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Last updated: October 18, 2023, Yilin Huang, Delft University of Technology

This document provides an overview of the terminology used in the MMviB project. The listed terms primarily consist of those commonly used and defined in simulation modelling literature. Some terms are new and specific to MMviB. These are derived from literature and based on common modelling practices, if applicable, and are the outcomes of collaborative design and development within the project.

List of Terms in Thematic

Strategic, Tactical, and Operational goals

Model, Simulation model, and Calculation model

Distributed simulation

Source system


Scope and Scale

Granularity and Resolution

Model parameters and Model inputs

Static data and Dynamic data

Multi-model and Multi-modelling

Multi-model infrastructure

Multi-model constitution

Multi-model experimental setup

Multi-model workflow

Multi-model configuration

Workflow task and Model adapter

Model orchestrator and Model orchestration

Model verification and Model validation

Scenario and Scenario space

Experiment, Experimentation and Experimental frame

Uncertainty analysis

List of Terms in Alphabetical order

List of Terms in Thematic

Strategic, Tactical, and Operational goals

  Main Question Planning Horizon Scope
Strategic goals What do we want Long-term Broadest
Tactical goals How do we approach this Medium-term Medium
Operational goals How do we plan day-to-day operations Short-term Least broad

Strategic goals have a long-term planning horizon. They deal with the main question of “what do we want”. These goals have the broadest scope compared to tactical and operational goals. In terms of cascading effect, strategic plans are cascaded to tactical plans, and subsequently to operational plans.

Tactical goals have a medium-term planning horizon. They deal with the main question of “how do we approach this” where this refers to a given strategic goal.

Operational goals have a short-term planning horizon. They deal with the main question of “how do we plan day-to-day operations”. In terms of scope, these goals are the least broad. The achievement of operational goals leads to the achievement of tactical goals, which leads to the achievement of strategic goals.

Model, Simulation model, and Calculation model

A model is an abstraction of a system intended to replicate some properties of that system. This means that a model needs to possess three features. (1) Mapping feature. A model is based on an original system, existing or non-existing. We may call the original system a source system or a referent. (2) Reduction feature. A model only reflects a relevant selection of an original system’s properties. (3) Pragmatic feature. A model needs to be usable in place of an original system with respect to some purpose.

A (computational) simulation model is a piece of software that has a set of instructions that defines rules and constraints, among others, for generating input-to-output (I/O) behaviour of the model.

Simulation is often used to imitate the operation of a real system by executing a model of that system over time. In this case, the model is executed (a.k.a. simulated) iteratively with changing model states by advancing a time axis (a.k.a. time-stepping). Simulation models of this kind are dynamic, as opposed to static models, which do not simulate systems change over time. A (computational) static model is not computed with time-stepping.

A calculation model refers to a computational model that makes numerical calculations. A calculation model is a static model.

Distributed simulation

Distributed simulation is executed on distributed computer systems, namely systems composed of multiple interconnected computers.

Source system

A source system is also known as an original system, a target system, a system referent, a system of interest, etc. It refers to any system that is under modelling interest. This can be, for example, a natural system, an engineered system, a social system, etc., and a combination of any of these systems.


Abstraction is a process of modelling that focuses on a source system and simplifies it by selecting a set of quantities and relationships that represent that source system given a modelling purpose. The validity of an abstraction is considered in relation to the modelling purpose and the experimental frame of a model.

Scope and Scale

Scope refers to the fact that a modelled set of diverse elements or concepts is a (selected) subset of those in a source system. This modelled set of elements or concepts can represent various aspects, phenomena, ideas, or any subject matters in a source system that deemed relevant given a modelling purpose.

For example, a wind farm model or a solar farm model can have a scope that includes energy, heat, electricity, economics, finances, and weather conditions. Furthermore, the model may or may not include the change of weather conditions. In this case, we say that the change of weather conditions is within or out of the scope of the model.

Scale is the range (or sometimes extent or dimension) of the elements or concepts of a model representing a source system.

Scale, in general, implies a mapping relation from a model to its source system. The latter characterizes the range, extent or dimension captured by the model given a modelling purpose.

For example, a wind farm model may simulate the wind energy generation from all wind farms in the Netherlands for the next 10 years. In this case, we say that the geographical (or spatial) scale of the model is the Netherlands, and the time scale of the model is 10 years.

Scale is often deemed as being temporal or spatial, but it is not limited to these two types. It also can be defined with respect to objects, processes, or any other subject matters in a source system. For example, a model of a biological system may be at a scale of cell, tissue, organ or beyond.

