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:class:`Input` -- Input Variables

.. currentmodule:: trep

param system:An instance of :class:`System` to add the variable to.
param name:A string that uniquely identifies the input variable.

An :class:`Input` instance represents a single variable in the input vector, u, of a mechanical system. Inputs are used by :class:`Force` to apply non-conservative forcing to the system (e.g, a torque or body wrench)

Input variables are created automatically by implementations of :class:`Force` when needed, so you do not need to create them directly unless defining a new force type. In that case, they should be created using :meth:`Force._create_input()`.

If a name is provided, it can be used to identify and retrieve input variables.

The current value of a single input variable can be accessed directly (:attr:`u`) or through :class:`System` to access all input variables at once (:attr:`System.u`).


Currently :mod:`trep` does not enforce unique names for input variables. It is recommended to provide a unique name for every :class:`Input` so they can be unambiguously retrieved by :meth:`System.get_input`.

Input Objects

.. attribute:: Input.u

   The current value of the input.

.. attribute:: Input.system

   The system that owns this input variable.

   *(read only)*

.. attribute:: Input.force

   The force that uses this input variable.

   *(read only)*

.. attribute::

   The name of this input variable or :data:`None`.

.. attribute:: Input.index

   The index of the input in :attr:`System.inputs`.