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:class:`Potential` -- Base Class for Potential Energies

.. currentmodule:: trep

param system:An instance of :class:`System` to add the potential to.
type system::class:`System`
param name:A string that uniquely identifies the potential energy.

This is the base class for all potential energies in a :class:`System`. It should never be created directly. Potential energies are created by instantiating a specific type of potential energy.

See :ref:`builtin_potential_energies` for the built-in types of potential energy. Additional potentials can be added through either the Python or C-API.

Potential energies represent conservative forces in a mechanical system like gravity and springs. Implementing these forces as potentials energies instead of generalized forces will result in improved simulations with better energetic and momentum conserving properties.

Potential Objects

.. attribute:: Potential.system

   The :class:`System` that this potential belongs to.


.. attribute::

   The name of this potential energy or :data:`None`.

.. method:: Potential.V()

   :rtype: :class:`Float`

   Return the value of this potential energy at the system's current
   state.  This function should be implemented by derived Potentials.

   .. table:: **Required for Calculations**

      ===================    ========
      Desired Calculation    Required
      ===================    ========
      Continuous Dynamics      n
      1st Derivative           n
      2nd Derivative           n
      Discrete Dynamics        n
      1st Derivative           n
      2nd Derivative           n
      ===================    ========

   .. note::

      This actual potential value is not used in discrete or
      continuous time dynamics/derivatives, so you do not need to
      implement it unless you need it for your own calculations.
      However, implementing it allows one to compare the derivative
      :meth:`V_dq` with a numeric approximation based on :meth:`V` to
      help debug your potential.

.. method:: Potential.V_dq(q1)

   :param q1: Derivative variable
   :type q1: :class:`Config`
   :rtype: :class:`Float`

   Return the derivative of V with respect to *q1*.

   .. table:: **Required for Calculations**

      ===================    ========
      Desired Calculation    Required
      ===================    ========
      Continuous Dynamics      Y
      1st Derivative           Y
      2nd Derivative           Y
      Discrete Dynamics        Y
      1st Derivative           Y
      2nd Derivative           Y
      ===================    ========

.. method:: Potential.V_dqdq(q1, q2)

   :param q1: Derivative variable
   :type q1: :class:`Config`
   :param q2: Derivative variable
   :type q2: :class:`Config`
   :rtype: :class:`Float`

   Return the second derivative of V with respect to *q1* and *q2*.

   .. table:: **Required for Calculations**

      ===================    ========
      Desired Calculation    Required
      ===================    ========
      Continuous Dynamics      n
      1st Derivative           Y
      2nd Derivative           Y
      Discrete Dynamics        Y
      1st Derivative           Y
      2nd Derivative           Y
      ===================    ========

.. method:: Potential.V_dqdqdq(q1, q2, q3)

   :param q1: Derivative variable
   :type q1: :class:`Config`
   :param q2: Derivative variable
   :type q2: :class:`Config`
   :param q3: Derivative variable
   :type q3: :class:`Config`
   :rtype: :class:`Float`

   Return the third derivative of V with respect to *q1*, *q2*, and

   .. table:: **Required for Calculations**

      ===================    ========
      Desired Calculation    Required
      ===================    ========
      Continuous Dynamics      n
      1st Derivative           n
      2nd Derivative           Y
      Discrete Dynamics        n
      1st Derivative           n
      2nd Derivative           Y
      ===================    ========

Verifying Derivatives of the Potential

It is important that the derivatives of :meth:`V` are correct. The easiest way to check their correctness is to approximate each derivative using numeric differentiation. These methods are provided to perform this test. The derivatives are only compared at the current configuration of the system. For improved coverage, try running each test several times at different configurations.

.. method:: Potential.validate_V_dq(delta=1e-6, tolerance=1e-6, verbose=False)
            Potential.validate_V_dqdq(delta=1e-6, tolerance=1e-6, verbose=False)
            Potential.validate_V_dqdqdq(delta=1e-6, tolerance=1e-6, verbose=False)

   :param delta: Amount to add to each configuration
   :param tolerance: Acceptable difference between the calculated and
                     approximate derivatives
   :param verbose: Boolean to print error and result messages.
   :rtype: Boolean indicating if all tests passed

   Check the derivatives against the approximate numeric derivative
   calculated from one less derivative (i.e,, approximate :meth:`V_dq`
   from :meth:`V` and :meth:`V_dqdq` from :meth:`V_dq`).

   See :meth:`System.test_derivative_dq` for details of the
   approximation and comparison.


.. method:: Potential.opengl_draw()

   Draw a representation of this potential energy in the current
   OpenGL context.  The OpenGL coordinate frame will be in the
   System's root coordinate frame.

   This function is called by the automatic visualization tools.  The
   default implementation does nothing.