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Redo BBC Weather source
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Seems the BBC had the urge to prettify (and break) their weather pages.  The
search now returns a different ID than the RSS feeds that we have been using.
Luckily, the RSS ID number seems to still be buried in the HTML, and they are
saying they'll have the RSS feeds linked "very soon".  Meanwhile this should

This adds another requirement for Perl modules: JSON.

Fixes #10204
  • Loading branch information
Beirdo committed Dec 14, 2011
1 parent d53a234 commit b7c2e38
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 262 additions and 129 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions mythplugins/configure
Expand Up @@ -460,6 +460,7 @@ if ! disabled weather; then
check_pl_lib "DateTime::Format::ISO8601" ||
disable_weather "DateTime::Format::ISO8601"
check_pl_lib "SOAP::Lite" || disable_weather "SOAP::Lite"
check_pl_lib "JSON" || disable_weather "JSON"

if test "$dcraw" != "no" ; then
Expand Down
270 changes: 181 additions & 89 deletions mythplugins/mythweather/mythweather/scripts/uk_bbc/
@@ -1,120 +1,212 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:ai:et:si:sts=4

package BBCLocation;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
use LWP::Simple;

our @EXPORT = qw(Search);
our $VERSION = 0.2;
use utf8;
use encoding 'utf8';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
use XML::XPath;
use XML::XPath::XMLParser;
use URI::Escape;

our @EXPORT = qw(Search FindLoc);
our $VERSION = 0.3;

my @searchresults;
my @resulturl;
my $resultcount = -1;

sub Search {
my ($search_string, $dir, $timeout, $logdir) = @_;
$search_string = uri_escape($search_string);

my $base_url = '';
my $world_base_url = $base_url . 'lowgraphics=true&region=world&search=';
my $local_base_url = $base_url . 'lowgraphics=true&region=uk&search=';
my $base_url = '' .
my $search_url = $base_url . '?ptrt=/&search=';

my $search_string = shift;

my $world_response = get $world_base_url . $search_string;
my $local_response = get $local_base_url . $search_string;
my $file = $search_string;
getCachedJSON($search_url . $search_string, $dir, $file, $timeout, $logdir);

&parseResults($world_response) if defined($world_response);
&parseResults($local_response) if defined($local_response);
my $cachefile = "$dir/$file.json";
my $cachefile1 = "$dir/$file-results.html";
my $cachefile2 = "$dir/$file-pagination.html";

if ( ($resultcount > 0 ) && ($#searchresults < 0) ) {
foreach my $url (@resulturl) {
my $url_response = get $base_url . $url;
die unless defined $url_response;
open OF, "<:utf8", $cachefile or die "Can't read $cachefile: $!\n";
my $content = do { local $/; <OF> };
close OF;

return @searchresults;
my $decoded = decode_json $content;
$resultcount = $decoded->{"noOfResults"};

sub parseResults {
my $response = shift;
my $isresults = 0;
my $resultline = "";

# Initialise a hash for the $locid & $locname results.

# Use of a hash indexed by $locid ensures that more informative results
# (e.g. "Sale, Australia" vs. "Sale") coming from <p class="response">
# section will overwrite less informative results coming from
# <span id="printbutton_Forecast"> section

my %loc_hash = ();

foreach (split("\n", $response)) {

# Declare a result if either the '<p class="response"> OR <span id="printbutton_Forecast"> strings are found
# This ensures that single and multiple matches are caught

if (/<p class=\"response\">/ || /<span id=\"printbutton_Forecast\">/) {
$isresults = 1;
get_results($cachefile1, \%loc_hash);

if (exists $decoded->{"pagination"}) {
my %pages = ();
my $xp = XML::XPath->new(filename => $cachefile2);
my $nodeset = $xp->find("//ol/li/a");
foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
my $url = $node->getAttribute("href");
my $num = $node->string_value;
$url =~ s/&amp;/&/;
$num =~ s/ //g;
$pages{$num} = $url;

my $locname;
my $locid;
my $url;

if ($isresults) {
last if (/There are no forecasts matching/);

$resultcount = $1 if (/<strong>There \w{2,3} (\d*) forecasts? matching/);

# Collect result URLs
if (/<a id=\"result_\d*\" .* href \=\"?.*search\=.*/) {
$url = $_;
$url =~ s/.*href \=\"(.*)\".*/$1/s;
push (@resulturl, $url);

