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185 lines (147 loc) · 7.52 KB

Calculate optimal switching time

Now let us calculate the optimal time to switch between the energy shaping swing-up controller and the linear feedback stabilizing controller. In order to determine this time, tools from optimal control are employed; however, the details of why these tools work is not explained here. The point is to show how trep facilitates the implementation because it has already precomputed all the necessary derivatives.

Create pendulum system

The code used to create the pendulum system and the controllers is identical to the previous sections, except a new variable has been added that designates the switching time. This is initially set to an initial guess equal to one-half the final time. We will then use this initial guess to find the optimal switching time. This variable is tau is highlighted in the code below.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :start-after: # Import necessary python modules
    :end-before: # Create cost
    :emphasize-lines: 21

Create cost

In order to perform an optimization anything there must be some sort of cost functional that is desirable to minimize. Trep has built in objects to deal with cost functions and that is what is used here.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :start-after: # Create cost
    :end-before: # Helper functions

The cost object is created with the :mod:`trep.discopt.DCost` method, which takes in a state trajectory, input trajectory, state weighting matrix, and input weighting matrix.

In this case we used the same trajectories and weights that were used for the design of the linear feedback controller that stabilizes the pendulum to the upright unstable equilibrium.

Below is a list of the properties and methods of the cost class.

>>> cost.
cost.Q       cost.R       cost.l_du    cost.l_dx    cost.l_dxdx  cost.m_dx    cost.ud
cost.Qf      cost.l       cost.l_dudu  cost.l_dxdu  cost.m       cost.m_dxdx  cost.xd

Please refer to the :ref:`Discrete Trajectory Cost <trep_dcost>` documentation to learn more this object.

Angle utility functions

Since we would like the :doc:`stabilizing controller <linearFeedbackController>` to stabilize to any multiple of \pi, two helper functions are used to wrap the angles to between 0 and 2\pi and between -\pi and \pi.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :pyobject: wrapTo2Pi

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :pyobject: wrapToPi

Simulate function

The simulation of the system is done exactly the same way as in previous sections, except this time the forward simulation is wrapped into its own function. This makes running the optimization simpler because the simulate function can be called with different switching times instead of having to have multiple copies of the same code.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :pyobject: simulateForward
    :end-before: # Optimize
    :emphasize-lines: 30,46

The choice of which controller to use within the simulation function is decided based on if the simulation time is less than the switching time (highlighted above). If the simulation time is less than tau then the swing-up controller is used, otherwise the linear stabilizing controller is used. Also note that we store and return a vector of the derivatives of the dynamics with respect to the state (highlighted above) i.e. :mod:`trep.discopt.DSystem.fdx`.


The optimization of the switching time is done in the standard way of using a gradient decent method to minimize a cost function with respect to the switching time. Both a descent direction and a step size must be calculated. The negative gradient of the cost to the switching time is used for the descent direction. Therefore, the switching time is updated with the following

\tau(k+1) = \tau(k) - \gamma*\frac{\partial J}{\partial \tau(k)}

where \tau is the switching time, \gamma is the step size, and J is the cost function.

To calculate the negative gradient in each iteration of the optimization, first the system is simulated forward from the initial time to the final time. Then the costate of the system is simulated backward from the final time to the switching time. The gradient at the switching time is the inner product of the difference between the two control laws and the costate.

Trep greatly simplifies this calculation because it has already calculated the necessary derivatives. In the simulation function the derivative of the system with respect to x (highlighted above) is stored at each time instance. Also, the derivative of the cost with respect to x has been already calculated with trep. Both of these derivatives are used in the backward simulation of the costate (highlighted below).

An Armijo line search is used to calculate the step size in each iteration of the optimization.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :start-after: # Optimize
    :end-before: # Simulate with optimal switching time
    :emphasize-lines: 15,16

The results of each iteration are then printed to the screen. The optimization stops when the gradient is smaller than 0.001 or the number iteration is 10 or more. Once the optimization completes the optimal switching time is printed to the screen.

Simulate with optimal switching time

Once the optimal switching time is calculated the system can be simulated forward from its initial configuration. It will reach its desired configuration given the constrained input by switching between the two controllers. In addition, this switch is performed at the optimal time.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :start-after: # Simulate with optimal switching time
    :end-before: # Visualize the system in action

From the output of the simulation you can see that it take 3 iteration to converge to the optimal switching time of 4.63.

>>> %run
Optimization iteration: 1
Current switch time: 5.00
New switch time: 4.79
Current cost: 9680.81
Parital of cost to switch time: 1.70
Optimization iteration: 2
Current switch time: 4.79
New switch time: 4.63
Current cost: 9214.82
Parital of cost to switch time: 0.62
Optimization iteration: 3
Current switch time: 4.63
New switch time: 4.63
Current cost: 9204.84
Parital of cost to switch time: 0.00
Optimal switch time: 4.63

Visualize the system in action

The visualization is created just as in previous sections.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/
    :start-after: # Visualize the system in action


Let's also plot the state, input, and cost verse time.


Just for reference the cost verse switching time is shown for all switching times from time zero to the final time. You can see that the optimization does find a switching time with a local minimum in the cost. Clearly, this cost verse switching time is non-convex, thus our gradient descent method only finds a local minimizer, and not a global minimizer.

bruteForceOptimize.png code

Below is the entire script used in this section of the tutorial.

.. literalinclude:: ./code_snippets/