FromCountry String
ToCountry String
FromCity String
ToCity String
FromSite String
ToSite String
Description String
Summary String
Transportation String
Ratings Average Number
Ratings Quantity Number
Distance String
Duration Number
Total Seats Number
Available Seats Number
Price Number
Price Discount Number
Start Dates Date
Total Tickets Number
Available Ticket Number
Type String
Baggage Number
Class String
startLocation Number [Geo location]
endLocation Number [Geo location]


Attribute Type
Name String
Email String
Photo String
Role String
Password String
PasswordConfirm String
PasswordChangedAt Date
PasswordResetToken String
PasswordResetExpires Date
Active Boolean


Attribute Type
Review String
Rating Number
CreatedAt Date
Tour TourID
User UserID


Attribute Type
Tour TourID
User UserID
SeatNum Num
Paid Boolean
createdAt Date
numOfTickets Number


Auth :

/signup                 [POST]
/login                  [POST]
/signout                [GET]
/forgotPassword         [POST]
/resetPassword/:token   [PATCH]
/updatePassword         [PATCH]

Flight :

/flights        [GET]
/flights        [GET]
/flights/:id    [GET]
/flights/:id    [PATCH]
/flights/:id    [DELETE]


/users/                     [GET]
/users/:id                  [GET]
/users/me                   [GET]
/users/deleteMe             [DELETE]
/users/updateMyPassword     [PATCH]


/reviews       [GET]
/reviews       [POST]
/reviews/:id   [GET]

Reviews on flights:

/:fligtId/reviews    [Get]
/:fligtId/reviews    [POST]


/tickets        [GET]
/tickets        [POST]
/tickets/:id    [GET]
/tickets/:id    [PATCH]
/tickets/:id    [DELETE]

API Documentation

The API documentation for the web application can be found here:

Postman Documentation

. It outlines the available endpoints, request formats, and response formats.

Error Handling

We will implement :

  • AppError class to handling non exsisting routes
  • Error controller as global error handler
  • Catch Async use to grab catch block in all async functions


The application is deployed using the following methods:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk (EB):

    • The application is currently deployed on AWS EB and can be accessed at

    AWS EB Deployment

    Please Note: that the EB environment will be deleted after 9/7/2023.

  • Render:

    • An alternative deployment option is available using Render, and the application can be accessed at

    Render Deployment

Both deployment options provide a scalable and reliable environment for hosting the application.

Getting Started

To run the application locally or contribute to its development, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
   git clone
  1. Install the dependencies for the backend:

    • Navigate to the project root directory.
    • Run
    npm install

    to install the required dependencies.

Continuous Integration

The project includes the following files for continuous integration:

  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile defines the containerization configuration for the application. It specifies the necessary steps to build a Docker image of the application.

  • Jenkinsfile: The Jenkinsfile defines the pipeline configuration for continuous integration with Jenkins. It includes stages for building the


Contributions to Booking-Tours are welcomed! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open a pull request. We appreciate your contributions.


Booking-Tours is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code in this repository.