Granularity and Resolution

Granularity refers to the level of details at which a model represents a source system. It is a property belongs to a model, and is often reflected by the number of variables, and the complexity of the relations of variables in the model.

Example 1: a wind farm model that simulates wind energy generation of all wind farms in the Netherlands, may represent each wind farm individually with different characteristics. In this case, the granularity of this model is higher or finer than a model that would represent all Dutch wind farms in an aggregated manner.

Example 2: a wind farm model that simulates wind energy generation for the next 10 years may calculate energy generation at yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly intervals. These are different temporal granularities on a time scale of 10 years.

Granularity can be structural (a.k.a. compositional) or atomic. Structural (or compositional) granularity is characterized by the number of model components and their relations within a composite model. Atomic granularity is characterized by the information details, i.e., the number of variables and their relations, within a non-compositional model.

Resolution typically refers to atomic (non-compositional) granularity, a.k.a. data granularity or data resolution.

Model parameters and Model inputs

Model parameters are constants that define the relationships among the variables in a model. Once set, the value of a model parameter does not change during one simulation run.

The distinction between these [variables and parameters] is not always clear cut, and it frequently depends on the context in which the variables appear. Usually a model is designed to explain the relationships that exist among quantities which can be measured independently in an experiment; these are the variables of the model. To formulate these relationships, however, one frequently introduces ‘constants’ which stand for inherent properties of nature (or of the materials and equipment used in a given experiment). These are the parameters.” Bard, Yonathan (1974). Nonlinear Parameter Estimation. New York: Academic Press. p.11.

For example, consider a simple model y=f(x) where f(x)=ax+b. Commonly known, x is the model input variable, y is the model output variable. The function f(x) defines the input-to-output relation in which a and b are the (constant) model parameters.

The term of model inputs is often used loosely. It may refer to model input variables, model input data, or both. Model input variables refer to a model’s independent variables. Model input data are used to configure a model’s independent variables and sometimes also model parameters.

In MMviB, model inputs can consist of static data and dynamic data.

Static data and Dynamic data

Static data are used to configure the independent variables, sometimes also parameters, in a model. They typically determine the boundary conditions and other initial conditions of a model. For instance, the placement of buildings, cables, and pipelines.

Static data are used for model configuration before the start of a simulation run. They are not used for model configuration during a simulation run.

Dynamic data are generated by the single (stand-alone) models in a multi-model workflow. In the MMviB project, both the (intermediate) outputs of the single models, and the (final) outputs of a multi-model, are deemed as dynamic data.

Note that dynamic output data of a single model often becomes dynamic input data of another (coupled) single model in a multi-model workflow. Dynamic data does not exist before a simulation run.

Multi-model and Multi-modelling

In MMviB, a multi-model is an (ensemble) model that consists of two or more single (independent) models that can interoperate to produce meaningful experimental outputs given a predefined modelling purpose.

In MMviB, multi-modelling refers to multi-model constitution as well as multi-model experimentation.

Multi-model infrastructure

In MMviB, multi-model infrastructure refers to all facilitating services (including software and methods) that enable multi-modelling. The multi-model infrastructure does not include the individual independent models themselves.

Multi-model constitution

In MMviB, multi-model constitution refers to design-time processes (and activities) of multi-model composition (including the workflow design) prior to multi-model experimentation.

This includes, e.g., the selection of plausible single models, the definition of data exchange methods and sequences, the adaptation required thereof, among others, with respect to a given modelling purpose.

Multi-model experimental setup

A multi-model experimental setup describes what is required to conduct a multi-model experiment. It consists of (1) a multi-model workflow (and workflow parameters), and (2) a multi-model configuration.

Multi-model workflow

A multi-model workflow defines a sequence of tasks (and thereby the sequence of individual model runs and the corresponding dynamic data flow) through which a multi-model experiment can be conducted from initialization to completion.

Multi-model configuration

A multi-model configuration defines a set of data (via static data) to set up a multi-model experiment, with respect to an experimental goal. A multi-model configuration is associated to a given multi-model workflow.

Workflow task and Model adapter

In MMviB, a workflow task calls a model (run), via a model adapter, and (if applicable) passes on references to model inputs. An orchestrator calls a workflow task and waits for the model run to be completed and collects a reference to the corresponding model output (i.e., dynamic data).

In MMviB, a model adapter is designed for a specific model with respect to model orchestration. A model adapter is responsible for the configuration and execution of a model run, and for collecting the corresponding model output.

A multi-model workflow task calls a model adapter, providing references to model inputs.

