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!!! note The default options may be updated between minor versions for performance reasons.

The available options are listed below. The performance using the default options has been good for several test functions, with and without noise. Make sure to set num_interpolants to a value which is a multiple of the number of processes used for the least amount of time to create the surrogate. Based on a small benchmark test, the number of interpolants has marginal improvement to the optimization above 10 interpolants.

num_start_samples::Int = 5                                      # Samples included in the LHC sampling plan
trace::Symbol = :compact                                        # Print the progress. Options include :silent, :compact and :verbose
sampling_plan_opt_gens::Int = 2_500                             # Iterations used to optimize the LHC sampling plan
rippa::Bool = true                                              # Rippas algorithm to reduce computational effort optimizing the surrogate
kerns = [ScatteredInterpolation.Gaussian,
         ScatteredInterpolation.InverseQuadratic]               # RBF kernels to choose from
rbf_opt_gens::Int = 2_500                                       # Generations that the RBF hyperparameters are optimized
constrained_seed_gens::Int = 2_500                              # Generations optimising the RBF hyperparameters in a constrained
rbf_opt_pop::Int = 50                                           # Population size of RBF hyperparameter optimization
rbf_opt_method::Symbol = :adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited  # BlackBoxOptim optimization method for RBF hyperparameters
rbf_dist_metric = Distances.Euclidean()                         # Distance metric used to create the RBF
variable_kernel_width::Bool = true                              # Allow individual kernels and widths for each sample
variable_dim_scaling::Bool = true                               # Linearly scale the input dimensions for best fit
cond_max::Float64 = 5e12                                        # Maximum allowed condition number of RBF matrix A
cond_check::Bool = false                                        # Does not check the condition number of RBF matrix A by default
max_rbf_width::Float64 = 1.0                                    # Maximum RBF width factor
min_rbf_width::Float64 = 0.0                                    # Minimum RBF width factor
max_scale::Float64 = 1.0                                        # Maximum linear input dimension scaling factor
min_scale::Float64 = 0.0                                        # Minimum linear input dimension scaling factor
num_interpolants::Int = 10                                      # Number of interpolants in ensemble
smooth = :single                                                # Apply smoothing factor, useful for functions with noise
                                                                # false turned off, :single one factor for all points,
                                                                # :variable individual factor for each point, 
                                                                # :single_user user supplied value
max_smooth::Float64 = 0.005                                     # Maximum smoothing factor 
smooth_user::Float64 = 0.0                                      # User supplied smoothing factor, only applied if smooth = :single_user
iterations::Int64 = 5                                           # Number of infill iterations to be run
num_infill_points::Int64 = 1                                    # Number of infill points per iteration
parallel_surrogate::Bool = true                                 # Create each surrogate in the ensemble in parallel
infill_funcs::Array{Symbol,1} = [:std,:median,:wstdmed03,
                                 :wstdmed09,:median]            # Infill criteria, cycled through 
infill_iterations::Int64 = 25_000                               # Iterations to add infill points to the design space
create_final_surrogate::Bool = false                            # Option to re-create the surrogate using all evaluated samples 


smooth, max_smooth and smooth_user are all related to the ability of smoothing the RBF interpolant to handle cases with noise. The best performance is had when the smallest amount of smoothing is applied while being large enough to hinder high frequency oscillations in the resulting interpolant. If the input is noisy, set smooth to :single and the amount of smoothing applied is automatically optimized. The amount of smoothing is bound between 0 and max_smooth when optimized automatically. It can also be set to a fixed value with the option smooth = :single_user where the value is supplied with the smooth_user option.

Kernel options

variable_kernel_width is by default true meaning that the RBF kernel and the width of each kernel is optimized individually for each sampled point. This does increase the degrees of freedom which can lead to overfitting when the number of sample points is small. The performance when using variable_kernel_width = true can suffer initially when the number of samples is small but the overall convergence tends to be better. The recommendation is to leave the option true at all times.

The number of hyperparameters to optimise increases with the number of points as 2N when variable_kernel_width is set to true. To increase convergence speed of the hyperparameter optimisation, a few initial iterations can be performed in the constrained space (as if variable_kernel_width=false) to seed the full unconstrained optimisation. This can increase convergence speed and is particularly useful when optimising using few rbf_opt_gens. constrained_seed_gens controls the number of iterations to perform in the constrained space for seeding. It is recommended to use this as the convergence rate tends to increase.

Radial Basis Function interpolation is as the name suggests, radial in space. This can create problems when vastly differing input to output dimensions are used such as in the 2D Rosenbrock benchmark problem. In such cases the optimal radial width becomes a compromise between the two input dimensions. To solve this, the input dimensions can be linearly scaled automatically using variable_dim_scaling = true, which is the default.