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Group of variables used during object creation


Parameter Name Effect / Description Example
Type Item-type, describes how the item behaves. Includes 'Food', 'Weapon', 'Drainable', 'Literature', 'Clothing' and 'Normal'. Food (steak)
Display Name The item's name as it appears displayed to the player. Axe (axe)
Icon The item's icon as it appears displayed to the player. This parameter looks inside "media/texturepacks/ui.txt" and will call any sprite with the prefix "Item_". Molotov (molotov cocktail)
Weight Item's weight, used for encumbrance. 0.1 (painkillers)
OtherHandRequire Requires a specified item to be held by the player in their second quick-slot before the item may be used. Lighter (molotov cocktail)
CanBarricade Whether the item may be used like the hammer to barricade doors and windows. Boolean (false or true)
Count The number of items which may ever be used in the game world. 8 (Ripped Sheets)
UseWhileEquipped Whether the item is used over time while it is equipped. Boolean (false or true)
UseDelta Numerical value associated with how quickly the item drains. 0.0009 (torch)
ReplaceOnUse Name of the item which replaces the current item after use. Pot (pot of soup)
CanStoreWater If the item can store water. TRUE (Saucepan)
Medical If it's use for medical thing TRUE (Needle)
SurvivalGear Need more research TRUE (Needle)
CanBandage Can be use as bandage. TRUE (RippedSheets)


Parameter Name Effect / Description Example
MinAngle The angle that the weapon attacks, a value aprox. to 1 is going to need more accuracy with mouse than one nearer to -1. 0.88 (shotgun)
MinDamage Minimum damage the weapon will inflict. 0.7 (baseball bat)
MaxDamage Maximum damage the weapon may ever inflict. 1.0 (baseball bat)
MaxRange Maximum range the weapon is effective. 1.5 (spiked baseball bat)
MaxHitCount Maximum amount of enemies the weapon will hit at one time. 1 (hammer)
PhysicsObject Physics object used as a projectile. MolotovCocktail (molotov cocktail)
SwingAnim Name of animation which is ran when the weapon is fired/swung. Bat (baseball bat)
WeaponSprite Name of sprite, the image used to display the weapon. axe (axe)
DoorDamage Damage inflicted by the item on doors. 10 (spiked baseball bat)
TreeDamage Damage inflicted by the item on tree. 0 ( SpearMachete)
MinimumSwingTime The time that takes between each swing. 15 (baseball bat)
TwoHandWeapon If you need to use it with two hand TRUE (SpearMachete)
KnockdownMod 0 (SpearHuntingKnife)
SwingAmountBeforeImpact Requires more research. 0.2 (spiked baseball bat)
PushBackMod Distance that enemies are pushed back. 4.5 (wood planks)
KnockBackOnNoDeath Whether enemies are pushed back if they are not killed. Boolean (false or true)
SplatNumber Blood effects used when an enemy is injured by the weapon. 5 (shotgun)
SplatBloodOnNoDeath Whether an enemy injured by the weapon will bleed if they are not killed Boolean (false or true)
ImpactSound Name of sound used on impact. splat1 (axe)
SwingSound Name of sound used when firing/swinging weapon. shotgun (shotgun)
SoundVolume Defines the volume of a chosen sound. 40 (shotgun)
SoundRadius Radius in which the sound may be heard in the game world from it's point of origin. 50 (shotgun)
ToHitModifier Requires more research. 1.5 (shotgun)
NPCSoundBoost Amount that a sound is boosted when the weapon is fired by an NPC (Not player). 1.5 (shotgun)
RangeFalloff Requires more research. Boolean (false or true)
UseEndurance Whether the weapon causes exhaustion. Boolean (false or true)
ShareDamage Requires more research. Boolean (false or true)
AmmoType Item required to fire the weapon. ShotgunShells (shotgun)
DamageCategory Slash (SpearMachete)
DamageMakeHole If attack damage clothes TRUE (SpearMachete)
RunAnim Animation when running with the weapon in hand Run_Weapon2 (SpearMachete)
IdleAnim Animation when doing nothing with the weapon in hand Idle_Weapon2 (SpearMachete)
DamageCategory Category of attack Slash (SpearMachete)
CriticalChance Chance item to do a critical attack 30 (SpearMachete)
CritDmgMultiplier Damage multiplier of critical attack 10 (SpearMachete)
BaseSpeed Attack speed. 0.9 (SpearMachete)
WeaponLength Need more research. 0.2 (DumbBell)
attachmenttype Need more research. Shovel (SpearMachete), Rifle (AssaultRifle2)
ProjectileCount Need more research 1 (AssaltRifle2)
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn Need more research. 60 (AssaultRifle2)
ConditionMax Need more research. 10 (AssaltRifle2)
IsAimedFirearm For gun, need more research. TRUE (AssaultRifle2)
AimingPerkCritModifier For gun, need more research. 0 (AssaultRifle2)
HitChance For gun, chance to hit. 50 (AssaultRifle2)
AimingPerkMinAngleModifier For gun, need more research. 0.01 (AssaultRifle2)
AimingPerkHitChanceModifier For gun, need more research. 5 (AssaultRifle2)
AimingPerkRangeModifier For gun, need more research. 3 (AssaultRifle2)
RecoilDelay Delay between attack, for gun. 0 (AssaultRifle2)
ReloadTime Delay to reload, for gun. 25 (AssaultRifle2)
AimingTime Delay to aim, for gun. 25 (AssaultRifle2)
MaxAmmo For gun, need more research. 20 (AssaultRifle2)
AmmoBox For gun, need more research. 308Box (AssaultRifle2)
FireMode For gun, need more research. Single (AssaultRifle2)
WeaponReloadType For gun, need more research. boltaction (AssaultRifle2)