Model orchestrator and Model orchestration

In MMviB, a model orchestrator is responsible for model orchestration. An orchestrator controls a multi-model workflow that runs defined workflow tasks.

In MMviB, model orchestration refers to the overall management and automation of a multi-model experiment.

Model verification and Model validation

Model verification addresses the main question of “Did we build the model right?” It is the process of determining if an implemented model is consistent with the model specification.

Model validation addresses the main question of “Did we build the right model?” It is the process of establishing that the behaviours of the model and the source system agree in the frame in question, corresponding to the modelling purposes and the experimental frame.

Scenario and Scenario space

In general, a scenario is the description of one (possible) situation (including actions, events, etc.) that exists or could exist (in the past, at present, or in the future). In modelling and simulation, we refer to a single (configured) model setting as a modelling scenario. Ideally, a simulation scenario (definition) is platform- and model-independent. This means one scenario may be simulated by different models, each of which may have a platform- and model-specific setting that is necessary to run the experiments specific to that model.

For example, the four scenarios in the II3050 scenario space are the Europese, Internationale, Nationale, and Regionale sturing (in Dutch), each of which specifies a projection for future gas and electricity price profiles. An individual scenario goal might therefore be to identify the influence of the different price profiles on energy usage.

A scenario space consists of a (often large) set of scenarios that are guided by a modelling goal. An individual scenario goal is informed by a distinct set of (past, current, and/or future) ideals, conditions, and/or constraints, among others.

For example, the II3050 scenario space contains a set of four scenarios that provide a range of projections for future energy prices.

Experiment, Experimentation and Experimental frame

In general, a (scientific) experiment is a procedure that is driven by an experimental goal, to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. A simulation experiment serves the same purpose, with a model in place of the real system.

In MMviB, a (simulation) experimental goal guides one multi-model experimental setup as well as the selection of (multi-model) output metrics and KPIs.

An experimental goal can be, e.g., to calculate the gas and electricity usage given the price profile specified by a scenario. One scenario can form a basis for multiple experiments, e.g., with different (multi-) model configurations. This means one simulation scenario can have multiple simulation experiments.

In modelling and simulation, one experiment refers to one (multi-) model run (a.k.a., one simulation run) of a deterministic model, or replication runs (a.k.a. replications, i.e., repeated runs with random seeds) in case of a stochastic model, where the model has fixed configuration of parameter setting and input settings. This means an experiment is scenario-and-model specific.

Experimentation is a general term that refers to conducting experiments in a collective sense. It is the activity of conducting different experiments driven by different experimental goals.

An experimental frame is a term used initially by Zeigler (1976) to formally describe a model’s context with the goal of providing reproducible experiment descriptions. It specifies the conditions under which the modelled system is observed and experimented with.

Uncertainty analysis

Uncertainty analysis in modelling and simulation refers to the process of understanding how uncertainty in model parameters, model input and model structure affect the model output.

List of Terms in Alphabetical order

Abstraction Abstraction is a process of modelling that focuses on a source system and simplifies it by selecting a set of quantities and relationships that represent that source system given a modelling purpose. The validity of an abstraction is considered in relation to the modelling purpose and the experimental frame of a model.
Calculation model A calculation model refers to a computational model that makes numerical calculations. A calculation model is a static model.
Distributed simulation Distributed simulation is executed on distributed computer systems, namely systems composed of multiple interconnected computers.
Dynamic data

Dynamic data are generated by the single (stand-alone) models in a multi-model workflow. In the MMviB project, both the (intermediate) outputs of the single models, and the (final) outputs of a multi-model, are deemed as dynamic data.

Note that dynamic output data of a single model often becomes dynamic input data of another (coupled) single model in a multi-model workflow. Dynamic data does not exist before a simulation run.


In general, a (scientific) experiment is a procedure that is driven by an experimental goal, to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. A simulation experiment serves the same purpose, with a model in place of the real system.

In MMviB, a (simulation) experimental goal guides one multi-model experimental setup as well as the selection of (multi-model) output metrics and KPIs.

An experimental goal can be, e.g., to calculate the gas and electricity usage given the price profile specified by a scenario. One scenario can form a basis for multiple experiments, e.g., with different (multi-) model configurations. This means one simulation scenario can have multiple simulation experiments.

In modelling and simulation, one experiment refers to one (multi-) model run (a.k.a., one simulation run) of a deterministic model, or replication runs (a.k.a. replications, i.e., repeated runs with random seeds) in case of a stochastic model, where the model has fixed configuration of parameter setting and input settings. This means an experiment is scenario-and-model specific.

