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MythGame: Add a MAWS (MAME) Metadata grabber.
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There are a few issues with the forthcoming grabber chooser with this script, but it's close enough that it should be committed.  Script by Auric.
  • Loading branch information
Robert McNamara committed Jan 23, 2011
1 parent 6f63367 commit f21ff18
Showing 1 changed file with 255 additions and 0 deletions.
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions mythplugins/mythgame/mythgame/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# @(#)$Header: /home/mythtv/mythtvrep/scripts/,v 1.3 2010/06/04 07:48:49 mythtv Exp $
# Auric 2010/01/10
# MAWS metadata Grabber Script
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use HTML::Entities;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode;

#################################### Settings #################################
my $info = 0; # print info/progress message: 0 - off, 1 - low ,2 - high
my $infoop = 0; # info messages go to: 0 = stderr, filename = filename

#################################### Globals ##################################
my $site = 'MAWS';
my $baseurl = '';
my $searchurl = $baseurl . "/maws/srch.php?search_text=";
my $header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
my $footer = '</metadata>';
our ($opt_M, $opt_D);
my @metaitems;
#################################### Util Subs ############################################
# If you copy this for another site, hopefully these won't need to changed

sub cleanexit {
my $esig = shift @_;

fileno(FH) and close(FH);
if ($esig =~ /\D/) {
# called by signalhandler
exit 1;
} else {
exit $esig;

sub infomsg {
my $level = shift @_;
my $mesg = shift @_;

($info < $level) and return;
$mesg = encode('utf8', $mesg);
if ($infoop =~ /\D/) {
open(FH, ">$infoop") unless fileno(FH);
my $t = localtime();
print FH "$t $level $mesg\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$mesg\n";

sub cleantext {
my $text = shift @_;

($text) or return;
$text =~ s/\n/ /g;
$text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$text = encode_entities($text);
return $text;

sub printitems {

foreach my $i (@metaitems) {
my %item = %{$i};
print " ".'<item>'."\n";
print " ".'<title>'.$item{'title'}.'</title>'."\n";
print " ".'<inetref>'.$item{'inetref'}.'</inetref>'."\n";
print " ".'<description>'.$item{'description'}.'</description>'."\n";
print " ".'<system>MAME</system>'."\n";
print " ".'<categories>'."\n";
print " ".'<category type="genre" name="'.$item{'genre'}.'"/>'."\n";
print " ".'</categories>'."\n";
print " ".'<studios>'."\n";
print " ".'<studio name="'.$item{'studio'}.'"/>'."\n";
print " ".'</studios>'."\n";
print " ".'<year>'.$item{'year'}.'</year>'."\n";
print " ".'<images>'."\n";
print " ".'<image type="screenshot" thumb="'.$item{'screenshotthumb'}.'" url="'.$item{'screenshoturl'}.'"/>'."\n";
print " ".'<image type="coverart" thumb="'.$item{'coverthumb'}.'" url="'.$item{'coverurl'}.'"/>'."\n";
print " ".'</images>'."\n";
print " ".'<popularity>'.$item{'popularity'}.'</popularity>'."\n";
print " ".'</item>'."\n";

#################################### Site Specific Subs ##########################
sub search {
my $searchstr = shift @_;

my $content = get(${searchurl} . ${searchstr});
unless ($content) {
die "Could not retrieve ${searchurl}${searchstr}";
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
eval { $tree->parse($content); };
if ($@) {
die "$searchurl parse failed, $@";

my @trs = $tree->find_by_tag_name('tr');
foreach my $tr (@trs) {
my @as = $tr->find_by_tag_name('a');
my $count = 0;
foreach my $a (@as) {
($count++ < 2) && next;
($a->as_trimmed_text()) || last;
$a->attr('href') =~ /romset/ || last;
my $title = cleantext($a->as_trimmed_text());
my $inetref = $a->attr('href');
$inetref =~ s/\#.*$//;
$inetref =~ s/^\/maws\///;
$inetref = cleantext($baseurl . "/maws/" . $inetref);
push(@metaitems, {
'title' => $title,
'inetref' => $inetref,
'description' => "",
'genre' => "",
'studio' => "",
'year' => "",
'coverthumb' => "",
'coverurl' => "",
'screenshotthumb' => "",
'screenshoturl' => "",
'popularity' => ""
return 0;

sub queryinetref {
my $inetref = shift @_;

my $content = get(${inetref});
unless ($content) {
die "Could not retrieve ${inetref}";
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
eval { $tree->parse($content); };
if ($@) {
die "$inetref parse failed, $@";

my $title = "";
my $description = "";
my $genre = "";
my $studio = "";
my $year = "";
my $coverthumb = "";
my $coverurl = "";
my $screenshoturl = "";
my $screenshotthumb = "";
my $popularity = "";
my @trs = $tree->find_by_tag_name('tr');
foreach my $tr (@trs) {
my @tds = $tr->find_by_tag_name('td');
foreach my $td (@tds) {
if ($td->as_trimmed_text() eq "title" ) {
my $right = $td->right();
($right) and $title = cleantext($right->as_trimmed_text());
} elsif ($td->as_trimmed_text() eq "manufacturer" ) {
my $right = $td->right();
($right) and $studio = cleantext($right->as_trimmed_text());
} elsif ($td->as_trimmed_text() eq "year" ) {
my $right = $td->right();
($right) and $year = cleantext($right->as_trimmed_text());
} elsif ($td->as_trimmed_text() eq "genre" ) {
my $right = $td->right();
($right) and $genre = cleantext($right->as_trimmed_text());
} elsif ($td->as_trimmed_text() eq "snapshots" ) {
my $right = $td->right();
my @as = $tree->find_by_tag_name('a');
foreach my $a (@as) {
if ((!$screenshoturl) && $a->as_trimmed_text() =~ /in game/) {
if ($a->attr('onClick')) {
$screenshoturl = $a->attr('onClick');
$screenshoturl =~ s/.*\'(.*)\'.*/$1/;
$screenshoturl =~ s/^\.\.//;
$screenshoturl =~ s/^\///;
$screenshoturl = cleantext($baseurl . "/" . $screenshoturl);
# Making thumb same as they are small.
#$screenshotthumb = $screenshoturl;
if ($a->as_trimmed_text() =~ /flyer/) {
$coverurl = cleantext($baseurl . $a->attr('href'));
# Making thumb same as they are small.
#$coverthumb = $coverurl;
} elsif ($td->as_trimmed_text() eq "rating" ) {
my $right = $td->right();
my $d = $right->find_by_tag_name('div');
if ($d->attr('title')) {
$popularity = $d->attr('title');
$popularity =~ s/(.*)%.*/$1/;
$popularity = int(($popularity / 10) + 0.5);
push(@metaitems, {
'title' => $title,
'inetref' => $inetref,
'description' => $description,
'genre' => $genre,
'studio' => $studio,
'year' => $year,
'coverthumb' => $coverthumb,
'coverurl' => $coverurl,
'screenshotthumb' => $screenshotthumb,
'screenshoturl' => $screenshoturl,
'popularity' => $popularity
return 0;

#################################### Main #####################################

unless (($opt_M) || ($opt_D)){
print "Error must have either -M search str or -D inetref\n";
cleanexit 1;

$SIG{'INT'} = \&cleanexit;
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&cleanexit;
$SIG{'TERM'} = \&cleanexit;
$SIG{'QUIT'} = \&cleanexit;

print "$header\n";

if ($opt_M) {
} elsif ($opt_D) {

print "$footer\n";

cleanexit 0;

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