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Releases: Investigamer/mtg-art-downloader

MTG Art Downloader v1.3.0

19 Jul 17:01
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Granite Release

This release introduces a setting allowing you to download full card arts from Scryfall instead of the art crop. Additional changes including more coverage on set codes and promo sets, as well as improved MTGP response testing.

Full Changelog


  • settings: Added a setting to allow downloading full Scryfall scans instead of art crop


  • constants: Change from Enum to dataclass
  • types: Fixed return type of naming_convention
  • get_mtgp_page: Covered more response cases in which card could not be located
  • sets: Updated some set codes and promo code dictionary

MTG Art Downloader v1.2.0

31 Mar 17:49
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Foundry Release

This release vastly improves the management of sequential downloads by using a more cohesive parallel multiprocessing pool, better locking for console output, verified ratelimited requests to Scryfall and MTGPics, as well as coverage of additional sets on MTGPics. Scryfall notation has also been improved, basically supporting all possible plain text query inputs that Scryfall allows, ex: set:2x2, cmc>=15, color:g.

Full Changelog


  • Downloader: Move from threads to multiprocessing, complete rewrite with rate limited requests.
  • Cards.txt: Support for full export lists, such as Moxfield, that include Card Name (SET) Number. Scryfall lookups will now use the collector number if provided to find the exact card. We also correct for leading numbers which is common in list exports from deck building sites.


  • Requests: Requests made to Scryfall and MTGPics are now properly ratelimited.
  • MTGPics: More set codes are now corrected for.
  • Appwide: Rewrote virtually the entire app for consistency, hugely refactored for type checking, efficiency, and better code practices.

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.9

29 Aug 03:17
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Hotfix Release

This release fixes the bug where Scryfall images refuse to download.

README Updated

The readme has been updated with instructions for those wishing to contribute to the project, as well as the updated Python installation instructions (we use Poetry for dependency management now).

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.8

07 Aug 19:27
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  • Wrote a new comprehensive set replacement library. The app now has incredible coverage of the entire MTGPics library, hit rate improved DRAMATICALLY. The vast majority of sets and cards should be covered at this point.
  • Scryfall commands now pass direct scryfall data, improving the accuracy of card matrching. In addition, Scryfall searching will use unique art, instead of unique print marker, meaning the same card will download multiple arts from promo sets like Secret Lair.
  • Added flush command to console and improved ordering of card output.
  • Added stronger typing, fixed some mypy errors


  • Deeper scryfall support infrastructure
  • Support for multiple MTGPics images for the same card

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.7

05 Aug 08:54
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  • Now supported: Windows, MacOS, Linux
  • Marginally improved scryfall search
  • Marginally improved execution time


  • Console: Add Thread lock to console, fix doubled up print lines
  • Download: Fixed some promo sets


  • Stronger typing, improved download methods, removed bare exceptions
  • Added stronger typing


  • A complete webscrape for all set data to fix all mtgpics set codes
  • Deeper scryfall support infrastructure
  • Support for multiple MTGPics images for the same card

MTG Art Download v1.1.6

22 Jul 10:47
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  • New methodology for scraping MTG Pics using the "checklist" page for a given set to look for the collector number. In the case of misc promos and judge promos we instead look for the card name, artist, and do a similarity comparison on set name as well.
  • Feature: Console commands! Some commands are prebuilt using data from EDHREC, for example entering "T100" will attempt to download the 100 most used commander cards according to EDHREC data.
  • In addition, you can do complex scryfall commands, for example: set:2x2, rarity!:m, type:creature, power>:3
    Will download all non-mythic creatures from Double Masters 2022 with power greater than or equal to 3!
  • Implemented a print queue so parallel threads won't print an output on the same line
  • Deprecated a lot of outdated functionality, as the new scraping methodology solved for several previous issues
  • Improved text output, fixed numerous bugs
  • Added mutate as a card type
  • Improved pathing

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.5

10 May 17:10
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  • Config: Added Naming.Convention setting to choose how output files are named
  • Added support for searching for "Card Name (SET)" in cards.txt
  • Updated README

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.4

16 Apr 22:50
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  • Added threading support, downloads are much faster
  • Added support for more sets, and special case sets
  • Moved special case set rules to two json files: codes.json (replaces scryfall set code with mtgpics set code) and special.json (special sets that require different downloading behaviors)
  • Fixed some minor bugs
  • New settings:
    • Include.Extras: Include cards marked as "extras" by scryfall, such as legacy championship cards
    • Threads.Per.Second: How many new download threads are added to the queue per second, increase this number if you have very good internet, lower this number for slow internet, default is 10.
  • No longer pick basic or detailed list, now you just press enter when the app loads and the download process adapts to each line. Therefore you can intermingle named lines like "Demonic Tutor" with specific lines such as "TSR-- Demonic Tutor"
  • Updated README

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.3

04 Apr 23:41
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  • Added support for more special promo sets
  • Added support for more weirdly named sets on mtgpics
  • Added support for "funny" sets, ex: "Happy Holidays"
  • Added proper support for Flip and Split cards
  • Added support for Scryfall ONLY downloading (see config)
  • Other minor bugfixes

To Do:

  • Implement more settings
  • Implement more direct control features
  • Study more special case scenarios on MTG Pics

MTG Art Downloader v1.1.2

29 Mar 11:49
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  • Restructured how classes generate paths and folders
  • Added some set codes to the mtgpics adjustment library
  • Fixed a bug with mtga exclusive cards not being found on scryfall

To Do:

  • Implement scryfall-only downloading
  • Implement more settings
  • Implement more direct control features
  • Study more special case scenarios on MTG Pics