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File metadata and controls

155 lines (128 loc) · 5.99 KB


Using Moya starts with defining a target – typically some enum that conforms to the TargetType protocol. Then, the rest of your app deals only with those targets. Targets are some action that you want to take on the API, like "favoriteTweet(tweetID: String)".

Here's an example:

public enum GitHub {
    case zen
    case userProfile(String)
    case userRepositories(String)
    case branches(String, Bool)

Targets must conform to TargetType. The TargetType protocol requires a baseURL property to be defined on the enum. Note that this should not depend on the value of self, but should just return a single value (if you're using more than one API base URL, separate them out into separate enums and Moya providers). Here's the beginning of our extension:

extension GitHub: TargetType {
    public var baseURL: URL { return URL(string: "")! }

This protocol specifies the locations of your API endpoints, relative to its base URL (more on that below).

public var path: String {
    switch self {
    case .zen:
        return "/zen"
    case .userProfile(let name):
        return "/users/\(name.urlEscaped)"
    case .userRepositories(let name):
        return "/users/\(name.urlEscaped)/repos"
    case .branches(let repo, _):
        return "/repos/\(repo.urlEscaped)/branches"

Notice that we're ignoring the second associated value of our branches Target using the Swift _ ignored-value symbol. That's because we don't need it to define the branches path. Note: we're cheating here and using a urlEscaped extension on String. A sample implementation is given at the end of this document.

OK, cool. So now we need to have a method for our enum values. In our case, we are always using the GET HTTP method, so this is pretty easy:

public var method: Moya.Method {
    return .get

Nice. If some of your endpoints require POST or another method, then you can switch on self to return the appropriate value. This kind of switching technique is what we saw when calculating our path property.

Our TargetType is shaping up, but we're not done yet. We also need a task computed property that returns the task type potentially including parameters. Here's an example:

public var task: Task {
    switch self {
    case .userRepositories:
        return .requestParameters(parameters: ["sort": "pushed"], encoding: URLEncoding.default)
    case .branches(_, let protected):
        return .requestParameters(parameters: ["protected": "\(protected)"], encoding: URLEncoding.default)
        return .requestPlain

Unlike our path property earlier, we don't actually care about the associated values of our userRepositories case, so we just skip parenthesis. Let's take a look at the branches case: we'll use our Bool associated value (protected) as a request parameter by assigning it to the "protected" key. We're parsing our Bool value to String. (Alamofire does not encode Bool parameters automatically, so we need to do it by our own).

While we are talking about parameters, we needed to indicate how we want our parameters to be encoded into our request. We do this by returning a ParameterEncoding alongside the .requestParameters task type. Out of the box, Moya has URLEncoding, JSONEncoding, and PropertyListEncoding. You can also create your own encoder that conforms to ParameterEncoding (e.g. XMLEncoder).

A task property represents how you are sending / receiving data and allows you to add data, files and streams to the request body. There are several .request types:

  • .requestPlain with nothing to send at all
  • .requestData(_:) with which you can send Data
  • .requestJSONEncodable(_:) with which you can send objects that conform to the Encodable protocol
  • .requestParameters(parameters:encoding:) which allows you to send parameters with an encoding
  • .requestCompositeData(bodyData:urlParameters:) & .requestCompositeParameters(bodyParameters:bodyEncoding:urlParameters) which allow you to combine url encoded parameters with another type (data / parameters)

Also, there are three upload types:

  • .uploadFile(_:) to upload a file from a URL,
  • .uploadMultipart(_:) for multipart uploads
  • .uploadCompositeMultipart(_:urlParameters:) which allows you to pass multipart data and url parameters at once

And two download types:

  • .downloadDestination(_:) for a plain file download
  • .downloadParameters(parameters:encoding:destination:) for downloading with parameters sent alongside the request.

Next, notice the sampleData property on the enum. This is a requirement of the TargetType protocol. Any target you want to hit must provide some non-nil Data that represents a sample response. This can be used later for tests or for providing offline support for developers. This should depend on self.

public var sampleData: Data {
    switch self {
    case .zen:
        return "Half measures are as bad as nothing at all.".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
    case .userProfile(let name):
        return "{\"login\": \"\(name)\", \"id\": 100}".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
    case .userRepositories(let name):
        return "[{\"name\": \"Repo Name\"}]".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
    case .branches:
        return "[{\"name\": \"master\"}]".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!

Finally, the headers property stores header fields that should be sent on the request.

public var headers: [String: String]? {
    return ["Content-Type": "application/json"]

After this setup, creating our Provider is as easy as the following:

let GitHubProvider = MoyaProvider<GitHub>()

Escaping URLs

Here's an example extension that allows you to easily escape normal strings "like this" to URL-encoded strings "like%20this":

extension String {
    var urlEscaped: String {
        return addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)!