Experimental frame An experimental frame is a term used initially by Zeigler (1976) to formally describe a model’s context with the goal of providing reproducible experiment descriptions. It specifies the conditions under which the modelled system is observed and experimented with.
Experimentation Experimentation is a general term that refers to conducting experiments in a collective sense. It is the activity of conducting different experiments driven by different experimental goals.

Granularity refers to the level of details at which a model represents a source system. It is a property belongs to a model, and is often reflected by the number of variables, and the complexity of the relations of variables in the model.

Example 1: a wind farm model that simulates wind energy generation of all wind farms in the Netherlands, may represent each wind farm individually with different characteristics. In this case, the granularity of this model is higher or finer than a model that would represent all Dutch wind farms in an aggregated manner.

Example 2: a wind farm model that simulates wind energy generation for the next 10 years may calculate energy generation at yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly intervals. These are different temporal granularities on a time scale of 10 years.

Granularity can be structural (a.k.a. compositional) or atomic. Structural (or compositional) granularity is characterized by the number of model components and their relations within a composite model. Atomic granularity is characterized by the information details, i.e., the number of variables and their relations, within a non-compositional model.

Model adapter

In MMviB, a model adapter is designed for a specific model with respect to model orchestration. A model adapter is responsible for the configuration and execution of a model run, and for collecting the corresponding model output.

A multi-model workflow task calls a model adapter, providing references to model inputs.

Model inputs

The term of model inputs is used loosely by modelling practitioners. It may refer to model input variables, model input data, or both.

Model input variables refer to a model’s independent variables.

Model input data are used to configure a model’s independent variables and sometimes also model parameters.

In MMviB, model inputs can consist of static data and dynamic data.

Model orchestration In MMviB, model orchestration refers to the overall management and automation of a multi-model experiment.
Model orchestrator In MMviB, a model orchestrator is responsible for model orchestration. An orchestrator controls a multi-model workflow that runs defined workflow tasks.
Model parameters

Model parameters are constants that define the relationships among the variables in a model. Once set, the value of a model parameter does not change during one simulation run.

The distinction between these [variables and parameters] is not always clear cut, and it frequently depends on the context in which the variables appear. Usually a model is designed to explain the relationships that exist among quantities which can be measured independently in an experiment; these are the variables of the model. To formulate these relationships, however, one frequently introduces ‘constants’ which stand for inherent properties of nature (or of the materials and equipment used in a given experiment). These are the parameters.” Bard, Yonathan (1974). Nonlinear Parameter Estimation. New York: Academic Press. p.11.

For example, consider a simple model y=f(x) where f(x)=ax+b. Commonly known, x is the model input variable, y is the model output variable. Function f(x) defines the input-to-output relation in which a and b are the (constant) model parameters.

Model validation Model validation addresses the main question of “Did we build the right model?” It is the process of establishing that the behaviours of the model and the source system agree in the frame in question, corresponding to the modelling purposes and the experimental frame.
Model verification Model verification addresses the main question of “Did we build the model right?” It is the process of determining if an implemented model is consistent with the model specification.
Model A model is an abstraction of a system intended to replicate some properties of that system. This means that a model needs to possess three features. (1) Mapping feature. A model is based on an original system, existing or non-existing. We may call the original system a source system or a referent. (2) Reduction feature. A model only reflects a relevant selection of an original system’s properties. (3) Pragmatic feature. A model needs to be usable in place of an original system with respect to some purpose.
Multi-model configuration A multi-model configuration defines a set of data (via static data) to set up a multi-model experiment, with respect to an experimental goal. A multi-model configuration is associated to a given multi-model workflow.
Multi-model constitution

In MMviB, multi-model constitution refers to design-time processes (and activities) of multi-model composition (including the workflow design) prior to multi-model experimentation.

This includes, e.g., the selection of plausible single models, the definition of data exchange methods and sequences, the adaptation required thereof, among others, with respect to a given modelling purpose.

Multi-model experimental setup A multi-model experimental setup describes what is required to conduct a multi-model experiment. It consists of (1) a multi-model workflow (and workflow parameters), and (2) a multi-model configuration.
Multi-model infrastructure In MMviB, multi-model infrastructure refers to all facilitating services (including software and methods) that enable multi-modelling. The multi-model infrastructure does not include the individual independent models themselves.
Multi-model workflow A multi-model workflow defines a sequence of tasks (and thereby the sequence of individual model runs and the corresponding dynamic data flow) through which a multi-model experiment can be conducted from initialization to completion.
Multi-model In MMviB, a multi-model is an (ensemble) model that consists of two or more single (independent) models that can interoperate to produce meaningful experimental outputs given a predefined modelling purpose.
Multi-modelling In MMviB, multi-modelling refers to multi-model constitution as well as multi-model experimentation.
Operational goals Operational goals have a short-term planning horizon. They deal with the main question of “how do we plan day-to-day operations”. In terms of scope, these goals are the least broad. The achievement of operational goals leads to the achievement of tactical goals, which leads to the achievement of strategic goals.
Resolution Resolution typically refers to atomic (non-compositional) granularity, a.k.a. data granularity or data resolution.

