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Library for UQInt128.64 math operations

This Library enables simple arithmetic operations for fractional numbers. Fractional numbers are stored in a UQ128.64 format. This means that each fractional number should be stored in a uint192. This is done on the one hand to avoid mixing up fractional numbers with whole numbers and to make certain calculations more efficient.


npm i safe-qmath



import 'safe-qmath/contracts/SafeQMath.sol';
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol';

contract FracMath {
  using SafeQMath for uint192;
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  function calculateFee(uint256 principalAmount, uint192 fee)
    returns (uint256 remainder, uint256 takenFee)
    takenFee = SafeQMath.intToQ(principalAmount).qmul(fee).qToIntLossy();
    remainder = principalAmount.sub(takenFee);


const { convertFloatToUQInt } = require('safe-qmath/utils')

const uqintFee = convertFloatToUQInt(0.2) // returns BN storing the UQ128.64 number


1 Number format (UQ128.64)

When the SafeQMath library performs arithmetics on uin192 it expects UQ128.64 numbers. UQ128.64 numbers are unsigned fixed points numbers with a total length of 192 bits with the last 64 bits representing the fractional part:

UQ128.64: <whole number: 128 bits> | <fraction: 64>

Mathematically to convert the raw uin192 to its "real" representation simply divide it by 2^64. The reverse goes for converting a decimal number to a UQ128.64 number, simply multiply your number by 2^64. UQ128.64 numbers have a precision of up to 2^-64

2 Functions

2.1 Solidity

Import using: import 'safe-qmath/contracts/SafeQMath.sol';

  • function intToQ(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint192)

    converts a uint256 whole number to its corresponding UQ128.64 number representation. Will revert if x is above the largest possible UQ128.64 whole number which is 2^128 - 1

  • function qToIntLossy(uint192 x) internal pure returns (uint256)

    converts a UQ128.64 number to it's corresponding whole number uint256 representation. This function truncates the decimal portion without reverting

  • function qToInt(uint192 x) internal pure returns (uint256)

    just like qToIntLossy() except reverts if any decimal data is present. Only use if you're sure your calculations will result in a whole number

  • function qadd(uint192 x, uint192 y) internal pure returns (uint192)

    adds two UQ128.64 numbers reverting on overflow

  • function qsub(uint192 x, uint192 y) internal pure returns (uint192)

    subtracts two UQ128.64 numbers reverting on overflow

  • function qmul(uint192 x, uint192 y) internal pure returns (uint192)

    multiplies two UQ128.64 numbers reverting on overflow. Calculation can result in an error of up to 2^-64 - 2^-128

  • function qdiv(uint192 x, uint192 y) internal pure returns (uint192)

    multiplies two UQ128.64 numbers reverting on overflow. Calculation can result in an error of up to 2^-64 - 2^-128. Will also revert if y is zero

  • function qpow(uint192 base, uint256 exp) internal pure returns (uint192)

    calculates the base to the power of exp. The base is interpreted as a UQ128.64 number but the exponent exp as a simple whole number.


    // 1.5^6
    uint192 res = (0x18000000000000000).qpow(6); // => 0xb6400000000000000
  • function qfloor(uint192 x) internal pure returns (uint192)

    applies the floor operation to the given UQ128.64 number. Flooring means rounding down to the closest whole number. Equivalent to qToIntLossy() except a UQ128.64 in form of uint192 is returned

  • function qceil(uint192 x) internal pure returns (uint192)

    applies the ceil operation to the given UQ128.64 number. Applying the ceil operation means rounding up to the closest whole number. Will revert on overflow

2.2 Javascript

Import by using:

const utils = require('safe-qmath/utils') // or
const { convertFloatToUQInt } = require('safe-qmath/utils') // or

import utils from 'safe-qmath/utils' // or
import { convertFloatToUQInt } from 'safe-qmath/utils'
  • convertFloatToUQInt(x: Number) -> BN

    converts a float into its corresponding UQ128.64 representation stored in a js Big Number. Can directly be passed to web3 when calling a contract using the SafeQMath library

  • convertUQIntToFloat(x: BN) -> Number

    converts a UQ128.64 number to the corresponding number.

    utils.convertUQIntToFloat(new BN('18000000000000000', 16)) // => 1.5
  • round(x: Number, places: Number = 2) -> Number

    rounds a javascript to Number up to a certain amount of places:

    utils.round(1.12345) // => 1.12
    utils.round(1.12345, 2) // => 1.12
    utils.round(1.12345, 3) // => 1.123

    By default the given number will be rounded to 2 decimal places.

  • constants: Object

    utils.constants is as the name suggests a bunch of constants relating to the SafeQMath library such as utils.constants.ONE, the number 1.0 as a UQ128.64 number stored as a Big Number. Other constants are also available on the utils.constants Object that are mainly used in the util functions internally.


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