Parameter Name Effect / Description Example
Palettes Defines the clothing item's colors. Trousers_Blue/Trousers_Brown/Trousers_Grey/Trousers_White (trousers)
PalettesStart Defines the clothing item's palette prefix. Shirt_ (sweater)
BodyLocation Where the clothing item is worn. Bottoms (trousers)
SpriteName Defines the sprite displayed on the player. Shoes1 (shoes)
Wet Cloth can be wet TRUE (DishClothWet)
WetCooldown Time to dry. 8000 (DishClothWet)
ItemWhenDry Replace the item when dry. Base.DishCloth (DishClothWet)


Parameter Name Effect / Description Example
StressChange Value applied to player's current stress points. Positive makes the player become more stressed. -10 (newspaper)
BoredomChange Value applied to player's current boredom points. Positive increases player's boredom. -50 (book)
UnhappyChange Value applied to player's current unhappy points. Positive increases it. -20 (ComicBook)
TeachedRecipes Teach a recipe when read Make Fishing Rod;Fix Fishing Rod (FishingMag1)
NumberOfPages The time it take to read the book. 220 (BookTrapping1)
SkillTrained The skill that train that book. Trapping (BookTrapping1)
LvlSkillTrained The first level train by the book. 1 (BookTrapping1)
NumLevelsTrained Number of level that train that book. 2 (BookTrapping1)
CanBeWrite If the book can be write in true (Notebook
PageToWrite Number of page available to write 10 (Notebook)


Parameter Name Effect / Description Example
StressChange Value applied to player's current stress points. Positive makes the player become more stressed. -10 (newspaper)
BoredomChange Value applied to player's current boredom points. Positive increases player's boredom. -50 (book)
UnhappyChange Value applied to player's current unhappy points. Positive increases it. -20 (ComicBook)
HungerChange Value applied to player's current hunger points. Positive makes the player become more hungry. -30 (DogFoodOpen)
ThirstChange Value applied to player's current thirst points. -20 (Wine)
FatigueChange Value applied to player's current fatigue points. 0 (ColdCuppa)
DaysFresh Number of day before rotten. 5 (DogfoodOpen)
DaysTotallyRotten Need infos. 7 (DogfoodOpen)
Carbohydrates Nutritional value. 77.56 (DogfoodOpen)
Proteins Nutritional value. 16.04 (DogfoodOpen)
Lipids Nutritional value. 12.58 (DogfoodOpen)
Calories Nutritional value. 498 (DogfoodOpen)
Packaged If you can read the nutritional value on the box. TRUE (DogfoodOpen)
ReplaceOnUse Item to remplace with after use it. TinCanEmpty (DogfoodOpen)
EatType Type of food. can (DogfoodOpen)
FoodType The type of food. Vegetables (TofyFried) Meat (CannedCornedBeefOpen)
CannedFood If it's a canned food TRUE (DogFood)
EvolvedRecipe Recipe you can use with. Stew:15;Stir fry Griddle Pan:15;Stir fry:15;Sandwich:10 (CannedCornedBeefOpen)
DangerousUncooked If the fodd can make you sick if uncook TRUE (DeadRat)
IsCookable If you can cook the food TRUE (DeadRat)
ReplaceOnCooked Replace the item when cook. Base.EggPoached (EggBoiled)
MinutesToCook Number of minute to cook the food 6 (DeadRat)
MinutesToBurn Number of minute before burning the food 60 (DeadRat)
BadInMicrowave Need an oven to cook it true (Steak)
FishingLure If you can use it to fish true (BaitFish)
GoodHot If better hot, need more research true (Steak)
BadCold If bad cold, need more research true (Steak)
RemoveUnhappinessWhenCooked Need more research true (BaitFish)
CantBeFrozen The food can't be frozen TRUE (Wine)
Alcoholic If it make you drunk TRUE (Wine)
CustomContextMenu Add a context menu option for use the item Drink (Wine)
CustomEatSound Sound to play when eat the item. DrinkingFromBottleGlass (Wine)
Poison If it can kill you. true (Bleach)
PoisonDetectionLevel Need more research. 7 (Bleach)
PoisonPower Power of the poison (100 kill you) 120 (Bleach)
UseForPoison Need more research. true (Bleach)
Spice If it's a spice. true (SugarBrown)
CantEat Can't be eat (for intermediate recipe) TRUE (BakingTray_Muffin)
UseSelf Whether the item is consumed after use. Boolean (false or true)
RequireInHandOrInventory Requires a specified item to be inside the player's inventory before the item may be used. CanOpener (canned soup)