Scale is the range (or sometimes extent or dimension) of the elements or concepts of a model representing a source system.

Scale, in general, implies a mapping relation from a model to its source system. The latter characterizes the range, extent or dimension captured by the model given a modelling purpose.

For example, a wind farm model may simulate the wind energy generation from all wind farms in the Netherlands for the next 10 years. In this case, we say that the geographical (or spatial) scale of the model is the Netherlands, and the time scale of the model is 10 years.

Scale is often deemed as being temporal or spatial, but it is not limited to these two types. It also can be defined with respect to objects, processes, or any other subject matters in a source system. For example, a model of a biological system may be at a scale of cell, tissue, organ or beyond.

Scenario space

A scenario space consists of a (often large) set of scenarios that are guided by a modelling goal. An individual scenario goal is informed by a distinct set of (past, current, and/or future) ideals, conditions, and/or constraints, among others.

For example, the II3050 scenario space contains a set of four scenarios that provide a range of projections for future energy prices.


In general, a scenario is the description of one (possible) situation (including actions, events, etc.) that exists or could exist (in the past, at present, or in the future). In modelling and simulation, we refer to a single (configured) model setting as a modelling scenario. Ideally, a simulation scenario (definition) is platform- and model-independent. This means one scenario may be simulated by different models, each of which may have a platform- and model-specific setting that is necessary to run the experiments specific to that model.

For example, the four scenarios in the II3050 scenario space are the Europese, Internationale, Nationale, and Regionale sturing (in Dutch), each of which specifies a projection for future gas and electricity price profiles. An individual scenario goal might therefore be to identify the influence of the different price profiles on energy usage.


Scope refers to the fact that a modelled set of diverse elements or concepts is a (selected) subset of those in a source system. This modelled set of elements or concepts can represent various aspects, phenomena, ideas, or any subject matters in a source system that deemed relevant given a modelling purpose.

For example, a wind farm model or a solar farm model can have a scope that includes energy, heat, electricity, economics, finances, and weather conditions. Furthermore, the model may or may not include the change of weather conditions. In this case, we say that the change of weather conditions is within or out of the scope of the model.

Simulation model

A (computational) simulation model is a piece of software that has a set of instructions that defines rules and constraints, among others, for generating input-to-output (I/O) behavior of the model.

Simulation is often used to imitate the operation of a real system by executing a model of that system over time. In this case, the model is executed (a.k.a. simulated) iteratively with changing model states by advancing a time axis (a.k.a. time-stepping). Simulation models of this kind are dynamic, as opposed to static models, which do not simulate systems change over time. A (computational) static model is not computed with time-stepping.

Source system A source system is also known as an original system, a target system, a system referent, a system of interest, etc. It refers to any system that is under modelling interest. This can be, for example, a natural system, an engineered system, a social system, etc., and a combination of any of these systems.
Static data

Static data are used to configure the independent variables, sometimes also parameters, in a model. They typically determine the boundary conditions and other initial conditions of a model. For instance, the placement of buildings, cables, and pipelines.

Static data are used for model configuration before the start of a simulation run. They are not used for model configuration during a simulation run.

Strategic goals Strategic goals have a long-term planning horizon. They deal with the main question of “what do we want”. These goals have the broadest scope compared to tactical and operational goals. In terms of cascading effect, strategic plans are cascaded to tactical plans, and subsequently to operational plans.
Tactical goals Tactical goals have a medium-term planning horizon. They deal with the main question of “how do we approach this” where this refers to a given strategic goal.
Uncertainty analysis The process of understanding how uncertainty in model parameters, model input and model structure affect the model output.
Workflow task In MMviB, a workflow task calls a model (run), via a model adapter, and (if applicable) passes on references to model inputs. An orchestrator calls a workflow task and waits for the model run to be completed and collects a reference to the corresponding model output (i.e., dynamic data).

Zeigler, B. P., Muzy, A., & Kofman, E. (2018). Theory of modeling and simulation: discrete event & iterative system computational foundations. Academic press.

Richard M. Fujimoto (2000), Parallel and distributed simulation systems. Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing, John Wiley & Sons.