# Collect location IDs and location names
elsif (/<a id=\"result_\d*\" .* href \=\"\/weather\/forecast\//) {
$locid = $_;
$locid =~ s/.*\/weather\/forecast\/(\d{0,5})\?.*/$1/s;

$locname = $_;
$locname =~ s/.*<a id=\"result_\d*\".*>(.*)<\/a>.*/$1/s;

$resultline = $locid . "::" . $locname;

$loc_hash{$locid} = $locname;

# Extract location ID and name from "Print <location>" link

# This string is always present (provided valid search result - invalid results are caught above)
# irresepective of whether single or multiple matches are returned

elsif (/<span id=\"printbutton_Forecast\"><a title=\"Print (.+)\" href=\"\/weather\/forecast\/(\d{0,5})?/o)
$locid = $2;
$locname = $1;

$loc_hash{$locid} = $locname;
foreach my $page (keys %pages)
getCachedJSON($base_url . $pages{$page}, $dir, $file . "-$page",
$timeout, $logdir);

my $cachefile3 = "$dir/$file-$page-results.html";
get_results($cachefile3, \%loc_hash);

# Loop through contents of %loc_hash, check for existence within @searchresults, and add as necessary

my @searchresults = ();
foreach my $key (keys %loc_hash)
my $resultline = $key."::".$loc_hash{$key};

if (! grep(/^$key/, @searchresults))
push (@searchresults, $resultline);
push (@searchresults, $resultline);

return @searchresults;

sub getCachedJSON {
my ($url, $dir, $file, $timeout, $logdir) = @_;

my $cachefile = "$dir/$file.json";
my $cachefile1 = "$dir/$file-results.html";
my $cachefile2 = "$dir/$file-pagination.html";

my $now = time();
my $decoded;

log_print( $logdir, "Loading URL: $url\n" );

if( (-e $cachefile) and ((stat($cachefile))[9] >= ($now - $timeout)) ) {
# File cache is still recent.
log_print( $logdir, "cached in $cachefile\n" );
} else {
log_print( $logdir, "$url\ncaching to $cachefile\n" );

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header('Accept-Language' => "en");

my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ( !$response->is_success ) {
die $response->status_line;

open OF, ">:utf8", $cachefile or die "Can't open $cachefile: $!\n";
print OF $response->content;
close OF;

$decoded = decode_json $response->content;

open OF, ">:utf8", $cachefile1 or die "Can't open $cachefile1: $!\n";
print OF "<html>".$decoded->{"results"}."</html>";
close OF;

if (exists $decoded->{"pagination"}) {
open OF, ">:utf8", $cachefile2 or
die "Can't open $cachefile2: $!\n";
print OF "<html>".$decoded->{"pagination"}."</html>";
close OF;
} else {
unlink $cachefile2;

sub get_results {
my ($file, $outhash) = @_;

my $xp = XML::XPath->new(filename => $file);
my $nodeset = $xp->find("//ul/li/a");
foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
my $url = $node->getAttribute("href");
my $loc = $node->string_value;

$url =~ s/^\/weather\///;
$outhash->{$url} = $loc;

print "$url"."::$loc\n";

sub log_print {
return if not defined $::opt_D;
my $dir = shift;

open OF, ">>$dir/uk_bbc.log";
print OF @_;
close OF;

sub FindLoc {
my ($locid, $dir, $timeout, $logdir) = @_;

my $url = "$locid";

my $file = "$locid.html";
getCachedHTML($url, $dir, $file, $timeout, $logdir);

my $cachefile = "$dir/$file";

open OF, "<:utf8", $cachefile;
my $contents = do { local $/; <OF>; };
close OF;

my ($rssid) = ($contents =~ /data-loc="(.*?)"/);
die "No RSS Location found for ID $locid!\n" unless defined $rssid;

$rssid =~ s/^LOC-//;
return $rssid;

sub getCachedHTML {
my ($url, $dir, $file, $timeout, $logdir) = @_;

my $cachefile = "$dir/$file";

my $now = time();

log_print( $logdir, "Loading URL: $url\n" );

if( (-e $cachefile) and ((stat($cachefile))[9] >= ($now - $timeout)) ) {
# File cache is still recent.
log_print( $logdir, "cached in $cachefile\n" );
} else {
log_print( $logdir, "$url\ncaching to $cachefile\n" );

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header('Accept-Language' => "en");

my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ( !$response->is_success ) {
die $response->status_line;

my $content = $response->content;
open OF, ">:utf8", $cachefile or die "Can't open $cachefile: $!\n";
print OF $content;
close OF;


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