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File metadata and controls

102 lines (82 loc) · 3.64 KB

UIHorizontalSlider Theming Parameters

The :class:`UIHorizontalSlider <pygame_gui.elements.UIHorizontalSlider>` theming block id is 'horizontal_slider'.



A diagram of which part of the element is themed by which colour parameter. The slider's buttons are themed in a separate block.

:class:`UIHorizontalSlider <pygame_gui.elements.UIHorizontalSlider>` makes use of these colour parameters in a 'colours' block. All of these colours can also be a colour gradient:

  • "dark_bg" - The background colour/gradient of the 'back' of the slider, the colour of the track that the sliding part moves along.
  • "normal_border" - The border colour/gradient of the slider.
  • "disabled_dark_bg" - The colour/gradient of the track when disabled.
  • "disabled_border" - The border colour/gradient of the slider when disabled.


:class:`UIHorizontalSlider <pygame_gui.elements.UIHorizontalSlider>` accepts the following miscellaneous parameters in a 'misc' block:

  • "shape" - Can be one of 'rectangle' or 'rounded_rectangle'. Different shapes for this UI element.
  • "shape_corner_radius" - Only used if our shape is 'rounded_rectangle'. It sets the radius used for the rounded corners.
  • "border_width" - the width in pixels of the border around the slider. Defaults to 1.
  • "shadow_width" - the width in pixels of the shadow behind the slider. Defaults to 1.
  • "enable_arrow_buttons" - Enables or disables the arrow buttons for the slider. "1" is enabled, "0" is disabled. Defaults to "1".
  • "sliding_button_width" - Sets the width of the sliding button. Defaults to "20".


You can reference all of the buttons that are sub elements of the slider with a theming block id of 'horizontal_slider.button'. You can reference both of the arrow buttons with the class_id: '@arrow_button'. You can also reference the buttons individually by adding their object IDs:

  • 'horizontal_slider.#left_button'
  • 'horizontal_slider.#right_button'
  • 'horizontal_slider.#sliding_button'

There is more information on theming buttons at :ref:`theme-button`.


Here is an example of a horizontal slider block in a JSON theme file, using the parameters described above (and some from UIButton).

             "normal_bg": "#25292e",
             "hovered_bg": "#35393e",
             "disabled_bg": "#25292e",
             "selected_bg": "#25292e",
             "active_bg": "#193784",
             "dark_bg": "#15191e,#202020,0",
             "normal_text": "#c5cbd8",
             "hovered_text": "#FFFFFF",
             "selected_text": "#FFFFFF",
             "disabled_text": "#6d736f"
            "shape": "rectangle",
            "enable_arrow_buttons": "0",
            "sliding_button_width": "15"
            "border_width": "1"
            "normal_bg": "#FF0000"